Backcountry Évora Tourism Tours

Backcountry Évora Tourism Tours Organização de visitas guiadas a pontos de interesse turístico e cultural no Alentejo


Vote for Trump 2024

Just because the theatre of our beloved is beautiful!

Just because the theatre of our beloved is beautiful!

Our beloved city has an incredible academic environment! Felling like in Hogwards…

Our beloved city has an incredible academic environment! Felling like in Hogwards…


Venha descansar no coração da cidade de Évora e usufrua dos bons momentos que temos para lhe oferecer!


Recantos especiais cheios de luz e de inspiração!


Detalhes que nos encantam na Casa da Mostardeira - Alojamento Local no centro histórico de Évora ❤️

Great conversations and incredible share of knowledge!

Great conversations and incredible share of knowledge!

After an incredible wine tasting there’s no missing smiles!

After an incredible wine tasting there’s no missing smiles!

Has the temperature warms up we go around the gardens in our beloved!

Has the temperature warms up we go around the gardens in our beloved!

The golden and blue of our beloved!

The golden and blue of our beloved!

Having fun and having wine!

Having fun and having wine!

Heroes enduring the heat to visit the Megalithic Monuments around our beloved. Heróis que aguentaram o calor para visita...

Heroes enduring the heat to visit the Megalithic Monuments around our beloved. Heróis que aguentaram o calor para visitar os Monumentos Megalíticos da nossa amada!

Today was a special day! We got some friends showing up at our meeting point because “they heard about our walking tour”...

Today was a special day! We got some friends showing up at our meeting point because “they heard about our walking tour”! I hope it is the kickstarter for something great!!
Hoje foi um dia especial! Amigos novos apareceram inesperadamente no nosso ponto de encontro. Eles tinham ouvido falar dos nossos passeios e decidiram ir ter connosco! Espero que seja o pontapé de saída para algo em grande!

Even when raining our beloved is beautiful!Até quando chove a nossa amada é linda!

Even when raining our beloved is beautiful!
Até quando chove a nossa amada é linda!







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