Dreamland Portugal

Dreamland Portugal Informações para nos contactar, mapa e direções, formulário para nos contactar, horário de funcionamento, serviços, classificações, fotos, vídeos e anúncios de Dreamland Portugal, Agência de viagens, Alcobaça.


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Follow me on "J.Winkler - Art my way"

writer | self-publisher | photography
Art my way - how I think and see, presented in words and pictures

𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲Life in dreamlandGoing abroad is easy for me. On the one hand, Portugal is not out of the world, on the o...

𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲
Life in dreamland

Going abroad is easy for me. On the one hand, Portugal is not out of the world, on the other hand, this path has been planned for a long time.

Germany?! Well, most of my life was there (60 years) ... born in Saxony with stations in Hesse, Bavaria and finally Baden-Württemberg. I worked for a Swiss insurance company for the last 25 years of my working life - in the middle of the banking metropolis of Frankfurt am Main. I will miss a lot and some things I won't. As written ... emigrate is easy for me.

What do I leave behind in Germany? Family and friends, of course. Even if not everyone expected me to actually do it. It would have been too easy to stay here, enjoy retirement.... and...? Yes what actually.

Portugal is my, our challenge. Life in Dreamland - The Complete Story on Dreamland Portugal, the Magazine, our FB Accounts and Instagram.

Basically Karla and I start at the same time in 2023 in Portugal. Karla is in Europe almost all year round. In 2024 she will officially live in Portugal.

Members area: (Will be activated soon!) It's almost time, everything is being prepared. Lots of things happen. The magaz...

Members area: (Will be activated soon!) It's almost time, everything is being prepared. Lots of things happen. The magazine arrives and emigration to Portugal is planned for spring. We are emigrating and you were always with us. Exclusive insights into our work, our life. Log in to Winkler & Cabral to unlock exclusive content. ...


Winkler & Cabral in a new outfit, with more information and new topics.  In addition to our 3 well-known brands: "Projec...

Winkler & Cabral in a new outfit, with more information and new topics. In addition to our 3 well-known brands: "Project Globetrotter", "PG Magazine" and "Dreamland Portugal" which are presented, there are now also books and photos.

For example, a section of the "Books by Karla Evelise" that have already been published.
"PhotoArt" is another building block from Winkler & Cabral. Selected photos by Juergen Winkler are available under FotoArt.

A member's area is brand new. If you wish, you can become a member of Winkler & Cabral. There's more information before others see it. Or advertising opportunities. Companies can also become members. Launch: January 1, 2023

Companies themselves have two other options to support us as partners or to advertise on our site without membership. There is information under "Your ad here" and under "Sponsorship".

A video section is available with all our YouTube and TikTok videos. Especially in 2023/2024 there will be a lot of new things in this area.

In the not too distant future there will also be a fan shop. This will take some time, but it is in preparation. It should be ready at the beginning of 2023.

We are a growing company that enjoys what we do.

One dream, one team, one success -
Winkler & Cabral

The main page of Winkler & Cabral. Information and news about Winkler & Cabral, Project Globetrotter, PG Magazine and Dreamland Portugal.

Sonho viver em Portugal há mais de 5 anos e desde que este sonho conquistou o meu coração, vejo-me esperando pacientemen...

Sonho viver em Portugal há mais de 5 anos e desde que este sonho conquistou o meu coração, vejo-me esperando pacientemente que a vontade de Deus determine o momento certo para eu tomar esta atitude...

Desde o momento em que fizemos o Project Globetrotter... comecei a conversar com o fotógrafo alemão Juergen Winkler sobre meus planos. Então começamos a sonhar juntos que a sede do projeto Globetrotter funcionaria em Portugal. E com isso, o projeto começa a funcionar em um país, mesmo sob a direção de um brasileiro e um alemão.

E começamos a colocar isso em prática. O prognóstico para a mudança permanente da Globetrotter brasileira Karla Evelise é maio de 2024, devido a um relatório médico no Brasil sobre o tratamento "pós-câncer de mama", mas o Globetrotter alemão Jürgen Winkler já está iniciando os preparativos para fevereiro/março.
O globetrotter brasileiro estará junto nesta viagem.
Por isso, decidimos compartilhar com vocês cada momento dessa mudança, qual será o caminho que escolhemos. Decidimos fazer esta road trip da Alemanha a Portugal e levar-te connosco! Atravessaremos a França e a Espanha. E vamos documentar tudo o que vamos viver passo a passo aqui nesta página. Explica que tipos de vistos existem em Portugal, como abrimos as nossas contas bancárias, como alugamos os nossos imóveis, quais serão as nossas experiências e dificuldades com as autoridades de imigração, que documentos necessitamos para a nossa legalização no país, como será o empresa em Portugal abre?, que lugar escolhemos para viver, o que vai acontecer. Durante o processo vamos compartilhar com vocês todas as dificuldades que temos, vamos compartilhar com vocês todas as alegrias que temos, todas as conquistas que temos... em tempo real aqui no grupo você vai saber tudo que vai acontecer da excursão. .. onde começa na Alemanha até o dia em que recebemos os documentos de residência nesse país.

Venha conosco, junte-se aos Globetrotters nesta aventura!

Você não vai se arrepender. E ao longo do caminho vamos compartilhar informações, vamos ajudar com as informações que coletamos e vamos pedir ajuda aqui caso tenhamos alguma dúvida com alguma pessoa que já tenha feito esse processo de migração.

Pronto para o desafio? Estamos abrindo novos caminhos junto com o projeto Globetrotter?

Já aceitamos dicas para uma estadia na Espanha. Pontos turísticos e mostrar que você está no nosso roteiro, curiosidades, dicas de viagem em geral!

I have dreamed of living in Portugal for over 5 years and ever since this dream captured my heart, I see myself patientl...

I have dreamed of living in Portugal for over 5 years and ever since this dream captured my heart, I see myself patiently waiting for God's will to determine the right time for me to take this attitude...

From the moment we made Project Globetrotter...I started talking to German photographer Juergen Winkler about my plans. Then we started dreaming together that the headquarters of the Globetrotter project would work in Portugal. And with that, the project begins to work in one country, even under the direction of a Brazilian and a German.

And we started to put that into action. The prognosis for Brazilian globetrotter Karla Evelise's permanent move is May 2024, due to a medical report in Brazil about "post-breast cancer" treatment, but German globetrotter Jürgen Winkler is already starting preparations for February/March Moving from Germany to Portugal in 2023.
The Brazilian globetrotter will be together on this road trip.

We have therefore decided to share with you every moment of this change, what the path we have chosen will be. We decided to do this road trip from Germany to Portugal and take you with us! We will cross France and Spain. And we will document everything that we will live step by step here on this page. It explains what types of visas there are in Portugal, how we open our bank accounts, how we rent our properties, what our experiences and difficulties with the immigration authorities will be, what documents we need for our legalization in the country, how will the company in Portugal opens?, which place do we choose to live, what will happen. During the process we will share with you every difficulty we have, we will share with you every joy we have, every achievement we have ... in real time here in the group you will know everything so much will happen of the excursion. .. where it starts in Germany until the day we get residence documents in that country.

Come with us, join the globetrotters on this adventure!

You will not regret it. And along the way we will share information, we will help with the information we collect and we will ask for help here if we have any questions with any person who has already done this migration process.

Ready for the challenge? Are we breaking new ground together with the Globetrotter project?

We already accept tips for a stay in Spain. Sights and show you that you are on our route, curiosities, travel tips in general!

Welcome to all new members in the "Dreamland Portugal FB group". We are happy that you are here.  We hope you are dilige...

Welcome to all new members in the "Dreamland Portugal FB group". We are happy that you are here. We hope you are diligently participating with great articles.

The Dreamland now also as a website. All information about the FB Group.

The Dreamland now also as a website. All information about the FB Group.

A service from Project Globetrotter, to be precise. The globetrotters also share a love of Portugal. Both want to have their center of life in Portugal. The "Project Globetrotter" should also continue to flourish in Portugal.


"Dreamland Portugal" is a Facebook group dedicated to immigration to Portugal. Experiences, questions, information, find friends again or find new friends.

But the group is also aimed at people who love Portugal who want to share photos. From vacation in Portugal and so on.





Seja o primeiro a receber as novidades e deixe-nos enviar-lhe um email quando Dreamland Portugal publica notícias e promoções. O seu endereço de email não será utilizado para qualquer outro propósito, e pode cancelar a subscrição a qualquer momento.


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