3barra9 Heritage Stories

3barra9 Heritage Stories is the 1st thing to do when you get to Terceira
it’s a cultural & historical walking tour in Angra ( host ) Hagna Dutra


"friza de "freezer" é a imagem da abundância (...) um friza cheia, cheia de comida (...) a nossa história também é de imigração (...) faziam-no por pobreza, para fugir à fome, para fugir às epidemias (...)" | muitos parabéns! sempre a produzir e a trazer até nós grandes e importantes espetáculos.

here we share a bit more, but we are having problems pairing the Amen domain with the Squarespace. let's wait a see what...

here we share a bit more, but we are having problems pairing the Amen domain with the Squarespace. let's wait a see what will happen.

como começou: já partilhamos noutro post que dar o nome ao projeto foi difícil, mas lá chegamos ao   - a segunda imagem ...

como começou: já partilhamos noutro post que dar o nome ao projeto foi difícil, mas lá chegamos ao - a segunda imagem é o esboço, com quatro opções, que fizemos (2022) para a amiga Fran transformar a coisa num logo, sendo que a proposta original tinha como assinatura “historic landscape” e ainda não o “heritage stories”. 3 verões depois (2024), como está a coisa a ir? já vos contamos todos os detalhes no nosso blog. fiquem atentos!

Bart, Käthe and Ilse has visit us so long ago - maybe June wasn't that long ago, but since it has been a busy summer, th...

Bart, Käthe and Ilse has visit us so long ago - maybe June wasn't that long ago, but since it has been a busy summer, there wasn't much time to share and post about the walking tour and our lovely visitors... anyway it was a pleasure to meet you! Ilse, we would love to take a look in the pictures you've taken and, if you agree, we could share some here, what do you think? warm regards from the North Atlantic back to you!

  let's go for a walk?

let's go for a walk?

do you know what 3barra9 means? getting to the name was not immediate, but with this distance we realize how important t...

do you know what 3barra9 means? getting to the name was not immediate, but with this distance we realize how important the project of a very talented friend was, and that unconsciously 65 / 10 got us to ( obrigada ). 3barra9 - Heritage Stories, let's go for a walk?

"não o nego há um romantismo qualquer em viver numa ilha (...) a vida na ilha carrega solidão e sufoco, dois elementos f...

"não o nego há um romantismo qualquer em viver numa ilha (...) a vida na ilha carrega solidão e sufoco, dois elementos fundamentais para nos procurarmos entre marés (...)"

'Como Escrever' - A literatura ao abrir a semana com a leitura de um excerto de 'Como Escrever' de Miguel Sousa Tavares e música 'Chi Mai' de Ennio M

in the last few weeks we've been working on a rebranding for  . why? because even if we loved our design, we realized th...

in the last few weeks we've been working on a rebranding for . why? because even if we loved our design, we realized that it was hard to read. so, we're saying goodbye to this graphic identity and something a little bit different is coming. stay tuned, news will arrive very soon.

this is the first UNESCO World Heritage city from Portugal. pay us a visit and   will walk you from corner to corner tel...

this is the first UNESCO World Heritage city from Portugal. pay us a visit and will walk you from corner to corner telling you all the hidden stories behind buildings or streets. let's go for a walk?

Marit and Miguel it was such a pleasure meeting both of you. it's always an incredible time to walk our visitors through...

Marit and Miguel it was such a pleasure meeting both of you. it's always an incredible time to walk our visitors through the streets of Angra do Heroísmo but when you are lucky enough to find someone who can add some history wise to your own, it's fantastic. obrigada and I hope you have a great time in Azores!

to do's: if you understand Portuguese I strongly recommend listening to this program about the Azorean whaling heritage

to do's: if you understand Portuguese I strongly recommend listening to this program about the Azorean whaling heritage

Akim and Arrisje join us on a city tour in Angra do Heroísmo before exploring some more places out of the nine Azorean i...

Akim and Arrisje join us on a city tour in Angra do Heroísmo before exploring some more places out of the nine Azorean islands. starting your holidays from Terceira gives you a unique perspective of the historical and cultural context around the archipelago, nevertheless each island has its own identity and notable stories for you to discovery. book your walking tour with and let's go for a walk?!

do you know what   means, besides a historical and cultural walking tour? Jacqueline and Petrus know and if you don't yo...

do you know what means, besides a historical and cultural walking tour? Jacqueline and Petrus know and if you don't you can. send us a message or an email ( [email protected] ) and joins us in our city tour! let's go for a walk?

it was a pleasure to do this city tour with you guys, you are a great company. keep enjoying your holidays. for the rest...

it was a pleasure to do this city tour with you guys, you are a great company. keep enjoying your holidays. for the rest of you, if you looking forward to visit take a walking tour through the lens of and you won't regret it. let's go for a walk?

myth or reality? Brianda Pereira is the woman who, seeing her house taken by the Spanish and her husband imprisoned, wou...

myth or reality? Brianda Pereira is the woman who, seeing her house taken by the Spanish and her husband imprisoned, would have encouraged other women to fight with whatever weapons they had in hand for their people, for their land, until the release of the bulls. it doesn't matter if the story is authentic or if it is a legend, as it is a fact that on this day (1581) the people of Terceira beat the 1000 soldiers that Philip II had sent to take the island. how long did the island resist until the new invasion? let’s go for a walk and I will tell you all about it!

waiting for the bullfight to end.

waiting for the bullfight to end.


Angra Do Heroísmo

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Terça-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Quarta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Quinta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Sexta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Sábado 09:00 - 17:00
Domingo 09:00 - 17:00




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