Marialejandra Puruguay Guillén
Dear Sirs
Through this message we would like to contact you and let you know about Chan Chan's Volunteer Program wich will be held this year at the Chan Chan archaeological complex.
"Patrimonito Program 2013" is organized by UNESCO, WHV - CCIVS and Proyecto Especial Complejo Arqueológico Chan Chan (PECACH) as Host Institution.
This program, which lasts three weeks (from September 23 until October 11) will bring together volunteers from all over the world for raising awareness, conservation and promotion of Chan Chan Archaeological Zone, declared as World Heritage Site since 1986.
This year the Chan Chan's Volunteer Program will execute the project "Interpreters of Chan Chan, birthplace of Chimu Kingdom " (in this link you will find more information: http://www.whvolunteers.org/pdf/2013/Peru,% 20PECACH,% 20WHV% 20-% 20Chan.pdf).
We would like to establish a partnership with you, such that we can count with young volunteers from your country.
It is worth noting, as information of interest, that there is no registration fee for the camp, which does exist is an amount of money to cover the most basic food and lodging. This amount is $ 220, which will be delivered directly to Hosting where young volunteers will be accommodated.
Best regards,
Marialejandra Puruguay Guillén
Historian and Cultural Management
Unidad Ejecutora 006
Proyecto Especial Complejo Arqueológico Chan Chan
Cel.:0051 943986565
Jr. Torre Tagle N° 178 Ur. San Andrés
Trujillo, La Libertad - Perú