Can’t be without at least one cuppa a day 4 blood pressure to raise …
Coffee is part of my routine & yours ? Vai um cafezinho ? Bom dia alegria …
Sunday morning family friends alone fishing ?! Sea magnificent sounds out of this world the waves crashing the sun warming up the birds singing joggers walkers boating some awake some awaking to a bright new day ahead ! Aproveitem porque está uma delícia observem em vosso redor a magia do momento !
This is called an Allgar algar like the region where we located #algarveportugal our coast is unique second to none as just variety of rock formation walks amusing vegetation wild life so special the strong or mild winds or gentle ragging waves crashing, but the algar is a hole in the land that inspires anyone to watch hear the sounds of the water nature speaking to you enjoy !!!! The name goes back to our moorish occupied territory for over 500 years therefore many of us have lovely curly hair & dark olive skins…
Just the last Sunday of January 25 around here … Mais um domingo ameno em que sair pra pescar o almoço ou jantar ?! Desde que apanhem este ar saudável e não deixem lixo espalhado por mim uma manhã perfeita 🤩
When I cook I do a multitude of stuff when inspired and at it, so sea bass ready for the oven tonight’s dinner ! Soup was my lunch and a stir fry to make a quiche & had a bit on a piece of toast with cheese and a Turmeric home grown almond milk & you what you eating as we ate what we eat so they say !? @fatimalapa1802 sopa tem alho francês ou aipo e o robalo do mar também ! A curcuma ou do jardim da prima e batata doce alentejana acho do @tetoechao #parchal porque o nosso Algarve tem qualidade de vida !
When you feeling alive eating seriously ducking good food por man it had the delicious motivational micro vegetables from a really smart young entrepreneur born in Ucrânia but of PORTUGAL National I’m proud of you man !? @dimitrh ?? He plants inside a gorgeous airy shop by algarve news resident expats British newspapers! A building well located to access his van…so quinoa bread with chia seeds rosmaninho honey honey it’s Friday right ? One republic I need your help to rescue me rescue me live would be cold so mamão slices and last but not least rescue me Amor perfeito Dimitri only 28 years old bright blue eyes head up proud of talking a local slight Russian accent and what the fu..we all made of same blood flesh bones hairs no thanks ! Tea drinking plenty of to get tide of that stupid cortisone thanks Marta ! Women. Hey prefitable new word predicted or profitability lol ciao Bella see u later aligátor night night I’ll be running to the lovers arms it’s the medication DR C
A different evening a special place & don’t forget salt & sugar look the same… be careful who you trust ! FOCUS on your JOY @celita_vicente & accomplishments! Bom domingo e merci obrigada thanks #bandam80 #monchiquelovers #myhome #musicislife #lifeisasongworthsinging #singdanceplaylearn #patienceisavirtue #comparisonisthethiefofjoy