Vila Castelo - Tradicional

Vila Castelo - Tradicional Traditional holiday homes with a unique location opposite the beach with its medieval castle. Walkin Workshops

Lisboa tem o seu encanto como fiz a música “menina e moça”!  Always finding new art funky areas of Lisbon to spend somet...

Lisboa tem o seu encanto como fiz a música “menina e moça”! Always finding new art funky areas of Lisbon to spend sometime walking around !

Rir sempre o melhor remédio ! Quando numa montra dum restaurante na capital faz rir, caso pra partilhar não ? Lisbon res...

Rir sempre o melhor remédio ! Quando numa montra dum restaurante na capital faz rir, caso pra partilhar não ? Lisbon restaurant has fun window to make you laugh & why not ?

What makes you truly happy? The tittles ? The accumulation of materialistic stuff ? Or the alignment of your internal tr...

What makes you truly happy? The tittles ? The accumulation of materialistic stuff ? Or the alignment of your internal true values that gives you joy ? Happy week ahead everyone, make the most of your Monday’s …. Mais uma segunda mais um dia de SOL de inverno cheirando a primavera e escalando os obstáculos da vida !

We only do long stays of one year minimum, however can put you in touch with  owners that do short stays…enquiries to in...

We only do long stays of one year minimum, however can put you in touch with owners that do short stays…enquiries to [email protected] or private message please ! Mínimo estadias um ano, mais info e-mail ou mensagem privada!

E a fruta cresce alegremente com este sol de inverno   at   we have oranges apples olives & more …

E a fruta cresce alegremente com este sol de inverno at we have oranges apples olives & more …

Loving the algarve region of southern PORTUGAL this winter ? Look how the almond blossom is coming out the fields bright...

Loving the algarve region of southern PORTUGAL this winter ? Look how the almond blossom is coming out the fields brightening our days with the yellow wilderness! Gostas do Algarve nestes dias de sol depois da chuva maravilhosa e os campos tão floridos encantadora natureza local! days are small but we get some heat from our flowers our fruit tree nature renovating into a spring soon back

Some “folk” come into your life a week a few moments or stay your entire life span as we never know who we inspire and w...

Some “folk” come into your life a week a few moments or stay your entire life span as we never know who we inspire and who inspires us !? Really … life is a constant marvelous encounter of “moments” instants memories so make it happen inside or outside your own world 🌎I would say, life is magical enjoy 😉 today Saturday the enlightenment of the Planets is there & I’m off to enjoy 😊 to its fullest!!! Bom 😌 dia a todos Bonjour bonjourno Prince 👑 or principesca lol 😂

Há uns dias atrás publiquei o antes de ir ao forno do robalo de Sagres e esqueci do depois e aqui esteve a mesa ! Nada m...

Há uns dias atrás publiquei o antes de ir ao forno do robalo de Sagres e esqueci do depois e aqui esteve a mesa ! Nada melhor que 🌎

A must follow the young lady that gets up like me even before the SUN 🌞 is ready to Shine ✨ & This young man author of t...

A must follow the young lady that gets up like me even before the SUN 🌞 is ready to Shine ✨ & This young man author of this book 📚 I met in Miami yes 👏 a must do must follow not fake folk ! See ya ✌️ off to the b… beach 🏖️

About yesterday we can all talk about !? Today is coming up bright sunny again … rain or shine make the most of it if wh...

About yesterday we can all talk about !? Today is coming up bright sunny again … rain or shine make the most of it if when you can !?

Janeiro ? Algarve ?

Janeiro ? Algarve ?

When you wake in the most relaxing place you call home get your coffee & watch the sun come up to greet you & then you m...

When you wake in the most relaxing place you call home get your coffee & watch the sun come up to greet you & then you meet a lovely client friend too .rensch.coaching was nice seeing you beautiful lady !

Privilege to know these young entrepreneurs at .greens Dimitri is a fierce kind humble young man that thrives on new inn...

Privilege to know these young entrepreneurs at .greens Dimitri is a fierce kind humble young man that thrives on new innovation seeds and plants grows at his .lagoa municipality central 🇵🇹 what you waiting for ? Order for your home your restaurant your coffee shop your special party or event wedding .algarve it’s magical the flowers the vegetables the taste and color who knows is a client but anyone can be as long as you pay lol it’s divine I have purchased 4 today

Friday first of 25!!! Thankful for getting here in a new month year and in ok health with a roof over our heads family u...

Friday first of 25!!! Thankful for getting here in a new month year and in ok health with a roof over our heads family union peace in our hearts & health in our bodies & minds & on vacation and Closed until we open Monday 6th January after 9am till 6pm with a quick lunch break in the sunshine preferably with the medieval castle & beaches opposite across the 🙏 💛🧡❤💙💚💜💖 .up_clinicas_dentarias começar o ano higienistas e outros afins e .lagoa terapias e Pilates aéreo yoga outras práticas espaço partilhado de com fabulosa professora live love share give take what life offers naturally good or bad it is your chosen way and others chose their route motorway or small track enjoy -life-is-yoga and last but not least our .lagoa desporto


Vila Castelo, Angrinha


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