Ventura Nature Emotions

Ventura Nature Emotions Informações para nos contactar, mapa e direções, formulário para nos contactar, horário de funcionamento, serviços, classificações, fotos, vídeos e anúncios de Ventura Nature Emotions, Agência de viagens de barco, Marina do Funchal Shop 10, Funchal.

Ventura Nature Emotions is a nature tourism company based in Madeira Island, Portugal with a clear ambition – organize sustainable whale & dolphin watching, birdwatching and outdoor activities around Madeira Island.

Turtles and the whole wildlife NEED EVERYONE’S HELP to solve this huge problem at source! 🐢💙

Turtles and the whole wildlife NEED EVERYONE’S HELP to solve this huge problem at source! 🐢💙

Are you visiting Madeira only for a day on a cruise and looking for whale and dolphin watching? Look for us ☺️🐳✅ Book wi...

Are you visiting Madeira only for a day on a cruise and looking for whale and dolphin watching? Look for us ☺️🐳

✅ Book with us for an unforgettable experience!

📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

Happy International Women’s Day to all the women in the world, but especially to the women on our team!! 🩷🌸📲 (+351) 914 ...

Happy International Women’s Day to all the women in the world, but especially to the women on our team!! 🩷🌸

📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

Start the year with a BANG 🎇Join us aboard our zodiac boats or our private charter and enjoy the famous end of the year ...

Start the year with a BANG 🎇

Join us aboard our zodiac boats or our private charter and enjoy the famous end of the year spectacle!

For more informations:
📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

🇬🇧 On the first day of the month we were incredibly lucky to observe a mother-calf pair of humpback whales. This famous ...

🇬🇧 On the first day of the month we were incredibly lucky to observe a mother-calf pair of humpback whales. This famous species is rare to find in our waters, as they only approach our coast to rest during the migration routes between feeding and breeding areas. When resting, humpback whales prefer shallow coastal waters. By the time we left the area the animals were right in front of the famous Cascata dos anjos (“Waterfall of angels”).

🇵🇹 No primeiro dia do mês, tivemos a sorte de observar um par mãe-cria de baleias de bossa. Esta famosa espécie é rara de se observar nas nossas águas, sendo que apenas se aproximam para descansar durante as migrações entre áreas de alimentação e procriação. Para descansar, as baleias de bossa preferem águas raras e costeiras. Quando deixámos o local, os animais encontravam-se em frente à famosa Cascata dos Anjos.

📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

🇬🇧 Magical moments when we find dolphins and sea birds feeding together.🇵🇹 Momentos mágicos quando encontramos golfinhos...

🇬🇧 Magical moments when we find dolphins and sea birds feeding together.

🇵🇹 Momentos mágicos quando encontramos golfinhos e aves marinhas a alimentarem-se em conjunto.

📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

🇬🇧 With the start of spring we’re starting to encounter more groups of Atlantic spotted dolphins (𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠).  ...

🇬🇧 With the start of spring we’re starting to encounter more groups of Atlantic spotted dolphins (𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠). This species is seen in Madeira from the beginning of spring until the end of autumn. They’re very active and curious and love to interact with boats. This juvenile kept porpoising besides our boat and accompanied us for several minutes.

🇵🇹 Com o começo da primavera estamos a encontrar mais groups de golfinhos pintados do Atlântico (𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠). Esta espécie pode ser observada na Madeira desde o início da primavera até ao fim do outono. São animais muito ativos e curiosos que adoram interagir com embarcações. Este juvenil acompanhou o nosso barco por vários minutos, mantendo-se muito ativo ao nosso lado.

📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

Book your private boat tour and discover the most beautiful landscapes!💌Double Tap & Tag your friend below💌Follow us to ...

Book your private boat tour and discover the most beautiful landscapes!

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📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

Not only do we see animals, sometimes amazing rainbows also appear! 🌈💌Double Tap & Tag your friend below💌Follow us to fi...

Not only do we see animals, sometimes amazing rainbows also appear! 🌈

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📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

Did you know that dolphins are incredible? They are socially skilled, intelligent, agile, joyful, and playful creatures ...

Did you know that dolphins are incredible? They are socially skilled, intelligent, agile, joyful, and playful creatures that share many emotional similarities with humans! 🐬

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📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

Perfect conditions and incredible sightings! 💌Double Tap & Tag your friend below💌Follow us to find exclusive ocean conte...

Perfect conditions and incredible sightings!

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📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]


Just breathe and enjoy the sound of nature! 🐋

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📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

First the safety briefing and then off to the sea!💌Double Tap & Tag your friend below💌Follow us to find exclusive ocean ...

First the safety briefing and then off to the sea!

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📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]

Another beautiful day at the sea!Thanks to Peter Howlett for these amazing images!💌Double Tap & Tag your friend below💌Fo...

Another beautiful day at the sea!
Thanks to Peter Howlett for these amazing images!

💌Double Tap & Tag your friend below
💌Follow us to find exclusive ocean content

📲 (+351) 914 843 205
📧 [email protected]


Marina Do Funchal Shop 10


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