Sea the Best Catamaran

Sea the Best Catamaran Dolphin/whale and turtle watching


PT: Face aos desenvolvimentos a que temos assistido relativamente ao vírus COVID-19 em Portugal e na Europa a VMT Madeira decidiu suspender todas as suas viagens até dia 31 de Março. Após esta data a situação será reavaliada.
Esta decisão é tomada com o objectivo de salvaguardar os nossos clientes, colaboradores e a comunidade em geral, pois por agora manter o contacto social ao mínimo tem mostrado ser uma medida de precaução eficaz. Embora ainda não haja casos confirmados na R.A.M. pretendemos seguir as recomendações feitas pelo Governo Regional de forma a que a situação seja a melhor possível. Encorajamo-vos a fazer o mesmo!
Esperamos que toda esta situação se resolva em breve e da melhor forma possível, e quando isso acontecer estaremos aqui prontos para voltar às nossas viagens.
Até lá, cuidem-se!

ENG: In the light of the current COVID-19 virus situation in Portugal and in Europe VMT Madeira has decided to suspend all of our trips until the 31st of March.
This decision is made with the purpose of protecting our clients, company employees and extended community, as to keep the social contact to the minimum has proven itself to the best precautionary measurement.
Although there are still no confirmed cases in Madeira, we intend to follow the Local Government recommendations in order to do our part. We encourage you to do the same!
We hope is not long until the situation improves and that we can all go back to the our trips.
Until then, stay safe!


Its a Humpback! 10 / 03 / 2020

We were observing a group of Common dolphins Just south of Funchal, when suddenly, to our surprise and excitement, a Humpback Whale appears! The first of the season.
Have a safe journey Humpy! :)

Megaptera novaeangliae


(EN) Pilot whale / (PT) Baleia piloto


(EN) Monk seal / (PT) Lobo marinho


(EN) Just before photography day finishes....a photo of a s***m whale with one of the most important national reserves in the planet in the background...the Bugio islet. / (PT) Antes que acabe o dia da fotografia.....uma foro de im cachalote com uma das mais importantes reservas naturais do planeta no fundo....o ilheu do Bugio.


(EN) Common dolphins / (PT) Golfinhos comuns


(EN) Sei whale / (PT) Baleia sardinheira


(EN) Loggerhead sea turtle / (PT) Tartaruga boba


(EN) Risso's dolohins / (PT) Grampos


The crazy Spotties are back! We missed you!

22 / 05 / 2019

The Atlantic Spotted dolphins ("Stenela frontalis") is a seasonal species in Madeira waters. Seen much more during the summer season, usually from May up to October. It is a very interactive and social species that usualy creates lots of excitment for us Crew and passangers. Welcome back! :D


Today is a special day for us turtles! Today is "WORLD TURTLE DAY". 23rd of May 2019. ❤️🐢


08 / 05 / 2019

Tursiops truncatus

Golfinho Roaz
Bottlenose dolphin


S***m whales all day 🐳🐳

20 / 05 / 2019

Yesterday was an exciting day with S***m whales. We lost count on how many there were around but possible 10 or more, spread out everywhere, mainly doing deep dives, showing there flukes, resting and also socializing. Observed on our morning trip and again in the afternoon.


13 / 04 / 2019

Globicephala macrorhynchus

Baleias piloto Tropical
Short-finned pilot whales


Little Blue! 🐳

10 / 05 / 2019

Today we had our third sighting of a Blue whale this season. This time a Juvenile Blue. It has been the best year that we can remember. We usually have an average of 1 sighting per year of the Blue whale and this year so far it has been 3. So exciting!! We are so privileged to see these gentle giants passing thru Madeira waters. I cant wait for the next sighting... 🐳 😍


24 / 04 / 2019

Tursiops truncatus

Golfinhos Roaz
Bottlenose dolphins


(EN) Bottlenose dolphins / (PT) Golfinhos Roazes


12 / 04 / 2019

Delphinus delphis

Golfinho comum
Short-beaked Common dolphin


(EN) Common dolphin / (PT) Golfinho comum


13 / 04 / 2019

Tursiops truncatus

Golfinho Roaz
Bottlenose dolphin


(EN) Loggerhead sea turtle / (PT) Tartaruga boba

............and here it is!! A rare sighting, the huge Blue Whale, biggest living mammal on earth! Wow, what a privelige...

............and here it is!! A rare sighting, the huge Blue Whale, biggest living mammal on earth! Wow, what a privelige!!

BLUE Whale and Fin Whales!
"Gentle giants"!

10 / 04 / 2019

Yesterday was a "Massive" day for us crew and passengers, Since we had the privilege of Observing the biggest animals on the planet.
On our morning trip just a few miles South of Funchal harbor we sighted a fully grown adult Blue Whale measuring up to an incredible 30 meters in length and weighing up to 180 tones! This single individual was most probably just passing thru our waters in migration. It was always on the move, heading Southwest and doing dives between 25/30 minutes, making it very difficult to get a close up on her, but we were lucky enough to have her come up 100 meters from our boat, close enough for everyone to see the greatness of this gentle giant. And if the Blue Whale made our day, we still had a pod of Striped dolphins more a less in the same area.
In the afternoon we went out on another trip hoping to see the Blue Whale again. We didn't see the "Blue", but we had baleen whales everywhere. Fin Whales! Was an amazing trip! We had some close encounters with them side-by-side and then closely identifying each individual by binoculars and looking at the photos, they were indeed all Fin Whales. at least 4. No sign of the Blue, but was just as exciting observing these fascinating Gentle giants passing thru our waters! Yessss!!!


Had an amazing sighting this morning!! Photos coming soon!😉


(EN) S***m whale / (PT) Cachalote

Well done, Carlos, Celso, Nicolau and Pedro!

Well done, Carlos, Celso, Nicolau and Pedro!

PT: Hoje, apesar da chuva, foi mais um dia especial e marcante para nós e para o oceano, esta tarde a nossa tripulação devolveu com sucesso ao mar uma tartaruga que esteve em recuperação ao cuidado do Dr. Thomas Dellinger, foi com muito gosto e orgulho termos devolvido este lindo animal saudável no seu habitat, esperemos que tenha uma jornada segura!

ENG: Today, despite the rain was another special and remarkable day for us and for the ocean, this afternoon our crew successfully returned to the sea a turtle that was in recovery in the care of Dr. Thomas Dellinger, it was with great pleasure and pride that we returned this beautiful and healthy animal to its habitat, let's hope it has a safe journey! Bye bye turtle!!


16 / 02 / 2019

Balaenoptera physalus

Baleia Comum
Fin whale


15 / 02 / 2019

Globicephala macrorhynchus

Baleias piloto Tropical
Short-finned pilot whales


Funchal Marina

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Terça-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Quarta-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Quinta-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Sexta-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Sábado 09:00 - 18:00
Domingo 09:00 - 18:00




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