Today, 1st November, 1755, at about 0945, the inhabitants of heard a low rumbling sound, increasing gradually in intensity as the ground under their feet began to shake. Many were in church for the All Saints' Day mass. Soon the walls of the churches and other buildings began to crack and roof timbers fell as their inhabitants screamed and tried to get to the doors. Many of those who managed to escape the crumbling buildings fled in panic to the Terreiro do Paço, the large open space in front of the King's Palace, by the river. Soon afterwards a huge 6m wave swept over the whole area, consigning thousands to a watery grave. Meanwhile, candles in the churches had toppled with the shaking, and the ensuing fire spread through the city and burned for six days. Two-thirds of Lisbon was destroyed and tens of thousands died.
Picture: Allegory of the 1755 Earthquake, by João Glama Ströberle (Public domain)