RSET -Science and Technology for Development

RSET -Science and Technology for Development NGO for international cooperation in renewable natural resource management and adaptation to climate Land cover/use carbon projects require:
I. and II.

a baseline to assess project additionallity;
II. monitoring and reporting systems for validation of carbon permanence (CERs and VERs);
III. negotiation, contracts & regulatory approval processes. RSet focus on steps I. relying on partners for step III. On-going activities include:
Baseline emissions definition for the Mecuburi Forest Reserve in Mozambique;
Bio-fuel / CDM projects in Mozambique a

nd Guinea-Bissau;
Collaboration with official entities in Angola for identification of future REDD and REDD+ projects;
Development of a National Forest Monitoring System in Guinea-Bissau;
REDD baseline definition for the Protected Area Network of Guinea-Bissau;
National mapping of Cashew plantations in Guinea-Bissau for carbon offsetting and commercial management, including prospective production of bio-fuel. RSet counts on a small core of highly specialized scientists and technical staff, with large tropical experience, strong knowledge of tropical vegetation and agricultural systems, and wide technological skills. This core, associated with case selected international experts, make it possible to cover a large breadth of ecosystems and regions.




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