👉 The Knife Sharpener and his Flute
For many centuries, generation upon generation of Lisbon street vendors lived almost exclusively on products sold in the streets. Way before Amazon and the supermarkets began home deliveries, innumerable peddlers populated the streets all over the city, hawking all the products needed for daily life: water, milk, fish, fruit, vegetables, olive oil, paraffin, coal, shirts, caps and scarves, shoes, knives, vases, chairs, lampshades amongst many others.
Each type of vendor had their unique cry or call announcing their arrival on the street and many of them were also sung. Wonderfully, the beautiful pipe sound of the knife sharpeners of Lisbon still remains, offering the sharpening from kitchen knives, sewing or pruning scissors, pans to other cutting objects, as well as repairing umbrellas.
Always love the chance of seeing one in the flesh and listening to its distinctive tune!!! 😊
#PrivateTour #StoriesoftheCity #Heritage #History #Lisbon #Portugal #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPats
Researching and discovering more on the 25th of April bridge, its history, facts and curiosities, inside one of its main supporting structures.
Fascinating, indeed, even scary sometimes. Exciting, definitely, but perhaps not the experience I would recommend for the fainthearted suffering from vertigo! 😉 🤭
#25thofAprilBridge #History #StoriesoftheCity #Lisbon #Portugal #PrivateTour #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonWithPats
Researching and discovering more on the 25th of April bridge, its history, facts and curiosities, inside one of its main supporting structures.
Fascinating, indeed, even scary sometimes. Exciting, definitely, but perhaps not the experience I would recommend for the fainthearted suffering from vertigo! 😉 🤭
#25thofAprilBridge #History #StoriesoftheCity #Lisbon #Portugal #PrivateTour #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonWithPats
👉 The Castle and the Palace of the German Prince King (Consort) of Portugal
In 1836, Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1816-1885) arrived in Lisbon to marry Queen Maria II of Portugal. Ferdinand II was one of the most cultured men of 19th century Portugal.
Lover of nature and gardens, together with his French gardener Bonnard, he changed the paradigm of Parks and Gardens in Portugal. At the time, there was a fascination with the introduction of exotic ornamental plants in the country, in which the main responsible and driver for this phenomenon was the King Consort himself.
Pena Park in Sintra is considered by many to be his masterpiece. Shortly after his arrival in Portugal, he fell for Sintra and acquired, from his own personal funds, the Convent of Saint Jerome, then in ruins, as well as all the lands surrounding the property.
The Pena Palace and the restoration of the Moorish castle built on top of the hill of the town of Sintra are a result of his creative genius, devotion and dedication. Both were in ruins until King Ferdinand II’s purchase and ingenious project that transformed the ruined convent into a romantic mystique castle-style palace, surrounded by the mountains of Sintra and the millennium-old Moorish Castle landscapes.
Formerly, the mountains of Sintra were characterized by aridity, volumous rocky elements and devoid of tree vegetation. In this panorama, King Ferdinand planted forest species native from every continent to create a one of kind and exuberant environment.
King Ferdinand fulfilled his German Prince "romantic dream" with Pena Palace, the Castle of Moors and its outstanding Natural Park. A dream that would change the country’s landscape forever! 👌
#Heritage #History #Gardens #Parks #StoriesoftheCity #Sintra #Lisbon #Portugal #PrivateTour #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPats
👉 When my guests ask me 'what's your favourite viewpoint in Lisbon or in Lisbon area'?
The choice is vast and diverse but this one is, definitely, on top of my list.
Plus, the location has stunning traditional Portuguese architecture and amazing stories that I am delighted to explore on a day tour to Sintra.
Have a great view, sorry, a great weekend! 😎
#Lisbon #Sintra #BeyondLisbon #PrivateTour #History #Heritage #StoriesoftheCity #StoriesoftheSea #Architecture #HiddenGems #Viewpoints #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPats
👉 Such a perfect day…
After a lovely time exploring the historical charm of Évora, ending the day with a visit to a wine and farm estate is just a delightful treat in all senses!
#History #Heritage #StoriesoftheCity #Evora #Alentejo #PrivateTour #Lisbon #BeyondLisbon #WineTourism #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPats
👉 Walking on Art
This amazing cobblestone pavement art technique was created in Lisbon in the mid 19th Century. It used local stones like basalt and limestone to originate unique patterns.
The first pattern (1848), a "wavy sea" was tested in Rossio Square, in Lisbon Downtown, and became such a huge success that it was used on the Rio de Janeiro boardwalk in Brazil (known there as Calçadão) and expanded to several locations globally.
Always look down when walking in Lisbon!
#Cobblestone #CobblestonePavement #Art #History #Heritage #CalçadaPortuguesa #Lisbon #Portugal #PrivateTour #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPats
👉 Pats the Explorer.
Researching and exploring the world of tiles for Lisbon with Pats Tailored Tours. 💙
#GlazedTiles #Azulejos #Heritage #Lisbon #Portugal #PrivateTour #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPats
👉 The Wanderers Above the Sea of Fog.
Exploring the Romantic Legacy of Sintra. 👌
#Sintra #Lisbon #PrivateTour #Romanticism #MicroClimate #Portugal #PrivateTour #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPats
Jacaranda Season in Lisbon in a Glazed Tiles background. Have a wonderful week! 💜
#ColoursofLisbon #JacarandaSeason #GlazedTiles #Azulejos #PrivateTour #Lisbon #Portugal #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPats
It's a fact. A hilly city has spectacular rewards! After the hardest climbs, one encounters truly stunning views. 😎
#Lisbon #LisbonViewPoints #PrivateTour #History #Storiesofthecity #Portugal #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPats
Pats the Explorer.
Researching and exploring the world of tiles for Lisbon with Pats Tailored Tours. 💙
#GlazedTiles #Azulejos #Heritage #Lisbon #Portugal #HappyTourGuide #PrivateTour #LisbonTailoredTours #LisbonwithPa