The Olive Tree Garden House - Lisboa, Portugal

The Olive Tree Garden House - Lisboa, Portugal Guest accommodation registered in Turismo de Portugal N 9767/AL

The Olive Tree Garden House
Um amplo studio com 70 m2, pateo e jardim privados situado no coração da Lisboa Modernista no central Bairro de Alvalade, mobilado e totalmente equipado.


Não tinha formação em Moda mas soube ler os sinais de uma sociedade que reivindicava mais liberdade de movimentos para as mulheres. Das minissaias aos hotpants, passando pelas meias coloridas, Mary Quant deixa um legado libertário na História da Moda.

The Olive Tree Garden House - Lisboa, Portugal is looking for a new guest starting 1st March.If you are looking for a ni...

The Olive Tree Garden House - Lisboa, Portugal is looking for a new guest starting 1st March.
If you are looking for a nice place to stay in Lisboa, just let me know.
Mid term rental.


Na longínqua Birmânia, existe um povo que descende de portugueses, os Bayingyi. Descubra a sua fantástica história e como eles vivem atualmente.

At Lisboa Olive Tree Garden House We Love....

At Lisboa Olive Tree Garden House We Love....

Peter and his girl friend where in Açores, when all this crazy times started.... they need a safe place in Lisboa while ...

Peter and his girl friend where in Açores, when all this crazy times started.... they need a safe place in Lisboa while they found a place in an airplane back home.... here what Peter wrote when they arrive safe in Canada....

O Peter e a namorada estavam nos Açores, quando estes tempos loucos começaram.... necessitavam de um local para f**ar em Lisboa, enquanto esperavam por um voo para regressar a casa....aqui f**a o que o Peter escreveu quando chegaram sãos e salvos ao Canada

Me, our staff and our Olive Tree, are  missing you in our Garden.

Me, our staff and our Olive Tree, are missing you in our Garden.


Sabia que, as cerejeiras voltaram a florir?
O Centro de Portugal está á nossa espera...

Did you know that the cherry trees are back in bloom?
"Centro de Portugal" is waiting for us ...


Descubra o que torna Ana Cristina um anfitrião da Airbnb tão especial.


Rua General Pimenta De Castro Nº 6 C


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Our Story

Guest accommodation registered in Turismo de Portugal N 9767/AL Lisboa gorgeous and fully-equipped studio for 2, with free Wi-Fi, and a private garden. Our staff is available every day to welcome, help, and provide service to our guests. Tailor-made tours and car parking are available. Additional charges may be applicable. The house is located in a quiet but central location. Nearby Avenida de Roma in Bairro de Alvalade, "The Modernist Lisbon"- in a renovated building from the 50 ths, typical of the traditional neighborhoods.

The apartment is unique and exquisitely decorated and furnished with every detail for guests to feel at home.

If you consider staying longer, mid-term rental is our main business, please let me know.