arriba We're a young architecture firm based in Lisbon, Portugal. architecture firm Architecture surrounds you every minute.

ar·ri·ba (ə-rē′bə)

- From Portuguese: “arriba”: High and Steep Coast Line, High River Margin, Steep Cliffs to the Sea.
-Used as an exclamation of pleasure, approval, or elation. At Arriba we want to enhance how you experience your everyday life through the reinterpretation of the spaces you live in, from the door handle, to the street, to the city. We want you to take a step further and enjoy all of what a perfectly tailored space has to offer. We are committed to do so at the lowest cost possible to us, without ever compromising the quality of the final built work. Through our exclusive relationships with the best suppliers and contractors we will be able to ensure the most attractive prices for your projects. Also, keep in mind we will always be in touch, at the distance of your phone (which is already a part of you these days, anyway). Communication will be a two-way process, you can set your requests, ask us questions and we will provide you with the best information available to us at that point. We want to promote transparency and education by sharing with you all the processes, on a rolling basis, until the final work is complete (if you want so, if you don’t we won’t hassle you, don’t worry!). We are thrilled to be working with you on this next stage of your life, the only question we have for you now is, are you ready to take it to the next level?




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