Manuel Meneses

Manuel Meneses Guia Intérprete Oficial e Correio Turismo


In the district of Aveiro, the city of Águeda keeps the party going with its own Christmas market.

This year’s edition will occur from November 16 to January 12, offering unique experiences: the Christmas Market, the Alta Vila Park, the Nativity scene, street entertainment and much more.

Acclaimed for this event, here in Águeda, the highlight goes to the World’s Largest Santa Claus (Guinness record holder), standing at 21m tall and illuminated by 250 thousand light bulbs.

In a city known for its bikes and colorful umbrellas, Christmas gets a special taste here, as the municipality never ceases to surprise visitors.



The Portuguese capital will once again host “wonderland Lisboa”, the Christmas market. Taking place at the spacious Eduard VII Park, the Christmas spirit is back and with it, the Ferris wheel, which offers a panoramic view over Lisbon.

Another big bet is the ecological ice rink, with 800 square meters to experience skating and the village of Santa Claus, where children can visit his home, interact with him and get to know the village of affections.

This and other activities can be visited from November 30th to January 1st.



A Federação Académica do Porto vem manifestar publicamente o mais profundo pesar pelo falecimento do Dux Veteranorum, Américo Martins, e endereçar à família, amigos e estudantes as mais sentidas condolências.

Recordaremos com eterna saudade o espírito de entrega, o serviço ao próximo e o envolvimento com a Academia do Porto. Américo Martins foi Academia do Porto do primeiro ao último dia.

A Direção da Federação Académica do Porto

03 de dezembro de 2024


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A Assembleia Geral está marcada!

📅 Data: Hoje - 28/11/2024
⏰ Hora: 09:30
📍 Local: Online

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Located at the Trindade Coelho’s yard, in downtown Lisbon, lies one of Lisbon’s most notable churches: the Church of São Roque.

Dedicated to Saint Roch, the protector against plagues, the first chapel was built in the early XVI century, following the plagues that devastated Lisbon, right next to the graveyard where those who died were buried. Sponsored by the local people and represented by the Brotherhood of São Roque, this hermitage would house the relics of the saint that had been requested by King Manuel to the Venetian authorities.

Later in 1553, the Company of Jesus took over the site and were permitted to work on a new church, but only with the obligation to maintain the Chapel to Saint Roch on the interior. Austere looking on the outside in accordance with Jesuit preferences, the interior of the actual church is surprising. Several were the names of the artists who worked on the inside, with the decoration bearing witness of royal patronage, particularly of king João V. The combination of marble, gold leafing and tile murals, contribute to a scenic impression highlighted by the light-dark Mannerist contrasts.

The Church´s design has the mark of Filipe Terzi, royal architect to Filipe II of Portugal, the 3rd of Spain. On the inside, the Chapel of Saint John the Baptist stands out, because of its dazzling barroque alterpiece and the tromp-l’oeil ceiling, that along with most of the Church were spared from the Lisbon earthquake.

The museum adjoining the church is packed with elaborate sacred art and Holly relics.
In addition to all of this, the bamboo-lined courtyard is a treat of all of this complex, which now belongs to the Misericórdia de Lisboa (a Religious-Charitable Institution).






Saint Martin's Day, is the Funeral day of Saint Martin of Tours and is celebrated on 11 November each year.
Saint Martin of Tours was a Roman soldier who was baptised as an adult and became a bishop in a French town. The most notable of his saintly acts was when he had cut his cloak in half to share with a beggar during a snowstorm, to save him from the cold.
Over the centuries, St. Martins Day, in late Autumn, has evolved into a celebration of the harvest. In Portugal, St. Martins Day, or Dia de São Martinho, has become a day to celebrate the maturation of the year’s wine production.
Whether roasted or boiled, this celebration wouldn’t be complete without chestnuts. This period is also quite popular because of the usual good weather period that occurs in Portugal in this time of year, called Verão de São Martinho (St. Martins Summer).








Winter Time!


Did you know ?

Conquista de Lisboa (October 25th 1147)

On this day, we celebrate 878 years since the conquest of Lisbon. This long and painful siege was part of a military campaign that brought together the Christian troops of King Afonso Henriques, together with a fleet of northern europe crusaders instructed by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, abbot of the Cistercian order. Facing them, the mighty Muslim-ruled Taifa of Badajoz.

The whole siege would begin on July 1st and by the end of the month the christian armies had already captured the surrounding territories and besieged the walls of Lisbon itself. The defining moments however, would only happen by October: the city walls were breached thanks to the catapults and siege towers, which were able to bend a moorish army, who lacked food and supplies.

Amidst all of this, a legend arose of a Portuguese warrior and nobleman, Martim Moniz who is said to have sacrificed himself by lodging his body in the doorway in order to keep the city doors open to the conquering Christian armies. This allegedly heroic act is not consensual among historians, but the importance of this man is still seen in a square with his name: Martim Moniz Square.

#1147 ? +




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