Easis Bridge

Easis Bridge From Porto, we help you to manage your mobility project!🌍

A EASIS BRIDGE é uma agência especializada na gestão de projetos de mobilidade nacional e internacional, de âmbito educacional, profissional, cultural e linguístico, como o programa Erasmus+, visitas de estudo e intercâmbio académico. Através de uma vasta rede de instituições parceiras, oferecemos soluções de intercâmbio, estágio, visitas, job-shadowing e experiências culturais, à medida das necessidades dos nossos clientes.

Proud to be part of this project!💙

Proud to be part of this project!💙

🇱🇹 🇪🇺 🇵🇹Last week we welcomed five teachers and the principal of the "Lithuanian Centre for the Development of the Blind...

🇱🇹 🇪🇺 🇵🇹Last week we welcomed five teachers and the principal of the "Lithuanian Centre for the Development of the Blind and Visually Impaired" who visited Porto as part of the Erasmus+ project with the aim of learning more about special education practices and the inclusion of blind and visually impaired students in Portugal. In an intense week of work, they had the opportunity to exchange experiences with schools and associations that are dedicated in all their forms to the education of blind and visually impaired people. They had the chance to meet people of reference in the city of Porto in the area of special education and to take with them contacts for a future European collaboration.
They also had the chance to get to know the culture, gastronomy and hospitality of the people of Porto.
It was a real pleasure for us to welcome these 6 lovely Erasmus+ participants, and to help them realise this ambitious and very special project. We hope to see you soon for new Erasmus+ adventures. 🇱🇹 🇪🇺 🇵🇹

We would like to thank everyone who took part in this project for their hospitality and availability.
@ Escola Rodrigues de Freitas

@ Niad ESE IPP


🎓 Welcome to a new school year full of possibilities! 🌟This year take your school to new heights with our personalised e...

🎓 Welcome to a new school year full of possibilities! 🌟

This year take your school to new heights with our personalised educational mobility services. We help you realise your international mobility project in the city of Porto by creating academic, professional and personal development and strengthening European partnerships, we are here to support your school every step of the way.

Give your students and staff the resources they need to succeed. Let's make this year unforgettable together! 💼📚

🌟 International Students Mobility in Porto! 🌟Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting 27 incredible participants from L...

🌟 International Students Mobility in Porto! 🌟

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting 27 incredible participants from Ltp-Ufa Jean ROSE de Meaux in France! 🇫🇷✨ Through an international mobility project, these young minds experienced an unforgettable exchange program at a Portuguese university. They explored the vibrant local companies with international reach and discovered the bustling international port of Leixões and its regional impact. 🌍🚢

It was an ambitious project that we embraced wholeheartedly, turning dreams into reality. 🙌✨

The week was filled with new learnings, unique experiences, and cultural immersion. Meeting these enthusiastic participants and showcasing the best that Porto has to offer was truly a delight! 💖🌆

We believe everyone returned enriched from this international journey, and we feel a profound sense of fulfilment. The heartfelt messages from the participants touched our hearts, and we look forward to providing more enriching experiences in the future. 🌟✈️

A special "Merci" to Ltp-Ufa Jean ROSE school and teachers Véronique Deneufbourg and Sandra Fernandes for their trust in us.

And to all our amazing partners in Porto who made this project possible, we say, “Muito Obrigado!” 🙏❤️

🇨🇿 🇪🇺 🇵🇹 In the first week of June we welcomed the Czech teacher Libor Daňhel to the school Leonardo Coimbra Filho in Po...

🇨🇿 🇪🇺 🇵🇹 In the first week of June we welcomed the Czech teacher Libor Daňhel to the school Leonardo Coimbra Filho in Porto for a week of Job Shadowing. It was a pleasure for us to organise this mobility and to welcome the friendly Libor.
Libor Daňhel, it was a pleasure to meet you and we hope to see you again soon with new projects.
We can really only express our appreciation to the direction of Agrupamento de Escolas Leonardo Coimbra - Filho, Porto for the availability and friendliness with which they received this mobility project.
And as Libor says, this experience has been "Úžasné".

"Uvidíme se brzy" ☺️

🇮🇹🇪🇺🇵🇹Abbiamo accolto a Porto i partecipanti al progetto Erasmus+ Bella Piazza In Europa, organizzato dall'Associazione ...

🇮🇹🇪🇺🇵🇹Abbiamo accolto a Porto i partecipanti al progetto Erasmus+ Bella Piazza In Europa, organizzato dall'Associazione di Ginevra. I partecipanti sono venuti a Porto per svolgere un'attività di job shadowing in associazioni della città. L'intera esperienza è stata arricchente; lo scambio di buone pratiche in due associazioni ha permesso loro di vedere due realtà diverse e di tornare più arricchiti e pieni di nuove idee per il futuro. 😊
Durante la settimana, oltre a lavorare nelle associazioni, hanno avuto anche l'opportunità di vivere un'esperienza immersiva nella cultura e nella gastronomia della città di Porto.⛵️🚠🍷🥘
È stato un piacere per noi essere con loro in questo progetto, conoscere questi volontari generosi, impegnati e con tanta voglia di imparare.
Abbiamo un bel ricordo di questi giorni trascorsi con l'Associazione di Ginevra e speriamo che questa esperienza sia servita da ispirazione per i progetti dell'associazione e abbia lasciato un segno nel cuore dei partecipanti. 💙
Saremo sempre disponibili ad accogliere l'Associazione e a continuare a partecipare ai suoi bellissimi progetti. 🤝
Non ci resta che ringraziare le Associação TODOS ed Espaço T Associação per la disponibilità e la gentilezza con cui hanno accolto questo gruppo. Ci auguriamo che i momenti di condivisione siano stati arricchenti e che questo sia l'inizio di una collaborazione con l'Associazione di Ginevra. 🫶🙏

Cristina, Ornella, Kelli, Ivana, Ketty e Fabrizio, speriamo di rivedervi presto. ❤️


🇮🇹🇪🇺🇵🇹We welcomed the participants of the Erasmus+ Bella Piazza In Europa project to Porto, organised by the Geneva Association. The participants came to Porto to do job shadowing in associations in the city. The whole experience was enriching; the exchange of good practices in two associations allowed them to see two different realities and to return more enriched and full of new ideas for the future. 😊
During the week, as well as working in the associations, they also had the opportunity to live an immersive experience in the culture and gastronomy of the city of Porto.⛵️🚠🍷🥘
It was a pleasure for us to be with them on this project, to meet these generous, committed volunteers with a great desire to learn.
We have fond memories of these days spent with the Geneva Association and hope that this experience has served as inspiration for the association's projects and left a mark on the hearts of the participants. 💙
We will always be willing to welcome the Association and continue to participate in its beautiful projects. 🤝
It remains for us to thank the Associação TODOS and Espaço T Associação associations for the availability and kindness with which they welcomed this group. We hope that the moments of sharing were enriching and that this is the beginning of a collaboration with the Associazione Ginevra. 🫶🙏

Cristina, Ornella, Kelli, Ivana, Ketty and Fabrizio, we hope to see you again soon. ❤️

Espaço T Associação

A EASIS BRIDGE agradece à Escola da Marinha Grande Poente pela confiança e oportunidade de apoiar no processo logístico ...

A EASIS BRIDGE agradece à Escola da Marinha Grande Poente pela confiança e oportunidade de apoiar no processo logístico da mobilidade em Job Shadowing da equipa do GAAF para uma experiência em Nicotera Marina, Itália. 🇵🇹✈️🇮🇹

Este intercâmbio foi possível graças à disponibilidade e celeridade do nosso parceiro em Itália, Giovani per l'Europa. Erasmus+ Ka1 Ka2 mobility programme, que a recebeu de braços abertos e proporcionou uma experiência enriquecedora e inesquecível. 💪

Obrigado a todos os que transformaram este projeto num sucesso e contribuíram para o crescimento profissional e pessoal de todos os envolvidos.
Juntos, continuamos a construir pontes para o futuro! 🤝

Easis Bridge spent four days in Lugo at the invitation of the  Association. It brought together various organisations fr...

Easis Bridge spent four days in Lugo at the invitation of the Association.
It brought together various organisations from 🇪🇸Spain, 🇮🇹Italy and 🇵🇹Portugal, with the aim of exchanging experiences on entrepreneurship and rural development. It was an enriching experience where we had the chance to debate and get to know the different realities.
We also had the chance to visit the "Cei Nodus Coworking" where we were introduced to the efforts made by the "Ayuntamiento de Lugo" to support young entrepreneurs. We met some local entrepreneurs who gave us a warm welcome and presented their projects to us.🤝
And despite the heavy rain, we went on a sightseeing tour that introduced us to the history of Galicia, visiting historical sites and magnificent landscapes. 🏞🛖🏚
We are grateful for the generous welcome that characterises the Galician people.
We would like to thank all the participants and hope to meet you again on other occasions, perhaps in Porto. 🫶🏼
And a very special thank you to for inviting us to take part in this project, from which we have come away more enriched.❤

🇵🇹 🇪🇺 Your mobility project is ours too! Come and live an unforgettable experience in Porto, Portugal. 🇵🇹 🇪🇺More informa...

🇵🇹 🇪🇺 Your mobility project is ours too! Come and live an unforgettable experience in Porto, Portugal. 🇵🇹 🇪🇺
More informatios contact us! www.easisbridge.com

🇵🇹🌸Let's keep watering the flower of freedom. 🌸🇵🇹

🇵🇹🌸Let's keep watering the flower of freedom. 🌸🇵🇹


🇪🇺🇪🇺DiscoverEU 🇪🇺🇪🇺 is an action of the Erasmus+ programme that offers you the opportunity to explore Europe’s diversity, learn about its cultural heritage and history, and connect with people from all over the continent.

You will be offered a travel pass and travel by rail. 🚄


🎂 be born between 1 July 2005 (included) and 30 June 2006 (included)
🇪🇺 be a european citizen
📚 participate in a Quiz

🏆If you are selected, you can travel for a period of minimum 1 day and up to 30 days between 1 July 2024 and 30 September 20🎒👜

Find more detail: https://youth.europa.eu/discovereu_en

Follow for more EasisNews! 🗞🗞🗞


🛫You have a project Erasmus+ approved!
We are here for help you! 🤝


🐟🤝Sempre à procura de novas parcerias desta vez fomos visitar as Conservas Pinhais em Matosinhos. Uma empresa fundada em 1920, que se mantém fiel a um Método Tradicional de produção de conservas de sardinhas. A qualidade e sustentabilidade são regras de ouro, e as pessoas que lá trabalham são família. Sente-se no ar a paixão, dedicação e alegria dos colaboradores que participam em cada uma das etapas do processo para nos apresentarem no final um produto de qualidade.
São experiências/visitas como estas que queremos apresentar aos participantes nos projetos de mobilidade internacional. Locais onde a tradição, a qualidade, as pessoas e a indústria avançam de braços dados. E desta forma apresentarmos o que de melhor se faz no nosso país.
Às conservas Pinhais o nosso obrigado por esta parceria que vai criar uma experiência inesquecível aos nossos clientes. Esperamos estar a contribuir para que esta visita seja uma mais-valia para os projetos académicos e profissionais de cada um deles.
Nós voltaremos sempre, para rever esses sorrisos e para continuarmos a provar as vossas iguarias deliciosas!🐟😋

🌐📈 According to the "EF English Proficiency Index" surveys of 2023, Portugal's dedication to English language education ...

🌐📈 According to the "EF English Proficiency Index" surveys of 2023, Portugal's dedication to English language education and its vibrant multicultural environment have earned it the 8th spot globally and 7th place within Europe for" English Proficiency Among Non-Native Speakers"! 📈💬 This incredible achievement highlights Portugal's role as not just a tourist destination, but also a global communication hub within Europe's diverse landscape. 🌍🇵🇹
Come to Porto, embrace diversity, and harness the power of language to unite Europe and the world! 🌟🗣️🌐
Easis Bridge is here to support you in this educational adventure. 👋
1 min

🏫🤝 Uma semana memorável na cidade do Porto ! 🏫🤝Foi com muito prazer que recebemos os alunos e professores do Externato d...

🏫🤝 Uma semana memorável na cidade do Porto ! 🏫🤝
Foi com muito prazer que recebemos os alunos e professores do Externato de S. José no Porto. Agradecemos a confiança depositada em nós e estamos felizes por termos participado nesta semana tão especial e cheia de aventuras.
Continuaremos sempre disponíveis para colaborar em projetos futuros e assim darmos o nosso contributo na aprendizagem e crescimento dos vossos alunos. São encontros como este que nos motivam e nos fazem acreditar que este é o caminho certo.
Obrigado por tornarem este momento tão significativo! 🌟🎓 ̃o ̧ão ̧ão

🌍✈️📚 Join Us in Porto for an Unforgettable Educational Adventure! 📚✈️🌍Calling all schools, universities, students and yo...

🌍✈️📚 Join Us in Porto for an Unforgettable Educational Adventure! 📚✈️🌍

Calling all schools, universities, students and young adults in development seeking an unforgettable educational adventure! You have a mobility project? Are you ready to explore the captivating city of Porto while immersing yourself in a rich learning experience? Join our team for an exciting opportunity that promises growth, discovery, and lasting memories.

Here's what you can expect:

🔹 Tailored Support: We're here to assist you every step of the way. From travel arrangements to accommodation, we've got you covered.

🔹 Schools and Company Connections: Gain invaluable insights and make meaningful connections through our network of schools and companies. Expand your horizons and explore potential opportunities.

🔹 Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Porto. From historical landmarks to local delicacies, there's so much to discover and enjoy.

🔹 Linguistic Programs: Enhance your language skills with our linguistic programs. Whether you're a beginner or advanced learner, there's something for everyone.

🔹 Warm Hospitality: Experience the renowned Portuguese hospitality firsthand. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your stay is comfortable, enjoyable, and memorable.

This invitation is open to teachers, students, young adults eager to embark on a transformative educational adventure. Whether you're seeking personal growth, professional development, or simply a new perspective, Porto has something special to offer.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Join us in Porto and let's create unforgettable memories together.

For more information and to reserve your spot, please don't hesitate to reach out. We can't wait to welcome you to Porto!🌟


🌟 Gratitude to our partners! 🙏 Universities, schools, training companies, accommodations, tourist services, and companies – thank you for your invaluable collaboration in delivering exceptional educational experiences in Porto with Easis Bridge. 🎓💼 Join us in shaping the future of educational travel and creating unforgettable memories! ✨

+ + +




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