Brejo Fundeiro Retreat

Brejo Fundeiro Retreat Holistic Spiritual Retreat Centre for group hire in central rural Portugal. Privately owned and managed. Min 6 to max 17 people.

Website: Brejo Fundeiro Retreat is a holistic retreat venue where people can come on a 'working holiday' to learn and become a better version of themselves. Any Tutor/organiser who brings 8 or more students will receive a free, full board week in a private en-suite room in rural central Portugal. We require 6 students to run a retreat and can host up to sixteen stude

nts, plus the tutor. Set in a rural valley surrounded by eucalyptus forest. The venue consists of the main Manor house (over 100 years old), courtyard garden, flower garden, vegetable garden, fruit tree orchard, Yoga hall, swimming pool, ruins. Perfect setting for your rural group retreat in Central Portugal. Although we don't see ourselves as part of the eco-tourism, but rather as a part of our daily lifestyle to look after the environment and our impact on it here at Brejo Fundeiro retreat centre in rural central Portugal. We grow organic vegetables, herbs and fruit, which is not only a practice, but defines and influence our complete lifestyle. Our idea is to provide luxury, without over charging and consciousness of the impact on the environment. We LOVE nature and the amazing natural eco system. So we try very hard to cook and eat seasonal .This also extends to our lifestyle, so we do not use poisons and chemicals. Once you register an interest we will discuss our menu with you in more detail, but in essence we typically do brunch and dinner, to fit in with the typical 2 Yoga sessions per day, but if you do not do Yoga or want 3 meals a day instead, we can supply it too. Brunch consists normally of:
Fresh fruit salad, muesli with home made yoghurt and Kefir, followed by a baked dish like Greek Spinach pie, Salad, 3 x tea infusions and a cold drink like home made organic long life orange juice. Fresh home made sour dough bread with jams and cheeses. Our afternoon cake is of course freshly baked each day, served with tea infusions. We alternate our 2 course dinners; (day 1: starter and main course, day 2: main course and dessert, etc.) The main is a warm dish, 2 x salads, 3 tea infusions, while dessert are sometimes a healthy option like home made vegan 'ice cream', or a naughty treat like our 70% chocolate mousse. Friday evening is usually BBQ with either pure vegetarian, or we can add Portuguese sardines if your group eats fish too. All this food is completely home made from scratch with mostly organic produce, depending on the season. Please see our website for more info:


Drum and Gong Journey Central Portugal.

Sabina will offer a Drum and Gong Journey on 6 Jan 2024 from 3pm until 5.30pm at our place, which is listed on Google maps as, Brejo Fundeiro retreat.

Let’s raise our vibrations for 2024 with heart centred connections, journey with the beat of a shamanic drum and relax deeply by listening to the harmonic sounds of the gongs. There will be some sharing in the group at the opening and closing of the circle.

The beat of the drum will take us deeper inside, connect us to nature and spirit guides. The healing sound and vibrations of gongs and singing bowls will help to clear any emotional and energetic blockages and align body mind and spirit, bringing back balance and harmony. A perfect start into the New Year 2024!

Contraindications: early stages of pregnancy, pace maker and heart disease, tinnitus and epilepsy.

For additional info message Sabina on WhatsApp or Telegram +44 7781 405805

This is a conscious donation based event, minimum is 10€ and full 20€ to help cover costs for shipping and transport.

Limited spaces, so please let Keith, know if you like to participate.

You will lie down during the Drum and Gong Journey, we have a wood burner stove to take the cold out of the air, please bring comfortable warm clothes and an open heart.

We will provide the mats, blankets and cushions.

Before I go off into the wild – (well as much as one can in Northern Portugal) I would love to send this transmission ou...

Before I go off into the wild – (well as much as one can in Northern Portugal) I would love to send this transmission out to those who still celebrate New Year, using the Gregorian Calendar *

The current Galactic cycle we are experiencing in the Realm is ending, which also means that the probability for all sentient life to ascend is increasing dramatically (we have all noticed the extreme changes that has occurred in the last few years in this Realm, so there is no way any one can deny this process any longer)

My intention with this New Year's Blessing is to wish everyone expansion of awareness to facilitate more ascension in your U-ni-verse. For me, ascension is the process of synchronising with Unconditional LOVE – That what we all Truly are.

Sure this Realm has Many layers, and ALL of us are 'moving' through these layers on our own tragectoary, we are after all, each a unique expression of the ONE. May your journey reach new heights during the next rotation around the Solar Sun and the expansion of your awareness be an amazing experience.

Namaste (which means; The Divine in me, honours the Divine that dwells within you) for ALL is ONE.

* [the REAL new year already started on 23 December, marked by the Solstice, when the Sun started moving on the horizon from Earth's point of view again, after 3 days of remaining on the same spot]

As a regular user of Social Media and discovering the power of memes, I have seen these words regularly:Watch your thoug...

As a regular user of Social Media and discovering the power of memes, I have seen these words regularly:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words,
Watch your words, for they become your actions,
Watch your actions, for they become your habits,
Watch your habits, for they become your character,
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

I dont know where you are on your journey; as we awake to our True Being, but for those who are exploring the Law of Attraction, I can share where I am at, on my journey in the hope to guide those who are also new to Magick.

Many say: I manifested this and that, but the fact is, we manifest nothing. That is just the ego talking. What happens is that our Intentions manipulate/affect the Infinite field of possibilities and change the probability of what manifests. We do not manifest anything, we affect or co-create reality in this Realm.
We need to be aware that the Universe do not speak our languages, it IS (and only speaks/Reflects in) Energy, Frequency and Vibration.
When we desire a specific outcome, take note whether that intention is for your personal benefit only, for this will very likely manifest with a high probability of suffering included.
When we desire a specific outcome, where the intention to benefit other-selves, it is very likely that what manifest will have a very low probability of suffering included, but instead, a high probability of deep inner peace and even Bliss.

As always, if you would like to talk about this topic in more detail please feel free to contact me direct for free.

We are moving to the next stage of this Cycle !!!And for those whom these energies have already manifested , please note...

We are moving to the next stage of this Cycle !!!

And for those whom these energies have already manifested , please note the 12/12 Portal was the start of them (dont get hanged up on the Gregorian calendar dates, energies dont care which calendar we are currently following , its a Galactic cycle)

And when you become aware of these energies Sarah mentions, please try to remain in your authenticity as a sovereign Being (or if you slip into the story that manifested in your personal reality like I did, then remind yourself to come back to your authenticity). Decree that you do not consent to this energies and thank them for their service to make you expand your awareness deeper.
Om Shanti.

2024 is a key and pivotal year for future timelines that humanity will be able to access and align with. So today, I'm going to be breaking down the pivotal ...

The Naked Man Movement (NMM) Retreat 10-12 May 2024 is a self-discovery retreat inspired on Ta**ra and Conscious Sexuali...

The Naked Man Movement (NMM) Retreat 10-12 May 2024 is a self-discovery retreat inspired on Ta**ra and Conscious Sexuality. During this retreat we will do meditative and ta***ic dynamics for alignment and connection. We will also use breathwork, intuitive touch, free movement, sharing, active meditation, creative expression and emotional expression/release. All authentic expression is welcome and inner centeredness, in-body presence and mindfulness will be encouraged.


Here is a list of current retreats we will be hosting at Brejo Fundeiro retreat during 2024.
Please contact us if you would consider joining any and want to get more information about any of them. 2 Feb - 4 Feb 2024 Sacred Plant medicine retreat with 2 ceremonies
10 May – 12 May 2024 Clothing optional Men's retreat in Portuguese & English
8 June – 15 June 2024 Spiritual Retreat in Dutch
15 June – 22 June 2024 Yoga retreat in Dutch
29 June – 6 July 2024 Sacred Plant medicine retreat with 3 ceremonies
12 July – 17 July 24 Sacred Plant medicine retreat with 3 ceremonies
19 July – 22 July 2024 Sacred Plant medicine retreat with 3 ceremonies
10 Aug – 17 Aug 2024 Empowering of the Divine Feminine – Woman's retreat

Words of GratitudeWe would like to express our gratitude for those who choose to use Brejo Fundeiro retreat during 2023 ...

Words of Gratitude

We would like to express our gratitude for those who choose to use Brejo Fundeiro retreat during 2023 to host their retreats. It is such an honour to be play a small part of the amazing work you do during this crucial awakening process unfolding in this Realm, we currently experience.

We appreciate that you are spoilt for choice, yet found your way to us, to enable us to serve other-selves, which is the highest calling.

Blessings & Namaste


Sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body,...

Sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. Ideally, a hypnotic, meditative or theta brainwave state is created which allows access to deeper levels of inner wisdom and healing.
You can now add this awesome experience to your retreat at Brejo Fundeiro retreat. Please contact us for availability and the rest of their beautiful offerings.


Brejo Fundeiro
Sernache Do Bomjardim


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Our Story

Brejo Fundeiro Retreat is a holistic retreat sanctuary where people can come on a 'working holiday' to learn and expand their consciousness. Any Tutor/organiser who brings 8 or more students will receive a free, full board week in a private en-suite room in rural central Portugal. We require 6 students to run a retreat and can host up to sixteen students, plus the tutor. Set in a rural valley surrounded by eucalyptus forest. The venue consists of the main Manor house (over 100 years old), courtyard garden, flower garden, vegetable garden, fruit tree orchard, Yoga shala, swimming pool, ruins. Perfect setting for your rural group retreat in Central Portugal. Although we don't see ourselves as part of the eco-tourism, but rather as a part of our daily lifestyle to look after the environment and our impact on it here at Brejo Fundeiro retreat centre in rural central Portugal. We grow organic vegetables, herbs and fruit, which is not only a practice, but defines and influence our complete lifestyle. Our idea is to provide luxury, without over charging and consciousness of the impact on the environment. We LOVE nature and the amazing natural eco system. So we try very hard to cook and eat seasonal .This also extends to our lifestyle, so we do not use poisons and chemicals. Once you register an interest we will discuss our menu with you in more detail, but in essence we typically do brunch and dinner, to fit in with the typical 2 Yoga sessions per day, but if you do not do Yoga or want 3 meals a day instead, we can supply it too. Brunch consists normally of: Fresh fruit salad, muesli with home made yoghurt and Kefir, followed by a baked dish like Greek Spinach pie, Salad, 3 x tea infusions and a cold drink like home made organic long life orange juice. Fresh home made sour dough bread with jams and cheeses. Our afternoon cake is of course freshly baked each day, served with tea infusions. We alternate our 2 course dinners; (day 1: starter and main course, day 2: main course and dessert, etc.) The main is a warm dish, 2 x salads, 3 tea infusions, while dessert are sometimes a healthy option like home made vegan 'ice cream', or a naughty treat like our 70% chocolate mousse. Friday evening is usually BBQ with either pure vegetarian, or we can add Portuguese sardines if your group eats fish too. All this food is completely home made from scratch with mostly organic produce, depending on the season. Please see our website for more info: