MysticPaths Mystic Paths features mystic places, history, and esotericism, for the ones who are looking for an unforgettable tourist experiences in Portugal


So much to see, so much to dream... so much to hide!
Mystic Paths launch 21 March 2020

  by MysticPaths: Sebastianism, is part of the Portuguese mythology and culture. It means waiting for a hero that will s...

by MysticPaths: Sebastianism, is part of the Portuguese mythology and culture. It means waiting for a hero that will save Portugal and lead it to the Fifth Empire, known as “national Self” (read more in coments).

  by MysticPaths: Portugal once had a dead Queen (read more in comments).

by MysticPaths: Portugal once had a dead Queen (read more in comments).


Inspiration moments from Mystic Paths (full-screen and turn on the sound). Enjoy!

Philosophical mansion? Temple of Freemasonry? Rosa Cruz Initiation palace? When we speak of Quinta da Regaleira, the ass...

Philosophical mansion? Temple of Freemasonry? Rosa Cruz Initiation palace?

When we speak of Quinta da Regaleira, the association of space with occult and esoteric practices carried out by secret organizations or if we want discreet ones, such as Freemasonry, the Templars or the Order Rosa Cruz, are inevitable. In the space of Quinta da Regaleira, like nowhere else in the world.

A comprehensive space of esoteric symbols, referring to Alchemy, Templar Masonry and Portuguese Mythological Tradition, Quinta da Regaleira is the setting where our itinerary of travel through Sintra has its beginning.

In the myth of Plato's cave, men chained in the darkness could only see on the wall the shadows of the outer movement, and only after their release could they see, astonished and frightened, what was happening in real life. This image symbolically applies to the ignorance of the profane and to be initiated, when they leave the cave are dazzled with the Light, symbolizes also the descent to the land of the Dead, death before the resurrection.

Visita interiora terrae rectif**ando invenies ioccultum lapidem...

In this journey through the spaces of Quinta da Regaleira, we explore the interior of the earth, rectify it, discover the hidden stone, return to the innermost core of the human person, descend to the deepest of ourselves and ... we find the immanent and transforming presence of God , the young man.

Purified by the four elements, along a tortuous path, the first, the Earth, where we seek the hidden stone, we will abandon the depths and continue the initiatory path, where we will be purified by Water, Air and Fire.

We descended the Initiation Well, approaching the Labyrinth of Daedalus, consisting of several tortuous and ramified paths, difficult, but which lead us inexorably to their destination, present in many medieval cathedrals, whose journey through the believers mimicked a journey to the Holy Land.

In the Chapel of the Holy Trinity of Quinta da Regaleira we will enter sacred territory, where the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, the result of the mystical fertilization of a woman by the Divinity, in a true union of what is earthly with what is transcendent, the "mystical or**sm "Of St. Teresa, the result of the action of the Spirit on the body, is the perfect complement of the bonds of love between the divine and the human, between spirit and matter.

There's no place in the world like Quinta da Regaleira!

Learn to bow to the sign of the crossA place of salvation, the convent of Santa Cruz dos Capuchos, or Convent of the Cap...

Learn to bow to the sign of the cross

A place of salvation, the convent of Santa Cruz dos Capuchos, or Convent of the Capuchos, as it is better known, was instituted in 1560 by D. Álvaro de Castro, who fulfilled the vow of his father. Implanted in the Sintra mountain range, between closed groves and rocky elements, D. João de Castro, Viceroy of India.

This is the perfect place so that before the beginning of our Demand we can find the peace of mind and the faith, essential condition to enter the Castle of Corbenic.

The naturally irregular convent plan is preceded by a terreiro with a fountain, which marks the passage from one world of natural light to another, the cells and the church, where the penumbra reigns.

The image and symbolism of the cross, which recalls the passion of Christ and the invocation of the convent itself, is a constant presence that begins on the great stone cross at the entrance and spreads throughout the interior, taking on a special meaning in the chapel dedicated to the Lord of the Steps, which reflects the Franciscan spirituality, presenting murals attributed to André Reinoso.

Alongside the iconography of the cross, the whole complex was conceived as a way to go to attain salvation, an ascending course that culminates in the retreat hall, just after the penitence room. An architectural logic that testifies to the main concerns of its inhabitants - penance and the contemplative and spiritual life.

Portugal with Jewish roots and symbols, persecuted and hidden for centuries. Let's meet small great stories of individua...

Portugal with Jewish roots and symbols, persecuted and hidden for centuries. Let's meet small great stories of individuals and places... hidden memories and only now again.
The expulsion of Jews and the persecution of new Christians by the Portuguese inquisition lasted three centuries.

However, the presence of those communities and the secret practices of some crypto-Jews resisted the passage of time and can be confirmed on a mysterious and unforgettable journey.

The existence of Jews in the territory that is today Portugal dates most probably from the 1 century. D.C.

It is believed that today there are only four thousand Jews with Portuguese nationality.

Let's relive the troubled and very unique diaspora of Jews in Portugal.


The concept of tourism linked to spirituality and mysticism has been gaining notoriety against the social and economic context and the search for answers that characterize the human being. A unique and genuinely mystical tourism experience that walks towards multiple theories, communities, places and phenomena.

Society has developed a curiosity based on cultural characteristics deeply rooted in the imaginary and fantastic of secular traditions.

The Mystic Paths tour packages offer the tourist the chance to experience ancient rituals and the mysteries of the Portuguese ancestors with visits to emblematic monuments in Portugal.

An unforgettable experience for those who come in search of places where mysticism and history merge into an ideal setting for our own discovery.

A journey of the soul, to places where Man has always sought the whys, approaching themes to the margin of his intuitive and rational understanding.


Testimony of Prof. Jose Manuel Anes (Pst. Grand Master of Regular Freemasonry in Portugal) on the "Quinta da Regaleira". Soon he will present the "Sintra Magic" tourism route experience!

A place full of history and esoteric symbols, referring to Alchemy, Freemasonry and Portuguese mythological tradition.

A place full of history and esoteric symbols, referring to Alchemy, Freemasonry and Portuguese mythological tradition.

The mysticism of the Portuguese poetThere is a magical and mysterious Portugal to discover by the hand of the great mode...

The mysticism of the Portuguese poet

There is a magical and mysterious Portugal to discover by the hand of the great modernist poet Fernando Pessoa.
Fernando Pessoa is our cicerone for Lisbon, cascais and sintra.

Because the poet was faithful to his own maxim that "to travel, just exist", we invite you to explore lisbon and discover the most mysterious traits of the poet's existence on a unique and surprising path.

For three days, within a 40-mile radius, you will watch the passage of hours in the company of the poet, discovering places, people and spiritual and mystical movements, which are part of his most secret routes.

You will not miss the meeting with Aleister Crowley and his own experience of vanishing in the mouth of hell.


Excerto da explicação do roteiro "Da Jerusalém terrestre à Jerusalém celeste" pelo Prof. Manuel J. Gandra | Excerpt from the route "From terrestrial Jerusalem to the Heavenly Jerusalem" by Prof. Manuel J. Gandra


São várias as referencias a nível internacional e vão todas no mesmo sentido: a biblioteca do Palácio Nacional de Mafra é das mais bonitas, mais singulares e com uma ...

To make your tourist experience even more immersive, we chose Portugal's best consultants and guides.Today we present pr...

To make your tourist experience even more immersive, we chose Portugal's best consultants and guides.

Today we present professor Manuel J. Gandra, author of our script: from earth Jerusalem to heavenly Jerusalem (which we will share soon).


Natural of Lisbon, born 27 October 1953.
Graduated in philosophy from the faculty of letters of the classical university of Lisbon (1979).

Researcher specialist in various areas of knowledge, such as: mythical history and geography of Portugal, hermetic philosophy, iconology of Portuguese art, emblematic and culture and history reversed.

He taught in preparatory and secondary education as well as in the faculty of social and human sciences of the new university of Lisbon. He was coordinator of the culture services of the municipal council of mafra (between 1989 and 2003), director of the centre for documentation and information of local history of the municipality of mafra (between 2006 and 2010) and scientific director of the library António Quadros - Iade (between 2000 and 2016).

He is currently a professor at iade-u, Institute of art, design and company - university, as well as collaborator of unidcom (Idem) and of (faculty of letters of the classical university of Lisbon). He runs the Ernesto Soares Center of iconography and symbolic, which he founded in 1997.

He is a frequent guest of several series of the history channel.

He is author of vast bibliography.

Today is may 13th! Believe it or not, Fatima is much more than a sacred place.The world marian cult, step by step, in Po...

Today is may 13th!
Believe it or not, Fatima is much more than a sacred place.

The world marian cult, step by step, in Portugal. A journey that impresses believers and non-believers and touches everyone by faith and curiosity that the mystery of Mary closes in the world.

We have drawn up a script that walks through some of the most important Portuguese monuments and that will provide you with a cultural trip that reflects the spirituality, art and history of a people.

A touristic route that will allow us to travel through places full of mysticism and religiosity, beginning in Lisbon, culminating in the cycle of extraordinary and supernatural phenomena of the apparitions in Fatima to three little shepherd children and ending in the mystical landscape of the Serra da Arrábida.

We are going to visit the Shrine of Fatima, one of the world’s greatest references to the Marian cult, visited by millions of tourists from all corners of the world, even from countries without a Christian tradition.

Soon in:

Hoje é 13 de Maio!
Acredite-se ou não, Fátima é muito mais do que um lugar sagrado.

O culto mundial de Avé Maria Cheia de Graça, passo a passo, em Portugal. Uma viagem que impressiona crentes e não crentes e que a todos toca pela Fé e curiosidade que o mistério de Maria encerra no mundo.
Traçámos um roteiro que percorre alguns dos mais importantes monumentos portugueses e que vai proporcionar-lhe uma viagem cultural que reflete a espiritualidade, arte e história de um povo.

Vamos viajar por locais repletos de misticismo e religiosidade, com inicio em Lisboa, culminando no ciclo de fenómenos extraordinários e sobrenaturais das aparições em Fátima a três crianças pastorinhas e terminando na mística paisagem da Serra da Arrábida.

Em breve no nosso:

Holy Grail in Portugal?Imagination or reality? The story begins with the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Tem...

Holy Grail in Portugal?
Imagination or reality?

The story begins with the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, known as the Order of the Knights Templars, with the myth that they found documents and treasures in the Temple in Jerusalem that made them very powerful, including the Holy Grail itself !

A touristic route that will allow us to travel through the Soul of Portugal, in search of the Holy Grail, the magical and enigmatic relic, with infinite mystical powers, associated with its history and the Knights of God, the Templars.

Through the symbolism of the Holy Grail traveled by three of the most important Portuguese monuments, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, Monastery of Alcobaça, Monastery of Batalha and Convent of Christ, we hope to fulfill the mission of providing a spiritual journey...
.. in search of a hidden treasure, in which each one seeks his own Way.


Soon... very soon!


Rua José Augusto Coelho 10
Vila Nogueira De Azeitão


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An unforgettable tourist experience. Mystic Paths features places and people where mysticism, history, emotion, and esotericism, merge into the ideal setting for each individual's personal discovery.

Our commitment is to guarantee a personalised and accompanied visit, for the ones who are looking for an unforgettable and mystic tourist experience in Portugal.

MYSTIC PATHS - Travel with your Soul

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