RUN languages

RUN languages RUN Languages is a cultural immersive center where French language learners can enjoy French culture in a way that’s outside-the-box of mass tourism.



Informations générales

Registration open all year. Classes start every Monday. All levels of French.




- Standard course
- Crash Course
- French for diplomacy
- French for tourism and hospitality management
- French for business
- One on One Class
- Online course
- French exams preparation
- Special package for Couple/Family


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RUN languages - Travel, live, learn -

About Reunion Island

Reunion Island (La Réunion in French) has a vastly different personality from the better-known Indian Ocean islands such as Mauritius and Seychelles. Its rugged beauty means endless adventure, from hiking in the great tropical outdoors and scaling one of the world’s most active volcanoes to scuba diving through exquisite coral reefs. There is an exotic flavour to explore in every corner to satisfy your wanderlust.

On top of that, Reunion Island is a pretty safe place to travel, offering the facilities of a European country: simple entry procedures, health safeguards, modern telecommunications and a familiar currency – the Euro. You’ll also find an international airport, high-quality tourism infrastructure, European standards, exceptional UNESCO World Heritage sites, a national park covering nearly half of the island. As for the a friendly and easy-going population, discover a rich and original Creole identity born from an intriguing cultural melting pot.

About RUN Languages

Autres agences de voyages à Réunion

Voir Toutes