Saint Andre,Reunion Island:France.French Indian Ocean

Saint Andre,Reunion Island:France.French Indian Ocean Saint Andre,Reunion Island.France. Reunion Island. French Indian Ocean. It is a little over three-fifths the size of Rhode Island, the smallest U.S. State in area.

Réunion Island, a French department in the Indian Ocean, is known for its volcanic, rainforested interior, offshore reefs, beaches and Creole culture. The active Piton de la Fournaise volcano, its most iconic landmark, rewards climbers with sweeping views from its rim. Piton des Neiges, a massive extinct volcano, and Réunion’s 3 cirques (calderas), natural amphitheaters formed by c

ollapsed volcanoes, are also climbing destinations. The island is 63 kilometres (39 mi) long; 45 kilometres (28 mi) wide; and covers 2,512 square kilometres (970 sq mi). It is located above a hotspot in the Earth's crust. The Piton de la Fournaise, a shield volcano on the eastern end of Réunion Island, rises more than 2,631 metres (8,632 ft) above sea level and is sometimes called a sister to Hawaiian volcanoes because of the similarity of climate and volcanic nature. It has erupted more than 100 times since 1640 and is under constant monitoring. It most recently erupted on 5 February 2015.Before that, the most noticeable was during April 2007, when the lava flow was estimated at 3,000,000 cubic metres (3,900,000 cu yd) per day. The Piton de la Fournaise is created by a hotspot volcano, which also created the Piton des Neiges and the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues. The Piton des Neiges volcano, the highest point on the island at 3,070 metres (10,070 ft) above sea level, is north west of the Piton de la Fournaise. Collapsed calderas and canyons are south west of the mountain. Like Kohala on the Big Island of Hawaii, the Piton des Neiges is extinct. Despite its name, snow (French: neige) practically never falls on the summit. The slopes of both volcanoes are heavily forested. Cultivated land and cities like the capital city of Saint-Denis are concentrated on the surrounding coastal lowlands. Offshore, part of the west coast is characterised by a coral reef system. Réunion also has three calderas: the Cirque de Salazie, the Cirque de Cilaos and the Cirque de Mafate. The last is accessible only on foot or by helicopter.

== History ==
Before the arrival of the Portuguese in the early sixteenth century, there is little European knowledge of Réunion's history.Arab traders were familiar with it by the name Dina Morgabin. The island is possibly featured on a map from 1153 AD by Al Sharif el-Edrisi.The island may also have been visited by Swahili or Malay sailors. The first European discovery of the area was made around 1507 by Portuguese explorers, but the specifics are unclear. The uninhabited island may have been first sighted by the expedition led by Dom Pedro Mascarenhas, who gave his name to the island group around Réunion, the Mascarenes. Réunion itself was dubbed Santa Apolónia after a favorite saint,which suggests that the date of the Portuguese discovery may have been February 9, her saint day. Diogo Lopes de Sequeira is said to have landed on the islands of Reunion and Rodrigues in 1509. Over a century later, nominal Portuguese rule had left Santa Apolónia virtually untouched.The island was then occupied by France and administered from Port Louis, Mauritius. Although the first French claims date from 1638, when François Cauche and Salomon Goubert visited in June 1638,the island was officially claimed by Jacques Pronis of France in 1642, when he deported a dozen French mutineers to the island from Madagascar. The convicts were returned to France several years later, and in 1649, the island was named Île Bourbon after the House of Bourbon. Colonization started in 1665, when the French East India Company sent the first 20 settlers. Statue of Mahé de La Bourdonnais in Saint-Denis
"Réunion" was the name given to the island in 1793 by a decree of the Convention with the fall of the House of Bourbon in France, and the name commemorates the union of revolutionaries from Marseille with the National Guard in Paris, which took place on 10 August 1792. In 1801, the island was renamed "Île Bonaparte", after Napoleon Bonaparte. The island was invaded by a Royal Navy squadron led by Commodore Josias Rowley in 1810, who used the old name of “Bourbon”. When it was restored to France by the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the island retained the name of "Bourbon" until the fall of the restored Bourbons during the French Revolution of 1848, when the island was once again given the name “Réunion”.


Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon.
Founded: July 19, 2006,
When she attended:
2006 symposium: [July 19-23, 2006]

Book Project, 2007, Co-Authors:

Salutation to the members of the petals of many hearts, and my gratitude for the gathering of our hearts, guided by the Light of God. But above all things, my praise, adoration and thankfulness to God Almighty for the spiritual unity of all, as a voice to humanity, for humanity, in humanity, in a time and a purpose, His time and His purpose, unknown to us all. May we be a singular vessel of love and faith through His Son,
our Savior, the Messiah.

May He, the Supreme intelligence perpetually keep us bonded together in one single rope the rope of selfless offering of self, and our gifts which He gave us. So we can climb to higher places with our “hinds’ feet” and attain the summit of love and peace with mankind through our poetic gifts. May our lights as poets be like an eternal torch that will glow in every soil of human heart, to kindle more love to mankind; for each other, to each other, in many lifetimes to live as long as the breath of forever breathes.

May our thoughts, love, efforts and time be dedicated more to let our works flourish in beauty and love but most of all in Faith. May we be like a vehicle, so our words will travel as a voice of hope and love, of truth and faith in the ‘Truth of Faith’. May we be a cradle for each other, so our voice will be stronger together like a strong chain that can bind many. May we be a light for each other, so the light will burn like a strong flame to kindle love for others; the poor, the deprived, even the lost in spirit..

May we be an echo of their sufferings and neglect by many human societies because they are:

Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon-Bokhari, 2006
was founded: July 19, 2006.
In The Year of The LORD


We thank you, as you glimpse to our world that archives and shelters the footprints of our thoughts, the carvings of our hearts, some leaves of the lives of us, and our love for the One and only Almighty God.
The Great ‘I AM’ - YAHWEH, JEHOVAH, His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, the Jeshua of Nazareth, the Isah, the Holy One of Israel, the Anointed One, the King of the Jews, the Messiah, the Savior of the world, the Immanuel, the Emmanuel, “The Light of the world” - “The Living God”. The beginning and the end, the first and the last, “The Christ of God”, “I and my Father is One”. “The Alpha and Omega”.

And as we dedicate to erect fortress in the home of history and humanity, through the languages of our hearts, let us whisper only love, the love of Jesus.

And as we build unseen monuments, in the heart of a future for a future to behold its beauty, the beauty of our faith in God....Let us speak only of peace, the peace of Jesus, the peace of God that surpasses all our understanding. Come! Let us be the many hearts of the petals of many hearts, in the heart of God. Live!

Let it warm many hearts, cloth many minds with its beauty like a rainbow.... The promise of God! The beauty of purpose, and the purpose in beauty, the perfection of God! As we dwell in this universe... With all its gifts from Him, the everlasting mercy of God! Long live to you all, as long as He allows us, to journey on this earth.

And welcomes us to His home when our journey is over. ..With eternal life, from the grace of Jesus, when He died on The Cross, to bring us back to God. When we were separated from Him, because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve. God, the EMMANUEL, came to dwell with us, in a very short journey. For the Salvation of the world. His Death, His Resurrection from the dead. And defeated death, God’s triumph. We, this humanity is with Him, when He defeated death. An Inheritance.

Those who are dead will rise again as He did. Will live again as He did. Will not die again, as He is. And we will be forever with the Lord.
HIS PROMISE. THE ALMIGHTY FATHER'S DIVINE PLAN for the universe and mankind. Believe! Arise. Come. Live. Praise. Unite. Believe!

In life’s bouquet of bounty, in its minutes of joy, in its songs of times....Let our hearts sing a song of praise for God alone. To you. Under a roof of peace. Praise! In this universe with faith in its Creator. We ascend to a summit of love, that He wraps in all of us. And shower it to all of you. For your hearts to behold. Believe! As you believe in life, in love, in hope, and in freedom. And all your hearts’ desires. And all its beauty.

When we walk with obedience to God. And love our fellowmen. Unite! May the shadow of the sunrise and of the sunset, in a life’s clock of the life’s clock-His clock, not ours, breathe with us, in humanity. May it endlessly keep on ticking, in the milestone and breathe of a ‘Forever’ and even longer than forever, as our God allows.

And as we weave a tapestry in the works of our gifts as artists, we cloth you with our love, from across the miles, as huge and as vast as God will allow. Arise! Come! Unite! As we breathe to live like a fabric of an art design. We bestow a lasting legacy of our gifts, from the heart of God. Believe! Praise!

[Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon-Bokhari, 2006]

Greeting to all my fellow brethren under one roof of the earth, our roof in the sky, created for all by the Giver of life for mankind.

We may have different colors of the skin, different creed, different religion, but we are all one and the same in the hands of our Maker. We may differ in many definitions of life, culture and heritage, yet we are all the same in one universal truth, the need to be loved and live in one single harmony of peace and perpetuity of life. May the desires of our hearts to be loved, be the same universal desire for all, the presence of love within ourselves and around us; in every self that loves life.

May that love of life be a love for all lives, and be made stronger in a universal world, even all of us are millions of miles away in all our drifting worlds; in pursuit of happiness and greener pastures; for all of us to thrive, exist and have a life with honor and dignity under one roof in the sky. May we all live in equality of respect for each other. In equality of rights of each other, as well as equality in the preservation of human life and dignity, irregardless of nations, times and ages. May the strong learn to protect the weak, the powerful help the deprived, the wealthy feel the suffering of the poor, and give unto them a sharing of the blessings received from the Almighty God. May the leaders of the world be true leaders, who will lead, serve, and unite towards one common end. Respect of life and preservation of peace, to have a life with dignity and Faith. Faith in our Creator that will bind all together in a universal message and purpose.

Learning, that our life here on earth is but a mere short journey; and we are here to learn many things, to become a giver and a builder in life, in all its precious pages and leaves, as a bouquet of offering to our Maker. That we come here to stay and see the beauty of the world, not the death of all its immortal wealth given unto us by the Almighty God. Not the death of many precious lives in each and every kind of humanity, under one single roof in the sky given by our Creator.

May we learn from that equality of rights to exercise the real essence of freedom, like a flower blooming with fragrance in the wilderness of a beautiful field of life. May we learn from that same equality of rights not to break the moral boundaries of a group of any piece of humanity living with dignity, respect and pursuit of life for life even in faces of poverty! May we learn not to break as well, the spiritual boundaries that the love of our Creator brings when we abide in Him.

May we embrace all our differences and attain peace! An everlasting peace for mankind - free from a man’s plow. An everlasting peace even for those who are to be born yet, and let the ‘Divine Love’ of our Maker be our love to let love live! May we grow more, in His time, in His purpose, and be ‘a flowing stream of universal love’, everlasting wind of peace, freedom and equality, and an endless river of charity, for the deprived of the world. May our Creator be our guiding light to inspire our hearts and minds, to become a beautiful voice and build a beautiful humanity.

Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon-Bokhari, 2006
Founder: The Petals of Many Hearts
Founded: July 19, 2006
In The Year of The LORD

2000, After The Raindrops

After the raindrops, so many bits of lives begin.
After the raindrops, the bounty of His grace comes pouring in.
In the sprouts of seeds, resting under the earth.
Waking from its slumber, to breathe life again.

In the blooms of buds, resting under the golden sun.
Fleeing in their capsules, to color nature again.
In the flow of brooks, whispering to some gentle wind.
Cradling its crystal glow, to mirror for our eyes again.

In dances of the butterflies, flying high in air.
Sipping nectar, down in the wilderness of a terrain, again.
In the sway of green grasses, laying down the ground.
Breaking their roots below, to cover earth's soil again.

After the raindrops so many bits of lives begin.
After the raindrops, alas!
God embraces us again.
copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon-Bokhari

Crescenciana's Heritage:

In every life that is lived is a story of life. A tale of love, a tale of life and whatever it brings, as life passes and go.

Within each story of life are masterpieces of ones life, with tear and sorrow, with laughter and joy, with courage. And a fortitude as ones character becomes massive during ones life's journey. And comes the masterpieces of ones life. A greatness, that only the man himself knows and God, in the many unflipped pages of a life's story. Unchronicled or chronicled by time, in the history of every human civilization.
Within each heart, as it breathes is a desire for freedom, a resonating desire for peace and equality. Equality, as we pay reverence to universal peace, as we wish others to be so. Other nations, other people, other creeds under one roof in the skies. So there will be no tyrants and oppressors from other nations, and from the same people of same nation. A peace we can build within a nation, within nations among nations, within every piece of human society, as we know how to learn to build peace within our own family.
When we know how to respect the human dignity of each, be they poor or ignorant, rich or educated, bad and ugly. Still they are human beings with dignity of existence as the highest creation of the Almighty God, whom He commanded us to love. When we know how to pay reverence to all the creations within this beautiful universe, created by the Almighty God.Then we can build peace.
s a place for all of us to dwell in, as we are given the gift of time to live.
When we know how to live, then we should know how to love. So we can aspire to become the highest self that we can be. With that higher self comes our vision in life. For the betterment of our own self. For the betterment of our self with others. For the welfare of all human race. As we spend our gift of time, to learn many things, so we may unlearn what we learned wrong. And as we dream it to be, then it can be! As we ask God, our Creator for the preparation of our heart.
May all of us, and the future generations, from every child that will come from each mother's womb of our family, see our gifts. So we can be gifts to others. As we cloth ourselves with honor and dignity, not with wealth and power, that so many wrongly use and exercise. I open my heart and my tongue to speak. To witness our beautiful heritage gifted by God with wealth, fame, honor, power, length of days, and glory for four long centuries.
I vow my head in worship of God, and to Him be the glory. In the name of His Son, JESUS CHRIST, THE MESSIAH, THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD.

Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon, 2011

As the month of September starts, ushering the Season of ''The festival of the coming of the Savior".
A greeting.

Christmas is not the birth of Lord Jesus. It was a festival assigned by Constantine, The Great, the pagan who became Christian.

In celebration of "The Coming of The Messiah''.
To be celebrated by the whole world.

We thank you, as you glimpse to our world that archives and shelters
the footprints of our thoughts, the carvings of our hearts, some leaves

of the lives of us, and our love for the One and only Almighty God.
His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, The Jehosua of Nazareth, The Isa’h,
the Holy One of Israel, the Anointed One, the King of the Jews.
“The Immanuel”- “The Emmanuel”.
“The Light of the world” - “The Son of the Living God”.
The beginning and the end, the first and the last.
“The Alpha and Omega”.

And as we dedicate to erect fortress in the home of history and humanity, through the languages of our hearts, let us whisper only love, the love of Jesus.

And as we build unseen monuments, in the heart of a future for a future to behold its beauty, the beauty of our faith in God. Let us speak only of peace, the peace of Jesus, the peace of God that surpasses all our understanding.

Let us be the many hearts of the petals of many hearts, in the heart of God. Live! In life’s bouquet of bounty, in its minutes of joy, in its songs of times. Let our hearts sing a song of praise for God alone. To you. Under a roof of peace.

In this universe with faith in its Creator. We ascend to a summit of love, that He wraps in all of us. And shower it to all of you. For your hearts to behold.

As you believe in life, in love, in hope, and in freedom. And all your hearts’ desires. And all its beauty. When we walk with obedience to God. And love our fellowmen. Unite!

May the shadow of the sunrise and of the sunset,in a life’s clock of the life’s clock-His clock, not ours, breathe with us, in humanity. May it endlessly keep on ticking, in the milestone and breathe of a ‘Forever’ and even longer than forever, as our God allows.

And as we weave a tapestry in the works of our gifts as artists, we cloth you with our love, from across the miles, as huge and as vast, as God will allow.
Arise! Come! Unite!

As we breathe to live like a fabric of an art design. We bestow a lasting legacy of our gifts, from the heart of God.
Believe! Praise!

Let it warm many hearts, cloth many minds with its beauty like a rainbow, the promise of God! The beauty of purpose, and the purpose in beauty, the perfection of God! As we dwell in this universe. With all its gifts from Him, the everlasting mercy of God!

Long live to you all, as long as He allows us, to journey on this earth. And welcomes us to His home when our journey is over. With eternal life, from the grace of Jesus, WHEN HE DIED ON THE CROSS,
to bring us back to God. When we were separated from Him, because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve.


And defeated death, God’s triumph. We, this humanity is with Him, when He defeated death.
Those who are dead will rise again as He did. Will live again as He did.
Will not die again, as He is.
And we will be forever with the Lord. His Promise.
The Almighty Father’s Divine plan for the universe and mankind.
Believe! Arise. Come. Live. Praise. Unite. Believe!

Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon-Bokhari

2007, A message of a Glorious Lent and Easter Season to all.

As every season of Lent and Easter approaches, and is commemorated, it brings us back to a remembrance of a very short journey on earth by our Savior, the Lord Jesus.

A journey full of vile, tears and persecution, as some of the Jews, the chosen people of God stoned, rejected, and hated Him for nothing, a journey full of suffering, as He suffered for all creations and mankind, because of His Redeeming love, the love of God.

Yet still, humanity keeps on rejecting Him, not only the Jews. Let us remember His ultimate suffering and “Death on the Cross” - God’s greatest gift for humanity. His death and His Resurrection. His ascension back to His Father, to prepare a place for all of us. Jesus’ coming speaks of the loving mercy of the Almighty God. The ‘Immanuel, Emmanuel’ which means, “God is with us” who from a higher kingdom, the only and the Highest kingdom, and most Supreme of all, whose “King” descends in meekness, with the sinful humanity on earth. And we see Him no more, because He stayed only for “A little while”.
His birth, His death, His Resurrection, His ascension back to heaven.
A very short journey, a journey for 33 years,

Everything speaks of love, only love, and the promise of God!
His birth, the shining of a bright star, heralded by the angels - “Glory be to the Highest, peace on earth, goodwill to men” - His life, which is “The Light of the world” as He teaches all, through His coming, the spirit of humility and righteousness, God’s righteousness.

His death, a constant reminder to all of us, that Jesus in His human nature, came to dwell with us, the God made incarnate. A reminder that we, as mortals have lost life eternal because of the sin of Adam and Eve. His Resurrection, as He rose from the dead - His triumph over death, and through it, brings us back to the Almighty Father with the gift of life everlasting through His grace.

His last words, as He gave up His Ghost, “It is finished” as He purchased our Redemption through His blood, “The blood of the Lamb of God”. All of these endlessly remind us of God’s enduring, endless, forgiving, and merciful love for mankind. We are “The sheep” that the Almighty God desires to have “One shepherd” - our Lord Jesus.The passion of Christ, His triumphant entry to Jerusalem riding upon a c**t, as they received ‘The King of the Jews’reminds us how He came, to bear the sins of humanity, and free us from the wage of sin which is death, because He lives, we also live!

Let us remember how He triumphantly entered Jerusalem,“Hosanna to the Highest, He who comes in the name of the Lord” - let us live a life of praise, and thanksgiving for the coming of the ‘Messiah’ the Christ of God, Jesus.

Let us live a life of love with forgiveness, let us live a life of peace with unity, let us live a life of purpose with surrender only to Him, and for His glory, not ours! Let us offer many bouquet of joy in loving our neighbors, our enemies, the poor, the deprived and even the poor in spirit. Let us live under one roof in the sky as one beautiful humanity! Let there be no persecution, no hate, no division, no death - only God takes our life, because He is the Giver of it.

Let us all journey in this world knowing that our life is a gift from Him, everything belong to Him alone, and we live to become gifts for others and servants of our Master. Let us see every sunshine each sunrise, as “The Master’s sunrise”.

Let us be “The petals of many hearts, windows of humanity” in the heart of God, with the love of God. Let us remember to praise Him, even if we suffer, because He has a Divine plan for all, as we abide in Him, and His only Begotten Son,

Let us all pick up and carry our own cross, and follow Him, as He said, this is my commandment:“Love one another as I have loved you”.

Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon-Bokhari


2006-2007, Christmas Greetings:
By Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon.

Greeting to all, as the month of September starts, the feeling of Christmas is in the air. Everyone begins to decorate their homes and lawns with flickering Christmas lights, a tradition celebrated all over the universe. Lights flicker brightly at nights, like the uncountable buoyant million stars in the constellation up high.

A preparation for ‘The birthday of Jesus’ but nobody knows when Jesus Christ was born.

Emperor Constantine I, Costantine, The Great.
The Pagan,
who became Christian did not assign December 25 as The Birthday of Jesus Christ he assigned it as a Festival to celebrate the Coming of the Savior Jesus on Earth to be celebrated all over the world even by the Pagans.

And as the air of Christmas greets and beams, joy and jubilation is in the air, happiness in the hearts of innocent children, hope in the hearts of the deprived and the lonely, and life in the stillness of many hearts.

Gifts. Melodious songs of praise. Toll of Christmas bells. Lively caroling. Pageantry all around. Pompous aura of days. Colors of green, red and gold. Colors that speak of many.

Green, symbolizing Blessings, perpetuity and bounty.

Red, symbolizing life, The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for the remission of sins, for the Salvation of mankind, to bring us back to the Almighty GOD, our Father with the Gift of eternal life.

Gold, symbolizing he Highest, the most precious among all gems.

One of the gifts of the Three wise men from the East who journeyed to follow the bright star, to visit the new born King of the Jews.

Let us all be like the Three wise men who journeyed to follow the bright light of that star. Let us spend our journeys to follow the shining Light of Jesus.

And as each Christmas comes,
we need to remember the song of the angels heralding
the birth of the Messiah. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men”.

May each Christmas, as we live it to be a Christmas, bring the gift of joy in everyone’s heart, because the coming of the Messiah is a Gift from the Almighty GOD.

And as we live that joy, may it last to keep blooming, wrapped with the treasure of beauty in everlasting peace!

More love and less hate, less death and more life even for the unborn.

Less poverty and more wealth.
And a wealth of unity in knowing that we are all brothers under one roof in the sky.

And we, have only One Creator, One God, not many gods.

Not many man founded divisive religions, but One Faith, One Church, the Only true Church: The Body of Christ.

One purpose in life, only for the glory of the Giver of life.

Not any theory of evolution, of the many specie and of men, but God’s wisdom in all of all creations, this wonderful universe and the diverse humanity.

One baptism for all Nations on Earth, “In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost”.

One truth, one life, and one way to Salvation, the Christ of God, Jesus, and He is Emmanuel the Son of the Almighty Father, He is God who came to dwell on Earth, the only Begotten Son of the Almighty God, the One and only true God of all, the God of Israel.

That Jesus Christ was born and came to the world
to set us free from sins and death, the Christ of God,

The One and only Begotten Son of God “Who died and rose from the dead” the Holy One of Israel, and He is for all.

May all the Christmas lights that we see, flickering beautifully at nights, be the same kind of Light to ignite our hearts with love.
May it be like “The Light of the world” our Savior Jesus Christ,
“The Messiah” whose Light illuminates to all.

May we let Christmas Day be an endless day of many days.

As the babe born from a virgin mother, the Blessed virgin Mary, the child born in a humble manger.

The Son of GOD, who suffered
and died on the Cross comes and knocks in our hearts to give not only love, but mercy, and forgiveness.

And may the gift of His Resurrection, as “He rose from the dead” on a beautiful early dawn brings us to a life of a higher purpose and meaning, for His glory, because life is beautiful as God created it to be.

Let us let that beauty shine as we celebrate each day like a Christmas Day and each minute like an Easter Day. “Newness of life”. Rebirth. Renewal. Love. Forgiveness. Charity. Freedom. Hope. Perpetuity.

Goodwill to mankind. Peace. Joy to the world.

As we are all “Born again” with the Redeeming love of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. A Merry Christmas, A Blessed New Year, A Joyful Easter Sunday.
“On earth peace,goodwill towards men".

Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon-Bokhari,2006


The Gift of Life


Everyday is a gift that we receive from the above.
From He who gives us our breathe of life, to spend as a journey to love.
Each journey has its pages, times that pass and fall like leaves.
Something that will never come back to anyone, in a lifetime they lived.

Each leaf of life is so precious, we need to learn how to use its time.
A time not only for self but for others we need to love, cherish and even forgive.
Each life is a blessing, we need to use it as a gift.
A gift we can use as gifts for each other, to give others those gifts.

Some gifts may seem little, some gifts may seem grand.
Each magnitude we need to reflect upon.
Its meaning according to His will can always let a soul lift.
Each journey is different, there is no need to compare.

Its purpose and its end, always, is something we can bear.
He holds us in an anchor, so strong to hold our hearts.
Even in its endless woes and tears that seem not to depart.
Each time that we fall, our courage increases more.

As we cling to His voice that whispers with might.
"Come unto me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light".
copyright@Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon



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