🇨🇭Our day started in . A lovely city with lots of shops. The brige is the main attraction but is full as well. We did had a lovely walk trough the streets. The second part of the day we went to . The city itself has so much to give having lots of lovely views and amazing churches, streets and so on. When it comes to I could say that you feel safe, they have certain rules that everyone follows. Well, the day we choose to visit it there was . It isn’t like any that we ever saw. It’s not certain place designed for the festival. Basically the city is filled with people walking everywhere and you can stop and party anywhere you want. So you would see a dj with a few people dancing just randomly, others dancing in the middle of the street having their own party. Of course we couldn’t see the beauty of but we learned that they have lots of rules but they are allowed once per year to do and party anywhere they want. 🎉