SITI BALKANIA, infiintata in anul 2009, este filiala in Romania a firmei SITI SpA, producator italian de reductoare si motoreductoare, motovariatoare de turatie destinate multor segmente industriale. Avand o experienta, in domeniul transmisiilor mecanice, de
peste 40 de ani pe piata mondiala si de peste 8 ani pe piata romaneasca, echipa SITI a dat dovada de profesionalism prin furnizare de produs
e de calitate la pret competitiv cu livrari prompte. Avand acelasi scop, si anume satisfacerea clientilor
sai, echipa SITI BALKANIA este formata din oameni de vanzari
si tehnicieni ce asigura suportul tehnic si comercial in mod profesionist. Orientati spre imbunatatire continua si inovatie, va stam la dispozitie pentru orice detalii tehnice si comerciale. SITI BALKANIA , was founded in 2009 as the Romanian branch of company SITI SpA, the Italian producer of gearboxes and motor gearboxes, variators suitable for a variety of industrial area. Having an experience of more than 40 years on the worldwide market and over 8 years on Romanian market, SITI team has proven professionalism by supplying qualitative products at competitive prices with prompt deliveries. Having as main purpose the satisfaction of our clients' needs, SITI BALKANIA team consists of sales people and technicians who ensure the needed technical and commercial support in a professional way.. The large stock and its variety enable us to be flexible and prompt in deliveries. Oriented towards continuous improvement and innovation, we look forward to receiving your inquiries. Mother company, SITI SPA, founded in 1967, has two production areas of 17000 sqm in Monteveglio (BO), plants where the complete production process is carried. Besides the sales network ensured by dealers throughout the world, SITI has its own 3 branches, one in Poland, one in Romania and one in China for serving the Asian market.