Asociatia ADOR Botosani

Asociatia ADOR Botosani If a family can no longer care for their animals, ADOR will relocate them to a responsible, reliable, loving forever-home.

Established in 2006 ADOR, an association for the protection of animals, is committed to the welfare of stray, surrendered and / or abandoned dogs and cats in Botosani, Romania. Our mission is two-fold: to provide required medical care, including surgical sterilization and vaccinations, followed by rehousing rescued animals into a responsible and loving forever-home. ADOR partners with local veteri

narians to provide free veterinary services, including surgical sterilization and vaccinations, to low income families in Botosani. At the core of our work is the belief that spay/neuter surgery is the only humane, sustainable and truly efficient method to control homeless and stray animal populations. Surgical sterilization has the potential to save thousands of animal lives by ensuring that no unwanted litters are born. In Botosani, unwanted litters are found on the streets, in parking lots or in dumpsters. By sterilizing homeless and stray cats and dogs throughout the county, ADOR strives to ensure that fewer unwanted animals end up abandoned or dead. Since our inception, ADOR has rescued and provided spay / neuter services to over 4,000 abandoned animals. Over 7,000 dogs and 300 cats have been adopted throughout Europe, including to loving families in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. As a No-Kill, private shelter in Romania, ADOR takes care of rescued animals until a loving forever-home can be found. Built to accommodate 250 dogs, ADOR’s shelter regularly exceeds capacity due to the increased number of abandoned animals ‘dumped’ at the shelter or rescued from city streets every day. For more information and to see pictures of some of our adorable, adoptable dogs and cats awaiting forever-homes, please visit our page. You can contact us via Facebook or by emailing us at: [email protected]
ADOR cannot provide critical rescue and adoption services without your financial support. Financial contributions are essential and used to buy food, necessary medical supplies and adoption transport services. Contributions can be made via PayPal at [email protected] or through wire transfer, UniCredit Bank, Botosani, Romania. ADOR, Association for the Protection of Animals, Account RO29BACX0000003480143000 LEI
Note: RO02BACX0000003480143001 EURO; SWIFT BACXROBU opened at UniCredit Bank, established on the basis of Ordinance # 26/2000 as a legal entity under private law without patrimonial purpose. ADOR can be found in the Register of Associations and Foundations of the Botosani Court, Number 55 / 29.06.2006

„ASOCIATIA PENTRU PROTECTIA ANIMALELOR – ADOR ” cu sediul în Botosani , , cont : RO29BACX0000003480143000 RON
RO02BACX0000003480143001 EURO; SWIFT BACXROBU deschis la UniCredit Bank , s-a constituit în baza Ordonantei nr.26/2000 ca si persoana juridica de drept privat fara scop patrimonial . Asociatia a fost înscrisa în Registrul asociatiilor si fundatiilor al Judecatoriei Botosani la nr. 55 / 29.06.2006 . Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor – ADOR are drept scop principal (asa cm sugereaza si denumirea) protectia animalelor . De la înfiintare si pâna în prezent asociatia noastra a întreprins urmatoarele :

- am sustinut în permanenta cu hrana si tratamente medicale pentru animalele pe care le detin (inclusiv transportul animalelor la cabinetul medical) câteva familii cu venituri reduse si multe animale . De la aceste familii am încercat sa dam spre adoptie animale din cele pe care le detin si pentru care , în mod obiectiv , nu au resursele necesare pentru a le sustine . Totodata am reusit într-o oarecare masura , sa oprim înmultirea animalelor pe care le detin prin castrari ;

- am salvat animale abandonate sau in curs de a fi abandonate , le-am tratat si , o parte dintre ele am reusit sa le dam spre adoptie , restul au ramas în îngrijirea noastra sperând ca vom reusi în cele din urma sa le gasim un camin . Ca obiectiv principal si întotdeauna în centrul activitatii noastre ramân animalele aflate în situatii limita : animale bolnave , abandonate , maltratate , cu sau fara stapân . Nu vom reusi singuri , atât de putini si cu resursele minime de care dispunem , dar speram ca exemplul nostru sa însemne în ochii concetatenilor nostri macar atât cât , chiar daca nu-l vor urma , macar sa nu mai manifeste atâta indiferenta ca pâna în prezent pentru animalele pe care le detin : sa le asigure un minim de hrana , un adapost , tratament medical si mai ales sa le sterilizeze , nu sa arunce puii pe strada .
Daca doriti sa ne sprijiniti în activitatea noastra puteti sa ne contactati la :

Presedinte asociatie - Andrisan Dana

Cont pentru donatii : RO29BACX0000003480143000 deschis la UniCredit Bank

Thank you very much for food ❤ Glücksnäschen Stuttgart e.V.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the food for our  d...

Thank you very much for food ❤ Glücksnäschen Stuttgart e.V.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the food for our dogs. Thank you for your help. ❤dear Elisabeth Pisacic. I ordered and received, good food. Food for these angels is essential.

Thank you very much dear Conny

Thank you very much dear Conny

Thank you very much dear friends

Thank you very much dear friends

Need a home

Need a home

Thank you very much dear Kerstin Bayer

Thank you very much dear Kerstin Bayer

Thank you very much dear Elli Fleischer

Thank you very much dear Elli Fleischer


Thank you very much dear friends

Thank you very much for food

Thank you very much for food

Thank you very much dear Friends

Thank you very much dear Friends

Thank you very much for food ♥ PFOTENHILFE ohne GRENZEN E.V. We received 800 kilos of food for our dogs. Food for these ...

Thank you very much for food ♥ PFOTENHILFE ohne GRENZEN E.V. We received 800 kilos of food for our dogs. Food for these angels is essential. I sincerely thank the ladies at PFOTENHILFE ohne GRENZEN E.V. for helping our dogs. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the food received ❤

Thank you very much for food

Thank you very much for food

Tiffy, girl, small size, 3,5 months, need a home

Tiffy, girl, small size, 3,5 months, need a home

Thank you very much

Thank you very much

Thank you very much dear friends

Thank you very much dear friends




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