Sura de stepă. Reintroducerea acestor impresionante vaci.
COBOR - ferma de biodiversitate/biodiversity farm
Aarti ceremony at Pashupatinath. A spectacle to Behold. A Hindu religious ceremony in which lights with wicks soaked in ghee are lit and offered up to one or more deities is called Arati. Aarti is being performed in 10 places of various temples within the Kathmandu Valley itself.
Bună dimineata din curtea școlii! Una dintre stupele istorice din Kathmandu, orasul de sus. Stupa si curtea ei gazduiesc o manastire budista, o scoala si cateva ateliere de picturi thanka.
Bună dimineața! Am venit și noi la cafea pe terasa voastră!
Mating season for peacock in Chitwan National Park. Amazing shows everywhere.
Ghandruk Cultural Museum and Lama Heritage Resort is part of Purano Gaun (Old village). Is incredibly well preserved.
Andra-Maria Albotă & Victor on yhe stairs to heavenly Ghandruk.
Așa a plecat Mandala în concediu 😅😅😅 Junioru' la putere.
Family trekking to Ghandruk.
Andra&Victor 🌍🌍🌍
Boudhanath Stupa