RO: Despre hotel si locatie
Plasata in inima medievala a Brasovului, Vila Katharina 4* este o bijuterie arhitectonica a secolului XVIII, restaurata fidel pana la cele mai mici detalii ale zugravelii initiale si readusa la viata sub forma unui boutique hotel. Odata ajuns aici, te vei bucura de aerul nobil al celor 3 camere mobilate in stil Biedermeier si Art Deco si te vei reintoarce in timp prin
atmosfera unei case elegante si sofisticate din trecut, atinsa totusi de confortul prezentului. Vei vrea sa vizitezi Biserica Neagra, Sinagoga din Brasov si alte obiective din centru, iar noi te cazam aproape de ele, langa Poarta Ecaterina, pe Strada Poarta Schei nr. 20, ca sa te poti bucura de frumosul oras medieval fara prea mult efort. EN: About the hostel and the location
Placed in the medieval heart of Brasov, Vila Katharina 4* is an architectural jewel of the 18th century, finely restored to the smallest details of the original indoor painting and brought back to life in the form of a boutique hotel. Once you get here, you will enjoy the noble air of the 3 rooms, furnished in Biedermeier and Art Deco style and you will go back in time, through the atmosphere of an elegant and sophisticated house from the past, yet touched by the comfort of the present. You’ll want to visit The Black Church, the Synagogue in Brasov or other famous places to see in the center of the city and for that, we accommodate you close to them, near the Ecaterina Gate, on No. 20 Poarta Schei St., so you can enjoy the beautiful Medieval town without too much effort. Se facea ca era iarna si frig, in ajun de Craciun, iar Katharina, fiica unui tesator din Brasov, purta prin stratul gros de nea o sanie incarcata cu merinde pentru soldatii aflati in Bastionul Tesatorilor. Aflat prin preajma Bastionului, Vlad Dracula s-a oferit sa ajute frumoasa tanara. Desi impresionata de gestul voievodului, Katharina nu voia sa se apropie de el, stiindu-i bine reputatia sinistra. Insa Tepes, indragostit pe loc de tanara, n-a mai scapat-o din ochi si a inceput sa-si gandeasca strategia pentru a o cuceri. Matasuri si dantele scumpe din Venetia si Flandra s-au transformat in rochii luxoase pentru Katharina, oferite in dar de catre Tepes, indragostit lulea de fata tesatorului. Dupa peripetii care-mai-de-care si suferinte provocate de catre nevestele negustorilor din sat, Katharina a sperat ca Tepes s-o ia de nevasta. Insa rigorile religiei nu i-au permis, dar legenda spune ca frumoasa Katharina i-a ramas aproape despotului si i-a daruit 2 copii, iar semnele celor 22 de ani de iubire ramanand inca in aerul misterios al caselor de pe strada Poarta Schei. EN: The legend of Katharina
It was December, 1455, a cold winter, on Christmas Eve, and Katharina, the daughter of a weaver in Brasov, was carrying through the thick snow a sleigh packed with food for the soldiers from the Weavers’ Citadel. While strolling around the citadel, Vlad Dracula offered to help the young, beautiful lass. Although impressed by the voivode’s gesture, Katharina wanted to stay away from the man whose reputation was so sinister. But Tepes fell in love with her immediately and started to create a strategy to win her over. Pricy silk and lace from Venice transformed into luxurious dresses for Katharina, offered as a gift and sign of appreciation from the man who was deeply in love. After sufferings and adventures with merchants’ wives, Katharina hoped that one day she will wed the controversial Vlad Dracula, but legend says that the religious rigors didn’t let that happen and the beautiful Katharina gave Tepes 2 children and the signs of their 22 years of love still hang around the mysterious streets of Brasov. RO: Micul dejun
Avem grija de oaspetii nostri, dar si de producatorii locali, asa ca delicioasele mese de mic dejun sunt preparate din produse bio, iar servirea se face a la carte. Una dintre variantele de mic dejun se serveste in camera, pe tavi argintate, iar vesela contine mici surprize pentru iubitorii de arta – piese delicate si valoroase din portelan Zsolnay, Herend sau Rosenthal. EN: Our breakfast
We take good care of our guests, but we also care about the local producers, so our delicious breakfasts are prepared from bio ingredients and the meals are served a la carte. One of the breakfast variants is served inside the room, on silver trays, and the vessel reveals small surprises for the art lovers – delicate and precious pieces of Zsolnay, Herend or Rosenthal porcelain. RO: Magazinul de suveniruri
Am strans in magazinul de suveniruri istorie si obiecte cu povesti fel-de-fel, pentru ca oaspetele nostru sa poata intoarce in timp, iar atmosfera trecutului sa-l insoteasca si acasa. Argintarie, ceasuri vechi, tablouri, covoare persane, portelan fin, haine brodate de mana. textile traditionale dar si obiecte contemporane, potrivite pentru cadouri deosebite. Si pentru ca din niciun cadou n-ar trebui sa lipseasca ciocolata, drumetii ajunsi la noi vor putea gusta si oferi cadou ciocolata casei: praline delicate, preparate manual din ciocolata cu lapte, caramel si nuci crocante, proaspete si fara conservanti, in forma de inima alba (in amintirea Katharinei) si neagra (simbolizand umbra intunecata a lui Vlad Tepes). EN: The gift shop
We have gathered in our shop little pieces of history and stories of the centuries that passed, so that our guest can travel back in time and take home with him the cultural souvenirs of his journey. Silverware, old clocks, paintings, precious Persian rugs, fine porcelain, hand-embellished clothing, but also contemporary objects, perfect for that special gift you always wanted to offer. And because no gift is complete without chocolate, our guests can taste and offer as a present our handmade chocolate: delicate pieces of desert, prepared manually with milk chocolate, caramel and crispy nuts, fresh and without preservatives, in the shape of white hearts (reminiscing Katharina) and black hearts (as a symbol of Vlad Tepes’s dark shadow). RO: Facilitati:
Internet wi-fi gratuit disponibil in toate zonele, room service, mic dejun in camera, transport dus-intors aeroport contra cost, inchirieri auto, receptie deschisa non stop, camera de bagaje, serviciu zilnic de menaj, serviciu de spalatorie/calcatorie contra cost, camere izolate fonic, aer conditionat, zona pt fumatori amenajata in curtea cladirii, parcare publica in apropiere, safe si uscator de par in camere, mini bar dotat cu dulciuri si bauturi contra cost. EN: Facilities
Free wi-fi available everywhere in the villa, breakfast, transportation to and from the airport for a fee, car rental, non-stop reception, luggage room, daily housekeeping, laundry and ironing services for a fee, phonic isolated rooms, air conditioning, smoking areas inside the yard, public parking nearby, safe and hairdryer in each room, mini-bar equipped with sweets and beverages for a fee. RO: Experiente
Oaspetele ajuns la noi se poate bucura, pe langa experienta imbinarii trecutului cu prezentul si decorul deosebit, de frumusetea Brasov in toata splendoarea lui. Biserica Neagra
Simbolul central al orasului, Biserica Neagra e unul din cele mai reprezentative monumente gotice din Romania. Numele cu tenta nefasta I se trage de la incendiul din 1689, care a mistuit partial monumentul. Cele doua orgi din interiorul bisericii sunt poate elementele cele mai cautate de catre turisti cand ajung aici. EN: Experiences
We wish that our guests can enjoy the beauty of Brasov, besides the experience of combining the past and the present. The Black Church
Considered the central symbol of the city, The Black Church is one of the most representative gothic monuments in Romania. The name depicts the unfortunate fire in 1689, that partially squandered the monument. The two organs inside the church are probably the most famous elements, as far as tourists are concerned. Bastionul Tesatorilor
Cu o arhitectura unica in Europa si strans legat de povestea Katharinei, bastionul tesatorilor a fost construit de aceasta breasla in secolul XV si gazduieste Muzeul Tarii Barsei, macheta vechii cetati a Brasovului si a Scheiului, precum si produse create de tesatori. The Weavers’ Citadel
With a unique architecture in Europe and closely related with the story of Katharina, the Weavers’ Bastion was built by this guild in the 15th century and gathers the Regional History Museum, the old Brasov and Schei fortress model and also different weavers’ products. Poarta Ecaterinei
Situata la cateva minute de Vila Katharina, Poarta Ecaterinei sau Poarta de Sud, marcheaza accesul in Cetatea Medievala a Brasovului. Din constructia originala se pastrează azi doar turnul exterior ridicat in 1559, iar pe frontispiciul acestuia vei putea admira stema orasului. Katherine’s Gate
At a few minutes walk from our establishment, Katherine’s Gate or the Southern Gate marks the access in the Medieval Fortress of Brasov. The exterior tower built in 1559 is the only original part left and on the frontispiece you can admire the town’s blazon.