Casa de creatie, arta si artizanat Lazar va prezinta colectia de lucrari de pirogravura pe lemn masiv de tei si paltin, modelele :
- I: 1-73
- E: 1-8
- R: 1-21
- C: 1-24
Acestea se ofera in model simplu, sau in accesorii ca in exemplele M: 1-5 cu accesorii alese din modelele O: 1-6 , sau alte accesorii d**a ideea clientului. Coarnele de vanatoare folosite ca obiecte de panoplie sau la diverse faz
e intr-o partida de vanatoare in grup,sunt confectionate din coarne de bovine si accesorii din lemn de tei conform modelelor V: 1-7 sau variante solicitate. Perdelele Eco sunt confectionate din ghinda, tulpini de soc, samburi de piersica conform modelelor P: 1-4 sau alte modele solicitate. Ornamentele de birou sunt confectionate din corn de bovina, lemn de tei si si sticla conform modelelor B: 1-3 sau alte modele solicitate. Din respect pentru vizitatori, autorul lucrarilor lasa la latitudinea eventualilor doritori oportunitatea evaluarii lucrarii dorite cu conditia ca aceasta evaluare sa fie evaluata cu respect fata de autor, corectitudine, bun gust si eruditie. Pentru comenzi adresati-va la : [email protected] sau telefonic la: 0743 120 249. De asemenea, pentru informatii privind dimensiunile lucrarilor. Vizitati-ne periodic pentru a viziona noutati. The Lazar House of creative arts and crafts presents you a collection of works on lime and maple wood models:
- I: 1-73
- E: 1-8
- R: 1-21
- C: 1-24
They are offered in simple model, or accessories such as in the examples M: 1-5 with the enhancement of the models A: 1-6, or other accessories based on the idea of the customer. Hunting horns used as panoply objects or in various stages in a hunting group, are made of cattle horns and accessories from lime wood according to the models V: 1-7 or variants required. Eco curtains are made of acorns, stems shock, peach pits according to the models P: 1-4, or other models required. Desk ornaments are made of cow horns, lime wood and glass according to models B: 1-3 and other models required. Out of respect for visitors, we leave it up to our clients and offer them the opportunity to assess the work they want, under the condition that this assessment will be evaluated with respect towards the artist, fairness, good taste and erudition. All the the works shown are handmade and are unique. For orders please contact at: [email protected] or phone: 0743 120 249. Also, for information on the extent of the works. Visit us regularly to watch the news.