Just with a backpack we can enjoy a dream of our ancestors. I started to fly many years ago. Flying was a hobby which has become a way of life, everything now in my life is about paragliding and hangliding. This is why I started this. Why shouldn´t I share with other pilots the beauties of my country? Showing you around what I know best, helping you make new friends and enjoying together this expe
rience: this is my plan for you. Romania holds a big part of the Carpathian Mountains which cover the territory from north to south and vest to east. It is surrounded by plains and hills with many rivers and lakes. All these things make it a very beautiful place to see. Flying over this complex type of ground is very special. Carpathian Mountains are covered with hardwood and conifers and the high peaks are gassy full. Therefore, many animals have a very rich habitat to live in. The place is big enough to be able to choose where to fly. If weather is not suitable in one place, we can choose another site where flying is possible. There are many good sites from where to start with different sun exposures to take off. Even if it’s raining, there are so many things to see and to do! Rain just makes it the next day better! Our climate is temperate with 4 seasons. The best thermal activity starts in April and it finishes in October when autumn is in its power thermalling. This perioad of time is good for XC flights. The landscape with their beauty has many things to show to you. So, whatever we have on our way as a touristic objective that you want to see, we can stop on the spot and observe it.