Exciting news! 🌍✨ 'TIMBERHAUS' project launches its journey to advance wood construction in Europe, aiming to slash the built environment's carbon footprint.
‘TIMBERHAUS’, is a new European research and innovation project led by the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) that was launched in Copenhagen on the 5th- 6th of November 2024.
The project will support key EU initiatives such as the EU Forest Strategy and the New European Bauhaus (NEB), addressing the heavy over-dependence on only a few tree species, as well as a wood processing industry that is not adapted to work with diverse input of tree species and qualities
It seeks to accelerate the uptake of wood in construction by harnessing the potential of currently under-used hardwood species and post-consumer wood to create sustainable, high-performance construction products and designs, enable more efficient use of forest resources, and promote sustainable urban development through innovative wood construction practices.
URBASOFIA will collaborate closely with Climate-KIC, ETH Zürich, Demos Helsinki, and 3 European cities Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen, Primaria Municipiului Baia Mare, Comune di Siena to assess the systemic challenges and opportunities for climate-smart wood use in construction, embed the NEB values and principles through local innovative participatory approaches, formulate decarbonization strategies for buildings, and deliver actionable policy recommendations and roadmaps to expand wood construction across Europe.
Stay tuned for updates as we bring TIMBERHAUS to life! 🌱🏗️
Diagrams by Waugh Thistleton Architects
Danish Technological Institute, Waugh Thistleton Architects, Climate-KIC, Metabolic , Junckers A/S, Demos Helsinki, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen, Tegel Projekt GmbH, Built by Nature, Bauhaus Earth,Primaria Municipiului Baia Mare, Grupo Gámiz ,ICONS Innovation Strategies, Pfeifer Holding GmbH, University of Copenhagen (Københavns Universitet), Comune di Siena, Empa, ETH Zürich