Starting from this feeling, of regret, but also helped by my “gastronomical genesis”,- if I may call it this way- I decided to build up this site. I mean that I come from a family where the preparation of food has always been done with passion and responsibly. My grandfather, from my mother side, along with his brother were chefs ( the Rachiteanu brothers Dionisie Rachiteanu – my grandfather, and
Gheorghe Rachiteanu ) professionals who worked , through years ( in different periods) for important figures of that time ( the Royal House of Romania, marshal Antonescu, General Rascanu) for the U.S.A. legation in Bucharest, the Romanian legation in Istanbul, or in restaurants like “Dunarea”, “Pescarul”, “Gambrinus”. They, on their turn, trained and formed other professionals of gastronomic art. My grandmother, from my mother side was also a cook, not so famous, but definitely perfect in cooking. Furthermore, preserving the tradition ( my grandfather passed away in 1973, when I was 5, and my grandma in 1987), my parents kept on cooking with the proper passion and respect for this activity, and paying a special attention to the way in which the food is prepared. From my grandparents I kept a number of documents , recipes, and gastronomic tips, which I intend to post on this site. All the recipes contain the raw materials, specific for those times, when the kitchen and the pantry had not been yet invaded by all kinds of additives and instant sauces, or other kind of E-class chemicals. It do not intend to persuade you, those who will access this site, to use literally the referred to ingredients, because, after all, everybody can do whatever they please. I wish, at least, for this site, to be first of all, an inspiration for chefs , food service entrepreneurs, and also for every person that loves cooking. This is why the recipes are structured for larger quantities: 10 and 100 portions.