Trading Company
Year and deed of incorporation: Year 1995, registered with the Romanian Trade Register Office-Bucharest Court under no.: J 40/16/1995
Summary description: Romanian private capital company, operating in the field of construction, with an experience of over 19 years. Main objects: Construction of residential and non-residential buildings: business centres/consular sections, residenti
al villas, offices, showrooms and commercial stores, restaurants/clubs, office buildings and warehouses. Another activity developed by our company in the last 14 years is the ex*****on of show props and other stagecraft elements for shows; we are one of the few companies that specialize in this field. Activating from the very beginning in the state public sector, our portfolio comprises works executed for state public institutions which are very satisfied with our work and have a very good collaboration with us. The activities and works of the company are executed by highly- and medium-skilled staff and specialist subcontractors, with experience gained in special works. Works are executed based on schedules with intermediate deadlines and are in line with the beneficiaries’ possibilities to provide the financial resources. Our company’s wish to meet our commitments is expressed by the care with which employees and subcontractors are selected in order to provide the quality and meet the deadlines that best satisfy the beneficiaries’ requirements. Company commitment: Three-zero policy (“0”):
Delays = “0”; Complaints = “0”; Dissatisfied clients = “0”;