Ceramexim is a Romanian manufacturing company, that produces and exports a wide range of products all over the world. We would like to introduce ourselves to the worldwide various and ambiguous economic market-place , therefore we are looking for a professional, long-lasting collaboration. Please take into consideration the following offer on our goods. Specialized in ceramic products, our company
offers a wide range of handmade products that combines traditional manufacturing methods with modernity and innovation. Each product is designed to ease your everyday life and to be able to enjoy them wherever you are ,in your home country or abroad. We are ready to welcome our clients with unique surprises for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter, Christmas, Rammadan and birthdays. A wide range of customized products and handmade will offer the chance to satisfy the most demanding customers. For a detailed look at our product range, each collection and each range will invite you to browse each category. We have a wide range of quality products that came to your aid and of course can contribute to develop the business that you lead. To get an idea about the products that we sell, please visit our website www.ceramexim.ro . Here you will find a variety of products at verry affortable’s prices. Food are imported from Portugal and Brasil. Manufactures good (dishes, garden furniture, glass, cardboard, etc) are made in Romania and can be processed based on the desired specification and requirements.