Design Thinkers Temporary Studio

Design Thinkers Temporary Studio The temporary studio is a spontaneous
design-studio by DesignThinkers Group,
open during the Romania Inspirăm, provocăm, inventăm şi conectăm.

The temporary studio is a spontaneous
design-studio by DesignThinkers Group,
open during the Romanian Design Week
We will facilitate creative dialogue between
visitors, designers, experts, artists and all who
want to join us in finding new ideas and
opportunities. We believe that there is a fundamental match
between the Design Thinking approach and the
Romanian attitude and mentality, that
can lea

d to constructive answers and solutions. Our action is a call to get cracking, a positive
opposing force in times of crisis, and the
expression of the power and importance of
Design in all the areas of society.

“Cel mai bun mod de a prezice viitorul este să-l construiesti” ~ RB Fuller

Design Thinkers, Studio temporar
Design-ul a devenit un proces vast şi colectiv. Design Thinkers Group ajunge chiar in inima Romanian Design Week.
Ȋntrebători, pasionaţi şi voioşi, implicăm lumea inconjuratoare ȋn ceea ce facem. Studioul temporar este un design-studio spontan, ceeat de Design Thinkers Group, deschis pe durata Romanian Design Week, la Hanul Gabroveni, Str. Lipscani nr. 86-88. Vom facilita dialoguri creative ȋntre vizitatori, designeri, experţi, artişti şi toţi cei ce vor dori să se alăture găsirii de noi idei si oportunităţi. Credem că există o legătura fundamentală ȋntre abordarea Design Thinking şi mentalitatea şi atitudinea românească, care poate duce la răspunsuri constructive şi soluţii. Acţiunea noastră este o chemare de a deschide o forţă pozitivă pe timp de criză şi o exprimare a importanţei si puterii designului in toate zonele societăţii.


How can we effectively drive change? Structures and good leadership are the most obvious drivers, but they are not enough. Daniela Marzavan describes a compl...


Bucureștiul are farmecul său, chiar dacă pandemia ne-a împiedicat să îl mai vedem ca altădată. Și, pentru ca noi să ne amintim de ce iubim Bucureștiul,


DesignThinkers Academy aims to inspire people and teams by organizing thought-provoking events and lectures, training and personal coaching programs to help organizations build the necessary capabilities, culture and mind-set using Design Thinking tools and methods.

This was so far the most exciting multiple stakeholder dialogue format we've designed and implemented where participants...

This was so far the most exciting multiple stakeholder dialogue format we've designed and implemented where participants from committed to take actions. One year later they can look back at many success stories for instance here: , or this one etc...
Looking back at a team effort with Jorge Rodriguez Nieto Sara María Cabrera E Tatiana Nieto Rojaz Jenny Sua Natalia Lewin Video by German Zorro y Juan Pablo Lopez

This is an example of applying Design Thinking as a Holistic Social Practice for a Multi Stakeholder Dialogue and Co-Creation Event! Not only did a team of 12 people…


Wondering about next Workation destination for your team? We would like to easy your task. And the solution is – Azores. Just take a look at this:

We created a special, inclusive coworkingspace, applying Design Thinking for every step.     in the German town Kiel is ...

We created a special, inclusive coworkingspace, applying Design Thinking for every step. in the German town Kiel is the result

"Für mich ist Coworking vor allem das Aufeinandertreffen vieler verschiedener Fähigkeiten. Je heterogener der Arbeitsplatz, desto besser."

(Anton, sorgt als Biologiestudent für maximale Interdisziplinarität im Team)




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