Located in south-eastern of Romania, this county covers almost the entire river basin of Buzau River and harmoniously combines three forms of relief: mountains in north, plains in south and the rest is covered by the Carpathian hills. It has a diverse geographically configuration landscape and all the rivers have created favorable conditions for human settlements and their continuity over time. V
aried landscapes, especially in mountain and hills and folk elements, ethnographic and historical features a special attraction for tourists. Buzau and Vrancea Mountains are situated in the northern part of the county, century-old forests and wide meadows with rich fauna are points of interest for tourists to come here to rest and for fishermen and hunters. Buzau Mountains consist of five massives - Penteleu the largest and highest (1772 m above sea level). Siriu (1659 m altitude) is easy to climb and more attractive due to the picturesque landscapes. Herein lies the lake known as Bottomless Eagles Lake during periglacial and is an impressive phenomenon at this altitude. Hilly area known as the Buzau Sub-Carpathians, has altitudes between 400-800 m and is covered by vineyards. Great Hill (Dealu Mare) Vineyard is the best known. In this area meets a unique phenomenon from Muddy Volcanoes Hills mist. Slănicului Valley near Lopatari at an altitude of 700m, meets another phenomenon called alive are blue flames burning in soil cracks (Focul Viu). Buzau County Lakes are a tourist attraction: Joseni, Policiori Lakes which are located in the Valley Grabicina; Melediu to Odaştie; Amara and Balta Alba lakes are known for therapeutic mud. Treatment tourists can spend their holidays in resorts like Sarata-Monteoru (mineral waters for rheumatism), Pile and Siriu. Cultural monuments, architectural and historical are: Field Pietroasele Roman village, Vasile Voiculescu founded the Library in 1893, the Amber Museum in Colti summer camp outdoor sculpture from Magura, with over 256 stone sculptures made in 16 editions. It also found: Communal Palace built between 1899-1903 and now housing the town hall of Buzau, Epicopală Cathedral built in 1649 Theological Seminary, built in 1838, the Court built in 1911-1912; Buzau County Museum, which houses Grove Cemetery bust of Petre Stanescu realiazat of Constantin Brancusi. An important page of the history of this county is the discovery Hen with chickens golden treasure or Pietroasele Treasure Hill Istriţa in 1837.