Your Private Tour Guide

Your Private Tour Guide your private tour guide in Transylvania Welcome to Transylvania! My name is Ilona and I am your private tour guide for Cluj and surroundings. And I do.

I speak English, Hungarian, Romanian, German and some Spanish. I am thorough and an eager learner, also I am an experienced guide and I love my chosen town. As a keen traveler I lived in several countries around the world but always returned to Cluj. I became a tour guide out of conviction: first I studied history of arts and then my countless journeys through places and towns whose architecture a

nd people I fell in love with, made me want to give Cluj to the world. And when I do it, I put my mind and my soul into it. Romania is not only Dracula, but so much more. Tours are carried out in English, Romanian or Hungarian and always with a friendly smile on your guide's face but no umbrella in her hand. She likes conversations instead of rhetoric, and she hopes to receive part of your world in exchange for sharing her experience. Her red head will lead you through the city without the umbrella in the hand.

And if you wondered what a busy street in Sibiu (Hermannstadt) was like in the early 1900 hundreds you can see below. It...

And if you wondered what a busy street in Sibiu (Hermannstadt) was like in the early 1900 hundreds you can see below. It is the lane that today serves as a shopping main street 😉

🇩🇪 Hermannstadt - Heltauergasse
Verlag: XXI Verl. D. Buchh. G. A. Seraphin – Chromophot. V. Jos. Drotreff, Hermannstadt
Briefmarke: 1911. Jun. 15 Nagyszeben

Die Straße, die den Unirii-Platz mit dem Großer Ring in Hermannstadt verbindet, stammt aus dem ersten Viertel des 14. Jahrhunderts, während der Unterteilung der Oberstadt, und stellte einst die Verbindung zwischen dem Heltauer-Tor (1836 abgerissen) und dem Großer Ring. Die Straße wurde erstmals 1492 unter dem Namen Platea Heltensis nach dem Werk Chronik der Stadt Hermannstadt: 1100-1929 von Emil Sigerus erwähnt.
Der Straßenname wurde im Laufe der Geschichte mehrmals geändert: So wurde die Straße 1875 in Heltauergasse umbenannt, 1917, nach dem Tod von Kaiser Franz Josef in Franz Josefgasse. Zwischen 1919 und 1947 hieß es Königin Maria Straße und zwischen 1947 und 1970 war es als I. V. Stalin Straße bekannt. 1970 wurde es nach dem Historiker Nicolae Bălcescu benannt, dem offiziellen Namen, unter dem es heute bekannt ist.

🇭🇺 Nagyszeben – Nagydisznód utca
Kiadási adatok: XXI Verl. D. Buchh. G. A. Seraphin – Chromophot. V. Jos. Drotreff, Hermannstadt
Postai bélyegző dátuma: 1911. Jun. 15 Nagyszeben

Nagyszebenben a mai Egyesülés teret a Nagypiactérrel összekötő utca a 14. század első negyedétől származik, amikor a felső várost felosztották. Ez az utca biztosította a kapcsolatot az 1836-ban lebontott Nagydisznódi kapu valamint a Nagypiactér között. Az utcát 1492-ben említik először Platea Heltensis néven, Sigerus Emil Chronik der Stadt Hermannstadt 1100-1929 művében.
Az utca nevét az idővel többször megváltoztatták: 1875-ben nevezték el Heltauergasse-nak (Nagydisznód utcának), 1917-ben Franz Josef császár halála után a Franz Josefgasse nevet kapta. 1919-1947 között a Mária Királynő nevét viselte, majd 1947 és 1970 között I.V.Stalin néven volt ismert. 1970-ben nevezték át Nicolae Bălcescu történész után, hivatalos név amelyen ma is ismert.

🇹🇩 Sibiu – strada Cisnădiei
Ediția cărții poștale: XXI Verl. D. Buchh. G. A. Seraphin – Chromophot. V. Jos. Drotreff, Hermannstadt
Data ștampilei poștale: 15 iunie 1911, Sibiu

Strada care leagă Piața Unirii de Piața Mare în Sibiu, datează din primul sfert al secolului al XIV-lea, din perioada parcelării Orașului de Sus, și asigura legătura între Poarta Cisnădiei (demolată în 1836) și Piața Mare. Strada este menționată prima dată în anul 1492 sub numele Platea Heltensis, potrivit lucrării Chronik der Stadt Hermannstadt: 1100-1929 a lui Emil Sigerus.
Numele străzii a fost schimbat de mai multe ori în cursul timpului: astfel, strada a fost redenumită Heltauergasse (Strada Cisnădiei) în 1875, în 1917, după moartea împăratului Franz Josef a fost redenumită Franz Josefgasse. Între 1919 și 1947 a fost numită strada Regina Maria și apoi între 1947 și 1970 a fost cunoscută sub numele de I. V. Stalin. În 1970 a fost numită după istoricul Nicolae Bălcescu, denumire oficială prin care este cunoscută și astăzi.

🇺🇸 Sibiu – Cisnădiei street
Edition details: W. Nagy Publishing House, Sighișoara, 1439
Postal stamp date: 15th of June 1911, Nagyszeben

The street that connects Unirii Square with the Grand Square in Sibiu, dates from the first quarter of the 14th century, during the subdivision of the Upper Town, and once ensured the connection between Heltauer (Cisnădie) Gate (demolished in 1836) and the Grand Square. The street was first mentioned in 1492 under the name Platea Heltensis, according to the work Chronik der Stadt Hermannstadt: 1100-1929 by Emil Sigerus.
The name of the street was changed several times over the history: thus, the street was renamed Heltauergasse (Cisnadie Street) in 1875, in 1917, after the death of Emperor Franz Josef was named Franz Josefgasse. Between 1919 and 1947 it was called Queen Maria Street and then between 1947 and 1970 it was known as I. V. Stalin street. In 1970 it was named after the historian Nicolae Bălcescu, the official name by which it is known today.

Have you ever wondered what Sighișoara (Schässburg) looked like at the beginning of the 20st century? (1912 actually). W...

Have you ever wondered what Sighișoara (Schässburg) looked like at the beginning of the 20st century? (1912 actually). Well, here you can see a vintage postcard from those days 🥰

🇩🇪 Schässburg 1912
Verlag W. Nagy, Schässburg, 1439
Briefmarke: 1912

Schässburg wurde von deutschen Handwerkern und Kaufleuten gegründet, die als Siebenbürger Sachsen bekannt sind. Es ist ein schönes Beispiel für eine kleine, befestigte mittelalterliche Stadt, die mehrere Jahrhunderte lang eine wichtige strategische und kommerzielle Rolle am Rande Mitteleuropas spielte.
Schässburg ist ein herausragendes Zeugnis der Kultur der Siebenbürger Sachsen, eine Kultur, die nach 850 Jahren zu Ende geht und nur durch ihre architektonischen und städtischen Denkmäler weiterbestehen wird.
Es ist eine bewohnte mittelalterliche Zitadelle, die 1999 aufgrund ihres 850 Jahre alten Zeugnisses der Geschichte und Kultur der Siebenbürger Sachsen zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe erklärt wurde. Von den 14 ehemaligen Türmen seiner Zitadelle stehen noch 9 und sind durch eine 930 m lange Mauer verbunden. Jeder Turm trägt den Namen einer Gilde, die zu seiner Verteidigung bestimmt ist.

🇭🇺 Segesvár 1912
Kiadási adatok: W. Nagy Kiadó Segesvár, 1439
Postai bélyegző dátuma: 1912

Segesvár várát az erdélyi szász néven ismert német telepesek alapították. Kiváló példája a középkori erődített váraknak, amely évszázadokon kereszetül fontos stratégiai és kereskedelmi szerepet játszott Közép-Európa szélén.
Segesvár fontos bizonyítéka az erdélyi szászok kultúrájának, kultúra amely 850 év elteltével a kihalás szélén áll és csak építészeti és városi műemlékei révén fog fennmaradni.
A lakott középkori erődítményt 1999-ben az UNESCO világörökség részévé nyilvánítottak, lévén az erdélyi szászok 850 éves történetének és kultúrájának élő bizonyítéka. Az egykori 14 vártoronyból 9 továbbra is fennáll és egy 930 m hosszú fallal kapcsolódik össze. Mindegyik torony elnevezése egy egykori céhhel kapcsolatos, amely valaha megóvta a tornyot.

🇹🇩 Sighișoara 1912
Ediția cărții poștale: Editura W. Nagy, Sighișoara, 1439

Sighișoara a fost întemeiată de coloniști germani cunoscuți sub numele de sași transilvăneni. Este un exemplu remarcabil al unui oraș medieval fortificat, care a jucat un rol strategic și comercial important la marginea Europei Centrale timp de câteva secole.
Sighișoara este o mărturie de seamă a culturii sașilor transilvăneni, o cultură care după 850 de ani este pe cale de dispariție și care va supraviețui doar prin monumentele sale arhitecturale și urbane.
Este o cetate medievală locuită, care a fost declarată patrimoniu mondial UNESCO în 1999, fiind o reprezentare vie a celor 850 de ani de istorie și cultură a sașilor ardeleni. Din cele 14 turnuri ale cetății sale, 9 sunt încă existente și conectate printr-un zid de 930 m lungime. Fiecare turn poartă numele unei bresle menite odinioară să o apere.

🇺🇸 Sighișoara 1912
Edition details: W. Nagy Publishing House, Sighișoara, 1439

Sighișoara was founded by German craftsmen and merchants known as Transylvanian Saxons. It is a fine example of a small, fortified medieval town that has played an important strategic and commercial role on the edge of Central Europe for several centuries.
Sighișoara is an outstanding testimony to the culture of the Transylvanian Saxons, a culture that is coming to an end after 850 years and will only survive through its architectural and urban monuments.
It is an inhabited medieval citadel, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999 due to its 850-year-old record of the history and culture of the Transylvanian Saxons. Of the 14 former towers of his citadel, 9 are still standing and are connected by a 930 m long wall. Each tower bears the name of a guild designed to defend it.

“An excellent tour guide needs to be good as a leader, logistician, diplomat, companion, and friend. They should be able...

“An excellent tour guide needs to be good as a leader, logistician, diplomat, companion, and friend. They should be able to keep a clear head in a crisis and be resourceful, dependable, organized and courteous. A teacher, an enthusiast, a humble learner, generous, sensitive to others, entertaining and hospitable.”

The best guides take you off the beaten track, find the best photo spots and give insights into the local culture.

After a long time today we visited the Turda gorge: great place to hide from the sun on such hot days. Close to Cluj, ha...

After a long time today we visited the Turda gorge: great place to hide from the sun on such hot days. Close to Cluj, half an hour drive :)


400 feet underground!!!


It is always an honor when a visitor tells you: "this is one of the best guided tours I ever been at" :)

today in Cluj: 22:10  Cluj 700 – 3D building projection premiere on St. Michael’s church by world famous László Zsolt Bo...

today in Cluj: 22:10 Cluj 700 – 3D building projection premiere on St. Michael’s church by world famous László Zsolt Bordos (Bordos ArtWorks)é Organiser(s): Treasured Cluj Association
Venue: Main Square



Driving licence + drone = this video :D Some shots I did with a drone traveling Transilvania for the past month or so. Special thanks to my lovely girlfriend…


Aș dori să vă dau câteva detalii legate de plimbarea de mâine: cm scriam în invitație, vom începe la ora 18:00 în piața Muzeului, dar v-aș ruga să ne întâlnim la 17:45. Turul va dura în jur de 2 ore (ca să nu obosească nimeni de la prima întâlnire de genul) și va fi de data aceasta în limba română. Am făcut comandă pentru soare și vreme bună (de obicei funcționează comanda). Itinerarul va fi: piața Muzeului, piața Unirii, strada Napoca, strada Micu-Klein, strada Kogălniceanu (dacă cineva întârzie vă puteți alătura pe parcurs). Nu va fi un tur istoric: am pregătit mai mult povești, detalii despre anumite clădiri și personalități. Mă voi axa în special pe perioada evului mediu, dar nu numai. Voi avea și câteva surprize – sper că pe placul tuturor :)


Things really got into full swing around Cluj in July: the past weekend Jazz in the Park warmed up the spirits, there was a creative initiative at Cinema Arta, called Re: ARTA, and not far from Cluj many people gathered for music, arts, beer and friends at the Double Rise Festival.
Get ready for an eventful month! Visit Cluj :) :) :)

thank you Cutie Cards

thank you Cutie Cards

Cluj private tour

Cluj private tour


Piața Muzeului 1



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