If you are interested in trying out a hitchiking trip in January, we kindly recommend for you to take into consideration Amsterdam as a potential destination. Subscribers of our online travel guides will receive a brochure containing specific information regarding cheap accommodation in Amsterdam for a few hours powered by one of our parteners and camping possibilities. If You are interested in checking it out , please visit our website and subscribe for this month's special edition.
Moreover, we will give you a sneak-peek about our experience in Amsterdam from December, because we always check-out our recommended destinations before we promote it to our users. That's how much we care about you!
Check out https://www.amsterdamlightfestival.com/en/ for details about the ongoing Amsterdam Light Festival with the theme of friendship ! It will take your breath away! To make reservations for a cruise tour with mulled wine and hot chocolate while cruising around these amazing art works, contact us!
Find out how did we get to Amsterdam and what did we do there!