PETROCONST SA Constanta - a fost infiintata acum 40 de ani, avand ca scop executarea lucrarilor de constructii-montaj in industria petroliera. Compania noastra detine personal cu o inalta calificare si mare experienta. De asemenea, compania detine d**a cm urmeaza:
•Baza industriala de lansare a conductelor submarine, cu o arie de productie de 266.130 metri patrati;
•Statia de productie a betoan
elor si a prefabricatelor din beton;
•Laborator de testare a betoanelor, laborator de testare nedistructiva cu raze gamma si ultrasunete;
•Masini de izolare automata;
•Baza de productie, structuri cadru de metalice si conducte izometrice
Pentru toate domeniile de activitate, compania noastra se afla in posesia permiselor si certificatelor necesare si a unui personal cu inalta calificare si de o mare experienta in domeniu. PETROCONST SA Constanta Offshore - a joint stock company has been established 50 years ago, having as purpose the perforance of construction assembling works in the oil industry. Since 1994, dute to the privatizing process, PETROCONST SA Constanta Offshore trading company has been functioning as a company with a total private capital. Our company is provided with a highly qualified personnel with a large experience. The company is endowed as follows:
•The industrial base for er****on of the undersea pipelines having a producing area of 266.130 sqm;
•Concrete mixing plant and concrete prefabs field;
•Concrete testing rooms, gamma-rays and ultrasonic non-distructive testing laboratory;
•Automatic insulating machines ;
•Production base, steel-frame structures and isometric pipelines. For all the activity fields, our company is in possession of the required permits and certificates and highly qualified personnel and a large experience in the field.