Agropensiunea Albinuta este conceputa pentru familii cu copii, grupuri de prieteni. Este realizata in sistem familial, intim, cu numai 3 camere de cate 3 si 2 locuri, fiecare dotate cu baie proprie si cu spatiu larg comun de socializare.
Pensiunea are facilități de grătar, grădină și terasă. Oaspeții beneficiază de acces WiFi gratuit.
Suntem inscrisi in sistemul de vouchere de vacanta.
La cerere, oferim si micul dejun sau alte mese preparate din produse naturale ale producatorilor locali.
Agropensiune este amplasata intr-o zona foarte linistita, fiind invecinata si cu un sit Natura2000. Este permis accesul cu animale.
Ce puteti face:
- sa va relaxati fara sa faceti nimic
-sa participati la activitatile specifice din gospodarie legate de gradina, pomi fructiferi, apicultura.
- excursii cu bicicleta (punem la dispozitie 4 biciclete). Excursiile se pot face fie pe drumul apelor minerale, in rezervatia Mestecanisul de la Reci (8 km), in padurile din zona sau pe drumul verde (
- gratar, foc de tabara (punem la dispozitie lemne de foc)
- activitati sportive in sala de sport din comuna sau tenis de camp pe terenul de la 4 km
Ce puteti vizita:
-Monumentele istorice de la Ozun- localitatea Ozun, amplasata pe malul drept al Raului Negru, a fost atestata documentar pentru prima data in 1332, sub numele de “Sacerdos de Wzom”. Ozun are un numar mare de monumente istorice: biserica reformata din secolul XV (aflata in centrul localitatii), cetatea – ramasa fara turnul portii d**a cutremurul de la 1802, in locul caruia a fost construit un turn de clopot cu cupola in forma de ceapa (1844), biserica romano-catolica, si multe conace considerate monumente de arta (castelul Beldi-Mikes, conacul Ujvarossy-Agoston, conacul Temesvary, conacul Punkosti).
- Manastirea Marcus ( 10 km
- Statiunea Covasna (numita si statiunea celor 1000 de izvoare)- 20 km, unde puteti sa va plimbati cu mocanita, sa vedeti monumentul naturii Balta Dracului, Valea Zanelor cu Planul Inclinat (unicat in Europa), Siclaul si cascada de sub Siclau (nu foarte inalta, dar spectaculoasa), etc. In fiecare an, in luna iulie, in Valea Zanelor se organizeaza Nedeia Mocaneasca – o celebra sarbatoare locala.
- Statiunea Sugas Bai- 20 km, unde exista si o partie de schi, mofete, si alte dotari de agrement.
- Zona Intorsura Buzaului (32 km)- un loc plin de traditii si pitoresc
- Alte statiuni din judetul Covasna (Balvanyos, Valcele, Malnas, etc)
- Judetul Brasov cu obiectivele sale (27 km)
Putem sa va propunem un program particularizat in functie de dorintele dvs.
The guesthouse is designed for families with children, groups of friends. It has only three rooms with 3 and 2 seats, each room with own bathroom.
The guesthouse has barbecue facilities, garden and terrace. Guests enjoy free WiFi
At request we offer breakfast or other meals prepared from natural products of local producers. Guesthouse is located in a very quiet area, being in the neighborhood of a Natura 2000 site. Pets are allowed.
What could you do
- relax without doing anything
-to participate at household specific activities - garden, fruit trees, beekeeping.
- bicycle tours (we provide 4 bicycles). Excursions can be made on the mineral water way, in Mestecanisul natural reservation (8 km), in the woods or on the Greenway ( .
- barbecue, bonfire (we provide firewood)
- sports in the gym or tennis field - at 4 km
What can uou visit:
-historical – Ozun monuments - Ozun town was documented for the first time in 1332 as "Sacerdos of Wzom". Ozun has a large number of historical monuments: the reformed church in the 15th century (located in the village center), the city - remained without gate tower after the earthquake in 1802, the place that was built a tower bell with dome shaped onion ( 1844), Roman Catholic, and many mansions considered monuments of art (Beldi-Mikes castle, mansion Ujvarossy-Agoston mansion Temesvary mansion Punkosti).
- Marcus Monastery ( 10 km
- Nature Park (5 km) recreation space equipped with pool (
-Covasna resort (called the 1000 springs resort) - 20 km, where you can walk with mocanita, see the monument of nature Devil's Pond, Valley Fairy and inclined plane (unique in Europe), Siclaul waterfall under shekels (not very high, but spectacular ), etc. Every year in July, is organized Nedeia Mocaneasca Fairy Valley - a famous local holiday.
- Sugas resort- 20 km, where there is a ski slope, pits, and other leisure facilities.
- Buzau Area (32 km) - a place full of traditions and picturesque
- Other resorts in Covasna (Balvanyos, Valcele, Malnas, etc.)
- Brasov with its objectives (27 km), and so on.
We can offer a custom program according to your wishes.