ADI Harghita

ADI Harghita The Visit Harghita team


🇭🇺 Az élelmiszermentés a tervezéssel kezdődik.


🇷🇴 Reducerea risipei alimentare începe cu planificarea.

🇭🇺 Az EU Rural Tourism projekt több mint 200 olyan forrásból álló eszköztárral rendelkezik, ami segít a vidéki turizmusb...

🇭🇺 Az EU Rural Tourism projekt több mint 200 olyan forrásból álló eszköztárral rendelkezik, ami segít a vidéki turizmusban tevékenykedő kis- és középvállalkozásoknak növelni lehetőségeiket, és hozzájárulni ahhoz, hogy a vidéki turizmus a legjobb választás legyen az idei nyárra. ☀️
🇷🇴 Proiectul EU Rural Tourism are un repositoriu de instrumente cu peste 200 de resurse care ajută întreprinderile mici și mijlocii din turismul rural să își sporească oportunitățile și să facă din turismul rural cea mai bună opțiune pentru această vară. ☀️

EuroCluster Rural Tourism respond to new trends of the European and worldwide tourism demand.



📆 On January 24, 2025, the 12th Meeting of the Preview Project will take place online. 🖥
During the meeting, we will discuss the state of art of the internship, the development of the student material platform, and the creation of guidelines and templates as part of WP4 Management.
We will also focus on dissemination and communication activities, including the production of the UNISS video, upcoming multiplier events, and collaboration with associated partners. 💡
Additionally, plans for the next in-person project meeting and the final event will be outlined.

CNR-ISMed Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Università di Sassari ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI CNR ITD - Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche GRIAL Research GroupADI Harghita AlterContacts Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi IndireErasmus+ INDIRE

🇭🇺👉 A SUSRUR Open Call  #3 - COLLABORATE legfeljebb 50 pályázót támogat. ⏳ Határidő: 2025. február 12., 18:00ℹ️ https://...

🇭🇺👉 A SUSRUR Open Call #3 - COLLABORATE legfeljebb 50 pályázót támogat.

⏳ Határidő: 2025. február 12., 18:00

A SUSRUR COLLABORATE programon keresztül a kiválasztott turisztikai kkv-k 2 olyan speciális tanácsadói szolgáltatáshoz jutnak hozzá, amelyek célja a kulcskompetenciák megerősítése és a vállalkozások segítése a zöld és digitális átállásban.
📋 Mit tartalmaz a program?
A képzett szolgáltatók személyre szabott megoldásokat nyújtanak a résztvevő vállalkozások igényeinek megfelelően.

🇪🇺 A projekt megvalósítását az Európai Unió támogatja.
🇷🇴👉 SUSRUR Open Call #3 - COLLABORATE va sprijini până la 50 de solicitanți.

Termen limită: 12 februarie 2025, 18:00

Prin programul SUSRUR COLLABORATE, IMM-urile din turism selectate vor avea acces la 2 servicii de consultanță specializate, menite să consolideze competențele cheie și să ghideze întreprinderile prin tranzițiile ecologice și digitale.
📋 Ce este inclus?
Furnizorii de servicii calificați vor oferi soluții personalizate pentru a răspunde nevoilor dvs. de afaceri.

🇪🇺 Proiectul este finanțat de Uniunea Europeană.

👉 SUSRUR Open Call #3 - COLLABORATE will support up to 50 applicants.
Through the SUSRUR COLLABORATE Program, selected tourism SMEs will gain access to 2 specialised consulting services designed to strengthen key competencies and guide businesses through the green and digital transitions.

📋 What’s Included?
Qualified service providers will deliver tailored solutions to meet your business needs.

1️⃣ Digital Marketing Plan:
A business strategy that outlines how the SME will use digital platforms & channels to promote its products and services to different target audiences. It must include goals & objectives, target audiences, value proposition and metrics (Key Performance Indicators, KPIs).

2️⃣ Sustainability Action Plan:
A plan that sets clear, measurable and realistic short and long-term objectives to improve the SMEs sustainability aspects in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It must include goals & objectives, strategies & actions and indicators (KPIs).

3️⃣ Technology and Innovation Survey for the Circular Economy of rural tourism SMEs:
A report that critically examines the different technologies and innovations available for the circular economy of rural tourism SMEs and its possible applications, including the topics of water management & reduction, waste & resource management, renovation, sustainable production & consumption, packaging materials, locally supplied goods & services, etc.

4️⃣ Technology and Innovation survey for the Clean Energy Transition of rural tourism SMEs:
A report that critically examines the different technologies and innovations available for the clean energy transition of rural tourism SMEs and its possible applications, including the topics of decarbonisation, renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, among others.

5️⃣ Technology and Innovation survey for the Digitalisation of rural tourism SMEs:
a report that critically examines the different technologies and innovations available for the digitalisation of rural tourism SMEs and its possible applications, including the topics of interactive and data-driven services, immersive technologies (Augmented (AR) & virtual reality (VR)), Artificial Intelligence (AI), accessibility of tourism services, among others.

⏳️ Deadline: 12 February of 2025, 17:00 CET

Applicants that received funding during SUSRUR Open Call #1 – ACCELERATOR or Open Call #2 – INNOVATE are ineligible under this call.

🇪🇺 The project is co-funded by the European Union.

KTU Kauno technologijos universitetas/Kaunas University of Technology | JOIN4CS-Ίδρυμα για την Υποστήριξη της Επιχειρηματικότητας | Espacio Tormaleo | ADI Harghita | F6S | Koestinger Internationalisation Innovation Sustainability

🇭🇺 A COLLABORATE program jelentkezési határideje megváltozott.Határidő: 2025. február 12., 18:00ℹ️

🇭🇺 A COLLABORATE program jelentkezési határideje megváltozott.
Határidő: 2025. február 12., 18:00

🇪🇺 A projekt megvalósítását az Európai Unió támogatja.


🇷🇴 Termenul limită de depunere a candidaturilor pentru programul COLLABORATE s-a modificat.
Termen limită: 12 februarie 2025, 18:00

🇪🇺 Proiectul este finanțat de Uniunea Europeană.

❗️The application deadline for the COLLABORATE Program has changed.
⏳️ NEW deadline: 12 February of 2025, 17:00 CET

Are you a tourism SME based in Asturias (Spain), Western Macedonia (Greece), Harghita (Romania), Utena (Lithuania), or Steirisches Vulkanland (Austria)? Don't miss this great opportunity to boost your business!
👉 SUSRUR Open Call #3 - COLLABORATE will support up to 50 applicants with a € 6 000 lump sum grant.

Why should you apply?
💡 The COLLABORATE call presents an exciting opportunity for tourism SMEs to access specialized consulting services, offering expert guidance in business analysis, digital tools, marketing, sustainability, resilience, and economic strategies. This support is designed to help tourism businesses strengthen key competencies and drive sustainable growth.

How to apply:
➊ Visit our website:
➋ Check the eligibility criteria
➌ Submit your application before the deadline (12 February of 2025, 17:00 CET)

✨ Don't miss this chance to transform your tourism business with the support of SUSRUR's COLLABORATE call!
Apply now and be part of a sustainable future. 🌍✈️

🇪🇺 The project is co-funded by the European Union.

KTU Kauno technologijos universitetas/Kaunas University of Technology | JOIN4CS-Ίδρυμα για την Υποστήριξη της Επιχειρηματικότητας | Espacio Tormaleo | ADI Harghita | F6S | Koestinger Internationalisation Innovation Sustainability



🌟 Reminder: Open Call #3 - Service Providers 🌟
Are you an expert in supporting sustainable and innovative rural tourism? Don’t miss your chance to join the SUSRUR project as a Service Provider and contribute to the success of tourism SMEs across Europe!

💼 Who can apply?
Service providers legally based in Spain, Austria, Greece, Romania, and Lithuania and with proven experience and expertise in one or more of the following fields are invited to submit their expression of interest:
✔️ Digital Marketing
✔️ Sustainability
✔️ Circular Economy
✔️ Clean Energy Transition
✔️ Digitalisation
✔️ Technology & Innovation

🔍 Learn more and apply today:
🕒 Deadline: 31 January 2025 at 17:00 CET

⏳ Don’t wait! Submit your Expression of Interest today and help shape the future of sustainable rural tourism!

🇪🇺 The project is co-funded by the European Union.

KTU Kauno technologijos universitetas/Kaunas University of Technology | JOIN4CS-Ίδρυμα για την Υποστήριξη της Επιχειρηματικότητας | Espacio Tormaleo | ADI Harghita | F6S | Koestinger Internationalisation Innovation Sustainability

🇭🇺 2 nap múlva lejár a jelentkezési határidő!⏰ 2025. január 15., 18:00ℹ️ 🇪🇺 A projekt meg...

🇭🇺 2 nap múlva lejár a jelentkezési határidő!
⏰ 2025. január 15., 18:00

🇪🇺 A projekt megvalósítását az Európai Unió támogatja.
🇷🇴 Termenul limită pentru aplicații este peste 2 zile!
⏰ 15 ianuarie 2025, 18:00

🇪🇺 Proiectul este finanțat de Uniunea Europeană.

🌟 2 Days Until Deadline 🌟
The COLLABORATE Program's deadline is approaching: 15 January of 2025, 17:00 CET.
🚀 If you're a tourism SME in Asturias (Spain), Western Macedonia (Greece), Harghita (Romania), Utena (Lithuania), Steirisches Vulkanland (Austria), this is your golden opportunity to take your business to new heights.

Why should you apply?
💡 The COLLABORATE call presents an exciting opportunity for tourism SMEs to access specialized consulting services, offering expert guidance in business analysis, digital tools, marketing, sustainability, resilience, and economic strategies. This support is designed to help tourism businesses strengthen key competencies and drive sustainable growth.

🤔 How to apply:
➊ Visit our website:
➋ Check the eligibility criteria
➌ Submit your application before the deadline (15 January of 2025, 17:00 CET)

🇪🇺 The project is co-funded by the European Union.

KTU Kauno technologijos universitetas/Kaunas University of Technology | JOIN4CS-Ίδρυμα για την Υποστήριξη της Επιχειρηματικότητας | Espacio Tormaleo | ADI Harghita | F6S | Koestinger Internationalisation Innovation Sustainability

"Romániát ajánlja 2025 első számú úticéljaként olvasóinak az egyik legnépszerűbb divat- és életstílus magazin, a Vogue. ...

"Romániát ajánlja 2025 első számú úticéljaként olvasóinak az egyik legnépszerűbb divat- és életstílus magazin, a Vogue. A magazin Romániát az Európai Unió egyik leggyorsabban növekvő gazdaságaként jellemzi, és dicséri az ország gasztronómiáját és kultúráját." – Erdély TV


Romániát ajánlja 2025 első számú úticéljaként olvasóinak az egyik legnépszerűbb divat- és életstílus magazin, a Vogue. A magazin Romániát az Európai Unió egy...

🇭🇺 5 nap múlva lejár a jelentkezési határidő!⏰ 2025. január 15., 18:00ℹ️ 🇪🇺 A projekt meg...

🇭🇺 5 nap múlva lejár a jelentkezési határidő!
⏰ 2025. január 15., 18:00

🇪🇺 A projekt megvalósítását az Európai Unió támogatja.

🇷🇴 Termenul limită pentru aplicații este peste 5 zile!
⏰ 15 ianuarie 2025, 18:00

🇪🇺 Proiectul este finanțat de Uniunea Europeană.

🌟 5 Days Until Deadline 🌟
🚀 Calling all tourism SMEs in Asturias (Spain), Western Macedonia (Greece), Harghita (Romania), Utena (Lithuania), Steirisches Vulkanland (Austria)!
👉 SUSRUR Open Call #3 - COLLABORATE will support up to 50 applicants with a € 6 000 lump sum grant.

Why should you apply?
🤝💡 The COLLABORATE call presents an exciting opportunity for tourism SMEs to access specialized consulting services, offering expert guidance in business analysis, digital tools, marketing, sustainability, resilience, and economic strategies. This support is designed to help tourism businesses strengthen key competencies and drive sustainable growth. ✨🌱

🤔 How to apply:
➊ Visit our website:
➋ Check the eligibility criteria
➌ Submit your application before the deadline (15 January of 2025, 17:00 CET)

✨ Don't miss this chance to transform your tourism business with the support of SUSRUR's COLLABORATE call!

Applicants that received funding during SUSRUR Open Call #1 – ACCELERATOR or Open Call #2 – INNOVATE are ineligible under this call.

🇪🇺 The project is co-funded by the European Union.

KTU Kauno technologijos universitetas/Kaunas University of Technology | JOIN4CS-Ίδρυμα για την Υποστήριξη της Επιχειρηματικότητας | Espacio Tormaleo | ADI Harghita | F6S | Koestinger Internationalisation Innovation Sustainability


🌟 Boost Your Tourism SME! 🌟
📢 Are you a tourism SME looking to enhance your sustainability and digital strategies? The SUSRUR COLLABORATE Program is here to help!

💼 What’s in it for you?
Selected SMEs will receive:
✅ A € 6 000 grant to access specialised consulting services.
✅ Expert guidance in areas like digital marketing, sustainability, technology, and innovation.
✅ Tailored solutions to drive your business towards the green and digital transitions.

● Asturias - Spain 🇪🇸
● Western Macedonia - Greece 🇬🇷
● Harghita - Romania 🇷🇴
● Utena - Lithuania 🇱🇹
● Steirisches Vulkanland - Austria 🇦🇹

⏳️ Deadline: 15 January 2025, 17:00 CET

🇪🇺 The project is co-funded by the European Union.

KTU Kauno technologijos universitetas/Kaunas University of Technology | JOIN4CS-Ίδρυμα για την Υποστήριξη της Επιχειρηματικότητας | Espacio Tormaleo | ADI Harghita | F6S | Koestinger Internationalisation Innovation Sustainability


World Region of Gastronomy


🇭🇺 2027-ben Hargita megye viselheti az Európa Gasztronómiai Régiója címet az IGCAT (Nemzetközi Gasztronómiai, Kulturális...

🇭🇺 2027-ben Hargita megye viselheti az Európa Gasztronómiai Régiója címet az IGCAT (Nemzetközi Gasztronómiai, Kulturális, Művészeti és Turisztikai Intézet) hivatalos döntése alapján. Az elismerést 2025. február 6-án egy ünnepélyes esemény keretében adják át, amelyet Hargita megyében rendeznek meg.


🇷🇴 În 2027, județul Harghita va purta titlul de Regiune Gastronomică a Europei, conform deciziei oficiale a IGCAT (Institutul Internațional de Gastronomie, Cultură, Arte și Turism). Ceremonia de atribuire a acestui prestigios titlu va avea loc pe 6 februarie 2025, în cadrul unui eveniment festiv organizat în județul Harghita.

World Region of Gastronomy

2027-ben Hargita megye viselheti az Európa Gasztronómiai Régiója címet az IGCAT (Nemzetközi Gasztronómiai, Kulturális, Művészeti és Turisztikai Intézet) hivatalos döntése alapján. Az elismerést 2025. február 6-án egy ünnepélyes esemény keretében adják át, amelyet Hargita ...

"A csíkszeredai Szász Kincső fallabdázó képviselte múlt hét végén Hargita megyét az Európa Gasztronómiai Régiója 2027 cí...

"A csíkszeredai Szász Kincső fallabdázó képviselte múlt hét végén Hargita megyét az Európa Gasztronómiai Régiója 2027 cím várományosát a 2024-es Európai ifjú séfek versenyén Cataniában."

World Region of Gastronomy

A csíkszeredai Szász Kincső fallabdázó képviselte múlt hét végén Hargita megyét az Európa Gasztronómiai Régiója 2027 cím várományosát a 2024-es Európai ifjú séfek versenyén Cataniában. A versenyzővel a gasztronómiával való kapcsolatáról, a versenyen tapasztaltakról és...

🇭🇺📣 A SusRur projekt keretében webináriumot szervezünk a turisztikai ágazatban működő kkv-k támogatására irányuló COLLAB...

🇭🇺📣 A SusRur projekt keretében webináriumot szervezünk a turisztikai ágazatban működő kkv-k támogatására irányuló COLLABORATE felhívás bemutatására.
🤗 Ismerje meg nyílt felhívásunkat és azt, hogy milyen előnyökkel járhat az Ön számára!

📅 Időpont: 2024. december 10., kedd, 13 óra (romániai idő szerint)
📝 Regisztráció:
❗ MEGJEGYZÉS: A webinárium linkjét az esemény előtt egy órával e-mailben kapják meg a résztvevők.

🗣️ A webinárium angol nyelven kerül megrendezésre.

🇪🇺 A projekt megvalósítását az Európai Unió támogatja.
🇷🇴📣 În cadrul proiectului SusRur, organizăm un webinar pentru a prezenta apelul de proiecte COLLABORATE pentru sprijinirea IMM-urilor din sectorul turismului.
🤗 Aflați mai multe despre apelul nostru deschis și cm vă poate avantaja!

📅 Data: marți, 10 decembrie 2024, ora 13:00 (ora României)
📝 Înregistrare:
❗ NOTĂ: Un link către webinar va fi trimis participanților prin e-mail cu o oră înainte de eveniment.

🗣️ Webinarul va avea loc în limba engleză.

🇪🇺 Proiectul este finanțat de Uniunea Europeană.

📣 We will be holding a webinar to present the COLLABORATE call for supporting SMEs in the tourism sector.
🤗 Learn about our open call and how it can benefit you!

📅 Date: 10 December 2024, Tuesday, at 12 pm CET
📝 Registration:
❗ NOTE: Webinar link will be sent to participants one hour before the event via email.

🗣️ The webinar will be in English.

🌟 Eligible Regions:
● Asturias - Spain 🇪🇸
● Western Macedonia - Greece 🇬🇷
● Harghita - Romania 🇷🇴
● Utena - Lithuania 🇱🇹
● Steirisches Vulkanland - Austria 🇦🇹

● The call is limited to tourism enterprises under at least one of the following NACE classes:
H49 - Land transport and transport via pipelines
I55 - Accommodation
I56 - Food and beverage service activities
N79 - Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities
R90 - Creative, arts and entertainment activities
R91 - Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
R93 - Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
Other if related to scope of SUSRUR project.

🕒 Deadline: 31 January 2025 at 17:00 CET

🇪🇺 The project is co-funded by the European Union.

KTU Kauno technologijos universitetas/Kaunas University of Technology | JOIN4CS-Ίδρυμα για την Υποστήριξη της Επιχειρηματικότητας | Espacio Tormaleo | ADI Harghita | F6S | Koestinger Internationalisation Innovation Sustainability


Szabadság Tér 5. Szám, II. Emelet, 204-es Iroda/Piața Libertății, Nr. 5, Etajul 2, Biroul 204

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:30
Thursday 08:00 - 16:30
Friday 08:00 - 14:00




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