Hai intabara.ro
AG TOUR s-a infiintat din dorinta de a oferi clipe frumoase de neuitat elevilor, studentilor si nu numai prin organizarea de tabere, excursii si drumeţii.
,,Lumea e in mainile tale. Taberele, excursiile si expediţiile pot fi tematice, tinerii sunt initiati si isi pot desavarsi pasiunile in multe domenii. Plecam de la premiza ca si noi suntem parinti si dorim sa ne asiguram de cal
itatea serviciilor oferite si de siguranta copiilor nostri. Toate activitatile vor fi coordonate de profesori, educatori, ghizi, instructori si personal medical de specialitate, atent selectati si cu experianta in acest gen de activitati. Fiecare turist ce pleaca prin intermediul AG Tour, beneficiaza si de contracte de asigurare si programe intocmite de profesionisti.
Ag Tour came into being as a result of an ardent passion for the provision of high-quality, unforgettable travel experiences to pupils and students (primarily, but not exclusively) through the organization of camps, excursions and trips. This is the motto that we have deemed to be representative of our association and everything it stands for. The camps, excursions and trips may be themed, which is a concept that provides the youth with a “rite of passage” of sorts, as well as with the stupendous opportunity to discover unknown passions and interests and enlarge on them. CONCEPTUALIZATION
Being parents ourselves, the premise we start from, which also happens to be one of our firmest convictions, is the fact that our children come first. Precisely for this reason, the quality of services, as well as the safety and security of our small ones are of paramount importance to our team. Bearing the aforementioned into mind, we ensure you that all activities organized and promoted by AG Tour are monitored and coordinated by teachers, instructors, tour guides and qualified medical staff, all of whom have been carefully short listed, according to their significant, hands-on experience relative to their profession. Moreover, each and every customer who opts for our services shall benefit from insurance contracts, as well as from programmes designed by professionals. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? At AG Tour, we believe in people. Come as a tourist, leave as a friend! Regardless of one’s age, always keep in mind that life is too short to not live each moment at maximum intensity!