Wintertime in the mountains; once in a week we are going to buy food for the animals and us, fuel, gas and of course beer 🍺 for our mountain farm. this keeps you busy the whole day. Normally we start in the morning and return with the last daylight.
Often the road down to the valley is frozen, so it is always good to be prepared and have a full equipped car.
This means: good wheels, this makes a big difference 🛞. Extreme Offroad chains ⛓️💥from @pewag.internationaland. A whinch is never wrong to have, it saved us several times from@walking home.
You can use a whinch to pull your car out from big snow.
And it is never wrong to have a package of salt in the car with you ❄️
The farm dogs are having fun in the snow #hippariontrails#reiteninrumänien#ridinginromania#urlaubindenkarpaten#herdenschutzhunde#mudidog#herddogsofinstagram
On this very foggy winter day we dewormed our horses.
After testing we found the right deworming medication 🪱 many thank to @vetevo for your fast and reliable service ❤️#hippariontrails#vetevowurmtest#wanderreiten_um_die_welt#gesundepferde#entwurmungpferd
Winterwonderland ❄️#hippariontrails#winterinromania❄🇷🇴#horseholidays#winterridingholiday#winterreiturlaub