COT - Pipe organs - Constructii orgi si tamplarie

COT - Pipe organs - Constructii orgi si tamplarie - Pipe organs
- Organ parts „Quality comes first”. That is our company’s mission statement. SRL – Organ Manufacturer and Joinery) was established in 2003. C.O.T.

Each employee’s attention is aimed at carrying out operations at the highest quality standards possible; thus our products have longer durability and even our most demanding customers are satisfied. At the initiative of the master organ builder, Ferdinand Stemmer and with the support of the Swiss Foundation SSOR, Construcții de Orgi și Tâmplărie SRL (C.O.T. Since the first day the company adopted

the Swiss quality standards and exigencies. Thus, C.O.T. became a market leader in a very short period of time in the area of organ building, executing the most complex restauration works and construction works of new organs in Romania in the last few years. The quality of our works is acknowledged both domestically and internationally, as the company operates both in the country and abroad. This success is due to the team which is made up of qualified employees. It is also due to the seriousness in carrying out assignments and the way projects are being handled and not least, due to the precision in the execution of our products. SRL has opened the first workshop-school in Romania where young people are being specialized in the field of organ building and joinery. This was made possible with the support Mr. Ferdinand Stemmer and Ms. Barbara Dutli, whose vast experience in the field facilitated the specialization of other young people. The manufactured products are our best publicity. This is why we believe that our results speak for themselves. The organ built will naturally excel through its sounds but also visually and artistically and by way of perfectly fitting into the environment it has been installed in. In furniture manufacturing we distinguish ourselves from competitors through the excellent quality of the finite products and the fineness of the surface – achieved by strictly complying with the required finishing steps.

🎵🇺🇸 🎼🎹We’re thrilled to share that our team has successfully restored this year Romania’s second-largest organ! Built by...

🎵🇺🇸 🎼🎹
We’re thrilled to share that our team has successfully restored this year Romania’s second-largest organ! Built by the renowned Wilhelm Sauer in 1915, this magnificent instrument features four manuals and over 6,500 pipes. This project was both a rewarding challenge and a testament to the dedication and skill of our team. We are proud to bringing this historic organ back to life!

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this project and to all who dedicated their hard work to bringing it to completion. We couldn’t have done it without each one of you!


Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass unser Team die zweitgrößte Orgel Rumäniens erfolgreich restauriert hat! Diese prächtige Orgel, die 1915 von Wilhelm Sauer gebaut wurde, verfügt über vier Manuale und mehr als 6500 Pfeifen. Dieses Projekt war eine herausfordernde, aber äußerst lohnende Arbeit, die das Engagement und Können unseres Teams unter Beweis stellt. Wir sind stolz, dieses historische Instrument wieder zum Leben erweckt zu haben!

Ein großes Dankeschön an alle, die zu diesem Projekt beigetragen haben, und an alle, die mit ihrer harten Arbeit dazu beigetragen haben, es erfolgreich abzuschließen. Ohne euch wäre das nicht möglich gewesen!


Örömmel jelentjük be, hogy csapatunk sikeresen helyreállította Románia második legnagyobb orgonáját! Az 1915-ben Wilhelm Sauer által épített csodálatos hangszer négy manuállal és több mint 6500 síppal rendelkezik. Ez a projekt nemcsak kihívás volt, hanem a csapatunk elhivatottságát és szakértelmét is bizonyította. Büszkék vagyunk, hogy új életet adhattunk ennek a történelmi orgonának!

Hatalmas köszönet mindenkinek, aki hozzájárult ehhez a projekthez, és mindenkinek, aki kemény munkával dolgozott, hogy ez megvalósuljon. Nélkületek nem sikerülhetett volna!


Suntem bucuroși să anunțăm că echipa noastră a restaurat cu succes a doua cea mai mare orgă din România! Construită de renumitul constructor de orgă Wilhelm Sauer în 1915, acest instrument magnific are patru manuale și peste 6500 de tuburi. Acest proiect a fost o provocare plină de satisfacții și o dovadă a dedicării și priceperii echipei noastre. Suntem mândri că am readus la viață acest instrument istoric!

Mulțumim tuturor celor care au contribuit la acest proiect și tuturor celor care au muncit din greu pentru a-l finaliza. Fără voi, nu ar fi fost posibil!

One of the most beautiful baroque organ in Transylvania, which was restored recently by our team!The organ was built by ...

One of the most beautiful baroque organ in Transylvania, which was restored recently by our team!
The organ was built by Johannes Prause in 1794 for the Evangelical Church in Bistrita. Both the structure and the disposition of the organ have been modified twice over the years, and now through a complete restoration it has returned to its original form.
It was an honor to bring this wonderful instrument back to life!

Una dintre cele mai frumoase orgi baroce din Transilvania, care a fost restaurată de echipa noastră !
Orga a fost construită de Johannes Prause în 1794 pentru Biserica Evanghelică din Bistrița. Atât structura căt și dispoziția orgii a fost de două ori modificată în decursul anilor, iar acum printr-o restaurare completă s-a revenit la forma ei originală.
A fost o onoare să readucem la viață acest instrument minunat!

Erdély egyik legszebb barokk orgonája, melyet csapatunk nemrég restaurált!
Az orgonát Johannes Prause építette 1794-ben a besztercei evangélikus templom számára. Az orgona szerkezete és diszpozíciója kétszer is módosult az évek során és most egy teljes restaurálás, helyreállítással után visszanyerte eredeti formáját.
Megtiszteltetés volt újra életre kelteni ezt a csodálatos hangszert! Rieger organ from Sabaoani, recently restored by our team.It is the 657th organ, built ...

The Rieger organ from Sabaoani, recently restored by our team.
It is the 657th organ, built in romantic style by the Rieger brothers, it is an architectural and musical masterpiece, unique in Moldova. It has two manuals and a pedal board and a total of 1536 pipes, which are divided into 26 stops . It is built with a mechanical drive system with conical valves.

Orga Riger de la Sabaoani, recent restaurata de către echipa noastră!
Este a 657-a orgă, construită în stilul romantic de frații Rieger, este o capodoperă arhitecturală și muzicală, unică în Moldova. Ea are doua manuale si un pedalier si in total 1536 de tuburi (fluiere) care sunt impartite pe 26 de registre . Este construită cu sistem de acționare mecanic și cutii de suflu cu ventile conice.

A Szabófalvi Rieger orgona, amelyet csapatunk nemrég restaurált.
A 657. orgona, amelyet a Rieger testvérek romantikus stílusban építettek, Moldovában egyedülálló építészeti és zenei remekmű. Két manuál és pedál, 26 regiszter,összesen 1536 síp található benne.

Rieger organ recently restored by our company!Orga Rieger recent restaurată de către firma noastră!Cégünk által nemrég f...

Rieger organ recently restored by our company!

Orga Rieger recent restaurată de către firma noastră!

Cégünk által nemrég felújított Rieger orgona!


🇷🇴 Donații – de știut❗️
🇭🇺 Tudnivalók és támogatás❗️

🇷🇴Pe durata Maratonului Bach, parohia lutherană strânge donații pentru a salva orga barocă a bisericii lutherane din Chirpăr (1️⃣7️⃣7️⃣8️⃣).
🇭🇺A Bach-marton ideje alatt pénzadományával hozzájárulhat a kürpödi barokk orgona (1️⃣7️⃣7️⃣8️⃣) megmentéséhez.

ℹ️🇷🇴Orga cu un manual și 10 registre este una dintre ultimele instrumente existente, construite de maestrul constructor de orgi Johannes Hahn (1712–1783). Atât din motive de conservare a patrimoniului, cât și din motive profesionale de construcție de orgi, acest lucru justifică salvarea ei.
ℹ️🇭🇺Az orgona Johannes Hahn (1712 – 1783) orgonaépítő mester egyik utolsóként épített, egymanuálos, tízregiszteres fennmaradt hangszere. Örökségvédelmi és orgonaépítő szakmai okokból ez egyaránt indokolttá́ teszi az orgona megmentését.

ℹ️ 🇷🇴Parohia din Cluj dorește ca orga să fie restaurată și mutată în biserica Pietati până în 2024. Orga a fost demontată și depozitată în siguranță, dar costul total al restaurării depășește posibilitățile financiare ale parohiei, astfel că solicităm sprijinul comunității dispuse să susțină acest scop.
ℹ️🇭🇺A kolozsvári egyházközség restauráltatni szeretné az orgonát, és 2024-re átköltöztetni a Pietati templomba. Az orgona lebontása és biztonságba helyezése megtörtént, a felújítás összköltsége azonban meghaladja az egyházközség anyagi lehetőségeit, ezért kérjük a művészetpártoló közösség támogatását.

🇷🇴 Vă mulțumim sprijinul Dumneavoastră! 🙏
🇭🇺 Segítségüket és támogatásukat köszönjük! 🙏

OTP Bank Sucursala CLUJ
RO30 OTPV 2000 0155 1130 RO01
400105 Cluj-Napoca, B-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 nr.1




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Klausenburg/Kolozsvár/Cluj -  Opus 1737, Walker 1913 III-manualIt was a very beautiful and interesting project for us!

Klausenburg/Kolozsvár/Cluj - Opus 1737, Walker 1913 III-manual

It was a very beautiful and interesting project for us!


Hărman, Strada Pieţii Nr. 5

Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 15:30
Tuesday 07:00 - 15:30
Wednesday 07:00 - 15:30
Thursday 07:00 - 15:30
Friday 07:00 - 15:00




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