Our business arose in 1994 from the desire to become leaders in modern technologies for research, quality control, clinical and microproduction laboratories. Our company now addresses all industries (oil and gas industry, building materials, food, macromolecular materials, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics / detergents, printing, textiles), health (hospitals, analysis laboratories, veterinary directions,
food safety) and education (schools, colleges and universities, research laboratories). Our vision is to create a business environment where companies and their partners collaborate efficiently, towards supplying high quality products and services. Our values are:
Adaptable technology
Mature technology that covers all product life cycle stages, from concept and launch, to decline. Expertise
Rich experience that has brought us many successes in the Romanian industry. Professionalism
Staff trained to the highest standards and always ready to answer all questions from those interested. Quality and client orientation
We know that any company’s goal should be satisfying consumers’ needs at the highest standards. This has fueled our success ever since our first installation in 1994. In the spirit of these values we develop strong relationships with every customer. We deeply understand his needs and strategy development plans. Thus, we offer customized solutions that fully meet the beneficiary’s needs.