Clusterului Regional Balneoturistic TRANSYLVANIA are la bază potențialul zonei și oportunitățile, flexibilitatea și actualitatea acestei forme de organizare care asigură cadrul pentru cooperarea competitivă prin funcținoarea unui grup responsabil, capabil să reziste fluctuațiilor și crizelor de pe piața europeană sau globală. Transylvania Regional Balneological Tourism Clusters have the principal
common aim to develop the Center Region-Romania, exploiting the natural resources by tourism. The main activity axes are based on the prevention of diseases, trough wellbeing, mental health, treatment and manage of the diseases, all this integrating in a self-care package. In this area
has a varied scale of “health springs” that can reveal a global impact, if the local, regional or national entities join their forces in a strategic partnership. We have established The Transylvania Cluster to inspire collaboration among the many sectors that have the potential to benefit from the responsible use of natural mineral waters including: individuals, health specialists, educational institutions, spa health resort owners, insurance providers and health policy specialists, as well as environmental protection services such as water quality, conservation, city & regional planners, architects, and landscape designers. The initiators identified several objectives, like creating integrated and complex tourism produces, to participate or to initiate research projects and to introduce innovation to this trade of therapeutic tourism, modernization of the buildings from the partner arias, creating an unitary and coherent politics for the cluster. Also the cluster has us priority to develop the IT system, to elaborate legislative proposals, the formation and professional development of the human resources, to elaborate a touristic marketing strategy of this region, based on the potential, and then creating a competitive Brand, etc. Another basic aim of the cluster is to build international relationships and to promote the Romanian balneotourism around the world.