Rivers of Civilizations 🏺 Shaping human development through time. The profound influence of waterways on human development: Euphrates, Nile and the most important river in Europe, Danube. Herodotus: „Η Αίγυπτος δώρον του Νείλου έδτί” (Egypt is a gift of the Nile) – this is not at all a stylistic flourish, but rather a concise expression of an indisputable historical truth.
It is generally known that the great rivers that traverse the continents have almost always played a significant role in the development of civilizations, since the earliest times. This phenomenon has been clearly demonstrated in both Egyptian civilization and the civilizations of Mesopotamia, to name just two well-known and indisputably conclusive examples. The entire Egyptian civilization – whose prehistoric origins date back at least 5000 years before Christ – can only be explained and understood through the Nile Valley, without which the entire region would have been a desert and could not have played any role in the history of human civilizations.
The same can of course be said about the civilizations of Mesopotamia: without the benefits of the Tigris and Euphrates, we would not have had the prehistoric civilizations of Susa and Ur – and we would not have had the subsequent historical civilizations, generally much better known under the generic name of Assyro-Babylonian civilization.
Danube Civilization
These examples can certainly be multiplied, but I don’t believe this is the place to extend this list. However, it is precisely this observation of the role of rivers in the development of human civilizations over millennia and centuries that might bring to anyone’s mind the question of whether, for our country, which is traversed by the most important river in Europe, archaeological research has led to the same conclusion 🏺 https://europegenesys.com/gumelnita-culture 🏺