Дагестан. Решили срезать дорогу в аэропорт...
Вчера завершили путешествие по Дагестану, организованное для 9 друзей. Под конец оказалось, что один из водителей знает короткую дорогу в аэропорт...
Dance of Lak people (Dagestan, North Caucasus)
A week ago we have been to Hermitage museum in Saint-Petersburg, which has amazing collection of Caucasian art. We were happy to be guests of the event dedicated to art of Kubachi village (Daghestan) and see one of the best dance performances in our lifes. Thanks to "Imamat" folk ensemble! This is the dance of Lak people.
Praying of Ychina religious celebration in South Ossetia
As you probably remember we are working on developing rural and eco-tourism in South Ossetia now. An important part of the project is creating on-line guide about the country. We made this video for the guide, when we took part in Ychina religious celebration in Mejida valley. We are sure these village festivals are one of the most important "must see" of the country.
By the way, we are also planning few trial tours next years to show both locals and guests what kind of experiene should South Ossetia offer foreign toursist. The first of them is this one:
You are welcome!
"Sukhishvili" ensemble dance show in Tbilisi, Georgia
"Sukhishvili" ensemble has found a place for traditional caucasian dancing in global culture! That is a show full of magic and freedom!
Kabardian dancing
A performance of a village folk-ensemble has been organized for our group in Kabarda. That was fun! One of our guests has been invited for a dance and she was great!
Mugam music. An interview with musicians in Baku
We came to the University of Culture in Baku to talk to the performers of Mugam. We were interested in different aspects of Mugam tradition: how is it realated to other Eastern styles of music, why people choose to study and sing Mugam, what is the role of these people in Azerbaijani society...
We are grateful to Ramin Rzaev, Simara Imanova and their students for the time they spent with us, desire to share their culture and cosmic music they performed!
More about Azerbaijan and our tours to Azerbaijan:https://caucasus-explorer.com/en/travel-azerbaijan/
Produsing hasirs (həsir) in south Azerbaijan
Dear friends! As you remember, we have recently came back from the trip to Azerbaijan. We explored cultural life of Baku, rural areas of Talysh and few other places. Here is the first video from our trip!
It is about hasirs (həsir) - the most archaic form of Azerbaijani carpets. Actualy that is not the carpet, that is a mat, made of reed. People also call them Carpets for Poor. Till now they are rather popular in the south Azrbaijan.
People in the villages of Azerbaijan saved not only this craft tradition, but very authentic rural spirit, which we really like. This spirit is one of the main reasons, why we love Caucasus!
Bir Gozele Vuruldum Dedim Ona Deyme Deyme
Огонь! Страсть! Восток!
Об азербайджанских хасирах - коврах для бедных, которые плетут...
Друзья, мы привезли из нашей недавней поездки в Азербайджан несколько интереснейших материалов: о хасирах - наиболее архаичной форме ковра ("ковры для бедных"), о мугаме - азербайджанской ветви классической восточной музыки и о фолклорном коллективе "Талышские бабушки".
Ищем человека, который качественно и недорого сможет смонтировать видео, поработать со звуком и наложить субтитры - хотим сделать короткие документальные фильмы.
Репост приветствуется, рекомендации кидайте в комменты, свои услуги - в личных сообщениях.
North Ossetia. Clouds were everywhere, but that made the day probably more interesting! It was very speccial feeling...
В прошедшее воскресенье состоялся вечер чтения нартовских сказаний. На записи заключительное сказание - про гибель Нартов.
В Южной Осетии уже пашут!
Достал еще один кусочек видео из вороха записей недавнего концерта КЪОНА.
Еще кусочек видео с коцерта! Совсем скоро появится полная смонтированная запись с концерта. Снимали с двух камер и еще делали фотографии. Нужен человек, который сделает монтаж. ИЩЕМ!
Концерт ансамбля "КЪОНА"
Вот и первый видео-кусочек концерта. На самом деле было гораздо круче! Видео мало что передает...