Vladimir – The Golden Ring little gem 🇷🇺 😎❤️
Whether it is for a couple days break or just a romantic weekend, Vladimir is definitely the right destination for anyone willing to explore more around Moscow (2 h 30 by train from Moscow).
Founded in 990 or 1108 (a debate is still going on regarding the exact date of foundation), the city played an important role in Russian history, especially in 1169 when Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky decided to move the capital there from Kyiv, during the first centuries of the Kievan Rus federation. At this date the city entered its Golden Age with many monuments (Kremlin, churches, monasteries, merchant houses…) erected. As such, Vladimir enjoyed a certain period of growth and prosperity until 1237 when the Mongol Golden Horde under the commands of Batu-Khan besieged the city.
Today many monuments illustrating the past glory of the city are still present. Most of them listed as UNESCO heritage sites, as such, we can mention The Cathedral of the Assumption (also called the Dormition Cathedral), St. Demetrius' Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and much more… A true paradise for history lovers!
Nowadays the city is also extremely lively with a warm atmosphere all year round. Therefore, there is always something to do or to discover in Vladimir (local museums, cultural or culinary events, small street concerts and more…). One of our recommendations is to attend the blacksmith masterclass, and try your hand at blacksmithing with real local blacksmiths, a unique moment!
Icing on the cake, have a coffee or tea on the terrace overlooking the Dormition Cathedral at sunset... For sure, you will fall in love with this city!