Second Coming Special Meeting to Mark the 63rd Anniversary of True Mother's 1960 Visit to Busan
Tuesday, May 23, 2023, Busan Family Church
It is a new era, a new chapter in history, a new
millennium. I was infinitely grateful that we
could dedicate Cheon Won Gung and the
Cheon Il Sanctum, which Heavenly Parent had
so longed for and desired to see.
In the beginning, our Creator intended to be the true
parent of humanity. God created everything in
heaven and earth, then created man and woman who
were to become the ancestors of humanity. God gave
them a period of time during which they were to
grow. The invisible Heavenly Parent intended to live
with them when they had perfected their characters
and so become the true parent of all humankind.
However, our first ancestors were unable to perfect
their character, but fell and were sent out of Eden. A
fallen world emerged with fallen people who had no
relationship with their Creator. Throughout history,
we have sought peace, but due to conflict, war, and
disease we have never, even for one day, even for
one moment, seen our dream of a peaceful world
Even so, our Creator is all-knowing and all-
powerful, a being whose beginning and end are the
same. What does this imply our Creator must do? I
am saying that God cannot simply discard fallen
people and create new ones. Thus the course Heaven
undertook to restore humankind is the history of the
providence of salvation, of restoration through
God chose the people of Israel and, through them,
carried out the providence of salvation. If you look at
the Old Testament in the Bible, it says that through
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God found a lineage
among fallen humankind that Heaven could work
with. By the time this had developed into a tribe, a
people, and a nation, however, Israel had fallen
under Roman control.
After 4,000 years.... How difficult it must have been
for God that it took 4,000 years to rectify through
indemnity, through the providence of salvation, what
had gone wrong! It was only after four 4,000 years
that God sent us Jesus Christ as the only begotten
Son, of whom God could say "This is my Son."
Nevertheless, Mary, who had given birth to Jesus,
the people around Jesus, the Jewish leaders and the
people of Israel, were unaware of who Jesus truly
was. Furthermore, they were unaware of the original
essence of the Creator. How did Mary help Jesus,
whom she had conceived through the Holy Spirit? In
the end, the result was that he was sent to the cross.
Facing crucifixion, Jesus promised to return.
Consequently, Christianity began through the
disciples who were waiting for Jesus based on that
promise. What did Jesus say he would do on his return? He said he would conduct the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb. What did he mean by that? Our
Creator intended, through a man and woman of
perfected character, to be our true parent, and it was
Jesus that was to fulfill this. But there was no one to
support Jesus.
In order to fulfill the ideal envisioned for the
creation, God looked for a people through whom to
send the only begotten Daughter, who had not
emerged 2,000 years ago. This was the Korean
people. The Korean people have survived by making
reverence for Heaven their focus. Furthermore,
Korea has never invaded other countries. Even when
we were attacked, we came out victorious.
The only begotten Daughter, whom Heaven had to
establish, needed to be born on a Christian
foundation. Jesus went to the cross yet promised to
return, and it was the apostles who waited for him to
come that gave birth to Christianity. Over the past
2,000 years, Christianity, which thus began based on
the hope for the return of Jesus even though people
did not know his original essence, has spread
throughout the world.
Regrettably, however, the communist ideology
emerged from within Christendom. We humans are
created beings, yet atheism asserts there is no God.
Ideologies that claim ignorance of the Owner-
Creator of the universe or say the Creator does not
exist surely cannot govern the world. Heaven has
raised up many righteous people throughout the
world during various ages, and, through them,
allowed religion to lead each region. The purpose of
each religion should be to explain the Creator, and to
know the Creator's original essence. Until now,
religions have been largely dominated by men, so
something is out of balance. It is the mother rather
than the father that gives birth—0.01 percent the
father and 99.99 percent the mother. Is that right?
Whether now or then, Heaven has been awaiting the
appearance of the True Parents, who would know
God’s circumstances and create an environment that
enabled God to embrace humanity. In that the history
of Christianity has been centered on men, it created a
lot of problems. So the Reformation occurred. Luther
began it, it was consolidated by Calvin, and the
Protestant faith had an active beginning. Due to the
work of American Protestant Christians centered on
Pyongyang, Korea was heating up with the Word of
the Holy Spirit and the Truth. However, there have
been strange occurrences in international affairs
centering on the Korean Peninsula.
I am now 80 years old; I was born in 1943. After our
liberation in 1945, the peninsula was divided into
North and South. North Korea was advancing
actively as a communist system; and South Korea
had various people at the helm, so things were not
organized well. At that time, North Korea was
preparing to take over, and on June 25, 1950, war
broke out.
I was born in North Korea and was there until 1948.
However, according to the principles of creation, the
Creator gave human beings a period of time during
which they are to grow. And so as I am the only
begotten Daughter, God had to protect me until I was
able to serve Heaven according to my own will. God
had to protect me. Do you know how it was that
sixteen nations were able to participate with the UN
forces? It is not by human strength or effort, but
because Heaven worked. For whose sake? In order to
realize the ideal of creation, Heaven inevitably had
to protect the birth of the only begotten Daughter
who was responsible to bring that to fruition.
Now is the time to tell the truth of the providence
and of history. True Father received his call from
Jesus when he was 16 years old. “Please complete
what I could not do on earth.” What was that? He
was asking Father to take the position of the True
Then what should we do? Two thousand years ago,
in keeping with the principles of creation, God
brought the only begotten Son to be born among
fallen humankind, and finally after 6,000 years God
brought the only begotten Daughter into the world in
a Christian environment. God’s full power was
invested to expand the environment of Christian
support, waiting for the day when the only begotten
Daughter would grow up and be able to uphold the
heavenly providence on her own terms. However, he
was in South Korea at the time and had married, but
Heaven instructed him to go to North Korea. Some
may know why God asked him to go to the North.
It was going to a place of death. However, he went to
the North with an attitude of absolute obedience and
then witnessed. There was the time when he was
waiting for the date of his ex*****on in the Hungnam
labor camp, but due to the UN Forces landing at
Incheon with General MacArthur, he was able to
return to the South. He was the one who had to
receive Jesus’ call and, in order to fulfill Jesus’
hopes, to follow the path of the Messiah at the
Second Coming. I don’t think the expression “only
begotten Son” fits so well.
Before he died on the cross, Jesus said, “I still have
many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them
now.” Jesus did say this, didn’t he? The content
Jesus was unable to tell them is what Father had to
write as the original text of Divine Principle [Wolli
Wonbon, 1952], which teaches the essence of the
Creator and the essence of Jesus. If Father had been
able to prepare from the age of 16 for the restoration
of the Christian realm, the situation might have been
a little different. Why should we have to hear
Christians calling us heretics? Christians do not
know the original essence of Jesus, nor do they know
the original essence of the Creator. Then, is the
Unification Church that knows Jesus and the Creator
heretical? Is Christianity heretical?
We have quietly run toward the day of the
fulfillment of God's providence, without speaking
out. Through this, we have laid mission
organizations throughout the world that are not
inferior to Christianity's. Further, as a result of the
Blessing Ceremony given through the True Family
movement, families that can understand Heaven's
circumstances and receive God's Blessing are spread
all over the world.
We have worked for more than forty years for the
restoration of the world, centering on the United
States. The situation did not permit us to properly
care for Korea. Nevertheless, this nation, this people,
must become the homeland of Heavenly Parent and
the providence. Since we need to garner the world’s
strong support in order for North and South Korea to
unite, we have carried out the providence throughout
the world. Now, however, True Parents have
announced the dawn of a new age and new
providential history.
Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day was proclaimed, and
the firm settlement of Cheon Il Guk was achieved.
To accomplish this, at least seven religious groups,
seven countries, and a continent had to be restored.
Additionally, the condition of a continental-level
Blessing Ceremony was established. The settlement
of Cheon Il Guk was only made possible through
achieving these results. This completed the task.
That is why from ten years ago I have been saying
that I would build Cheon Won Gung and the Cheon
Il Sanctum. However, neither the government nor
Christianity understood the situation regarding
Cheon Won Gung at that time. That is why I said it
would start out as a museum.
I had fourteen artworks created using mother-of-
pearl through which to depict the providential work
our eternal Creator has conducted to save fallen
humankind. These are realistic Seonghwa artworks
that allow one to learn about the 6,000 years of
God’s providential history at a glance. They are
remarkable works of art created by top masters in
this field, works the like of which can never be made
again. As long as this planet exists, they will be
preserved. Yet we have a lot of work to do now.
Originally, the Creator created the Earth to be a
beautiful and healthy place for humankind. Through
ignorance resulting from the human Fall, however,
the environment of the Earth has been damaged and
destroyed. A certain scientist says this: the Earth has
faced crises five times during the billions of years of
its existence, and tells of a sixth crisis by which the
Earth will disappear. Would that be okay? [Not
okay!] Not okay, right? I don't know what it was like
in the past, but now that we know and now that we
attend Heavenly Parent, we cannot let it happen,
right? [Yes.]
So there is much to do. As the chosen people who
live in attendance of the Heavenly Parent, the people
of this nation should fulfill their responsibility.
Those of us alive today are responsible for saving
our planet, which is the Creator's treasure, bringing it
to a healthy state. In order to achieve this, the nations
attending True Parents must pool their strengths. Isn't
that so? [Yes.] It is for this reason that national
restoration is absolutely, absolutely necessary.
As such, in order to be in the vanguard as the central
leading nation, what should the Korean people do?
We have to accomplish it first, isn’t that right? [Yes.]
Well, I also spent time in the vicinity of Busan when
I was a refugee. There are so many things I could say
about Daegu and Busan. I love you all. [Applause]
As people who have lived in this time, I pray that
you will all become ancestors and parents of which
future generations will be proud.