Inzora Tour

Inzora Tour Get Outside the City for Farm Fun. WE DO SIMPLE THINGS VERY, VERY WELL!!

To all incredible women in the world, shine on, not just today but every single day. Happy Women’s day."Gender equality ...

To all incredible women in the world, shine on, not just today but every single day. Happy Women’s day.

"Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow"

Happy    Day,  our

Happy Day, our

In this fiscal year 2020/21, the population for   has increased by 5.6% compared to the last fiscal year 2019/20. Small ...

In this fiscal year 2020/21, the population for has increased by 5.6% compared to the last fiscal year 2019/20. Small stock also increased by 16% for , 11 % for , 2% for and 2.5% for . The increase of cattle and numbers is due to efforts deployed by the to support vulnerable families and other interventions initiated by , Civil societies to assist families.

"A Big THANK YOU to our  . Our hungry world is well cared for by you."

"A Big THANK YOU to our . Our hungry world is well cared for by you."

Get Outside the City for   Current status of   production in  The current livestock population consists of 1,194,895  , ...

Get Outside the City for
Current status of production in

The current livestock population consists of 1,194,895 , 1,270,903 (s) 371,766 211,918 (s), 498,401 (s) and 482,124 [19].

Most of livestock, especially cattle are found in and (s).

  were introduced into   by INEAC (Institut National pour l’Etude Agronomique du Congo Belge) in the 1920s.   started sh...

were introduced into by INEAC (Institut National pour l’Etude Agronomique du Congo Belge) in the 1920s.

started showing new interest in soybeans in the 1960s and by 1969 there were 550 ha in production, rising to 1,640 ha in 1973. Soybeans are one of the priority in of Rwanda.

Rwanda is the 6th country in Soya bean area covered : 42,160ha (2012) after , , , & .

The different varieties of soya available in Rwanda include the following;
• Tokyo yellow 902
• Mansoy 480
• Haberlandt 363
• Harbinsoy 327

The following are the soya growing districts;
• Kayonza district
• Nyagatare District
• Bugesera District
• Rwamagana District

Their name in   is akabemba while their synonym in English is that of a  .The origin of the   was in Peru around 7600 ye...

Their name in is akabemba while their synonym in English is that of a .

The origin of the was in Peru around 7600 years ago. Other countries with native reserves include Argentina and Bolivia. However, in modern times Africa produces the bulk of peanuts at 46 percent of the total world output.

“Groundnuts are rich in minerals such as , , and . These ingredients help in the growth and formation of some body structures,”.

Some of the best performing markets in 2019 for groundnuts (peanuts) for a kilo were from exports to , , and .

Grown varieties in Rwanda came from Uganda and Zambia and they include:
• Msekera Groundnut Variety 4 (MGV 4) Red groundnut
• Msekera Groundnut Variety 5 (MGV 5) Pink groundnut
• CHISHANGO (tan pink, uniform, medium in size)
The total values in export for groundnuts (peanuts) in Rwanda were US$ 1,984, US$ 1,712, US$ 1,328 and US$ 96 in US dollar thousand for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 in that order.

  common   (Pharsalus vulgaris L.) or   in Kinyarwanda is an essential   in the  . It doubles as a primary staple in   c...

common (Pharsalus vulgaris L.) or in Kinyarwanda is an essential in the . It doubles as a primary staple in cuisine and a surplus generating .

It enjoys higher acreage in the land of a thousand hills than any other crop apart from . The primary nutrient from the plant is . It provides about 80% of the daily requirements of this body-building nutrient.

The Rwandan rate of eating beans ranks higher than many other countries in between 200 and 300 grams per capita per . The beans take 3months to ripen offering possibility for four planting seasons annually with a hectare yielding 3-4 tones each harvesting .

The advent of the common bean in Rwanda was in 1920 from the Congo economic and agricultural department. It later developed into a number of cultivars, some which are subspecies including kidney bean and other types.

The origin of the bean itself was the Andes Mountains of Southern America. The following are the key districts in Rwanda that grow beans; , , and

, , ,

    (Colocasia esculenta) or   in Kinyarwanda is an edible tuber that prefers wet beds to produce tubers and huge leaves...

(Colocasia esculenta) or in Kinyarwanda is an edible tuber that prefers wet beds to produce tubers and huge leaves.

The large area of the leaves has made them acquire the common name of ‘ .’

A member of the family, this plant differs from the potato due to its huge , root-clinging skin, and hardness.

The of the taro dates back before most other domesticated . Its original place of dispersal was -east_Asia.

It enjoyed cultivation even before , which is one of the earliest domesticated . Its introduction in would help alleviate insecurity.

  InzoraTo build an   support   for Wealth Creation to maximize productivity

To build an support for Wealth Creation to maximize productivity

Most of   varieties grown in Rwanda such as Cruza, Gikungu,  , Kirundo, Mabondo, Mizero, Nderera, Ngunda, Sangema and Vi...

Most of varieties grown in Rwanda such as Cruza, Gikungu, , Kirundo, Mabondo, Mizero, Nderera, Ngunda, Sangema and Victoria were developed for table consumption about 30 years ago.

The Irish potato is one of the most important crops in and is one of the ’s six priority crops falling under the Intensification Program (CIP).

Rwanda is the 6th largest producer of potatoes in the region, which is significant given the relative land of the .
Rwanda increased its Irish potato production from 2,240,000 tons per year in 2013 to 6,000,000 tons per year in 2019.

The country accomplished this by expanding the production area from 130,000 ha in 2010 to 200,000 ha, and by yield increases.
The potato reached Rwanda in the early part of the 20th century courtesy of missionaries from Germany.

The Irish potato is cultivated across the country. However, four districts in the north-west are responsible for over 60% of the production. There are two growing seasons: from the end of to early and from the end of to early .

Most of potato varieties grown in Rwanda such as Cruza, Gikungu, Kinigi, Kirundo, Mabondo, Mizero, Nderera, Ngunda, Sangema and Victoria were developed for table consumption about 30 years ago.

Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board ( ) on January 25, 2019 released five new varieties of irish potatoes that are high yielding and disease tolerant.

These varieties, scientifically codenamed CIP393077.159, CIP396018.241, CIP398190.615, CIP393280. 64, and CIP393371.58, local farmers named them Izihirwe, Twihaze, Kazeneza, Nkunganire and Ndeze.

  have become important and widespread in   in a remarkably short period. The sweet potato originated from   8000 years ...

have become important and widespread in in a remarkably short period. The sweet potato originated from 8000 years ago. It came to Rwanda through missionaries in the early part of the 20th century.

Rwanda is the third largest consumer of sweet potatoes in and 9 out 10 farm households in Rwanda cultivate sweet potatoes. Sweet potato growing is increasingly becoming important s .

Eating the sweet potato is an easy way to gain good as the tuber has perhaps the highest content of any crop at 438 percent of the daily value. The colorful skin with or flesh is the indicator of the presence of beta-carotene which aids in improving eyesight.

The energy-rich tuber provides some 86 calories in each serving. -6 which promotes metabolism is also available at 10 percent per serving. The level of dietary fiber for proper digestion clocks in at 12 percent of the daily needs.

The varieties of sweet potatoes grown in Rwanda include the following;
• White sweet potatoes
• Orange-fleshed sweet potatoes
The districts that grow sweet potatoes include the following;
• District
• District
• District
• District

  growing in   was first introduced in Rwanda in 1930 by  . Though Rwanda the production of cassava fluctuated substanti...

growing in was first introduced in Rwanda in 1930 by . Though Rwanda the production of cassava fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 1971 - 2020 period ending at 1.28 million tonnes in 2020.

According to the 2018 published by the of Statistics of Rwanda, cassava is the second most grown after in terms of cultivated . The same data indicates that cassava is the fourth most consumed staple crop in Rwanda, as freshly harvested roots or as transformed recipes majorly made from cassava .

The key cassava growing districts include the following: , , , , ,

The production of cassava has drastically declined in the last due to mainly , and lack of disease resistant varieties. The cassava crop is prone to attack by diseases like cassava mosaic and cassava brown disease (CBSD).

There is a big demand for cassava both in the and . Cassava flour is also being exported to UK, France and Belgium. There are many types of varieties of cassava grown in Rwanda including the following: /0057, , #95/NA-00063

  produces over 100,000 tons of   annually on an approximate 40,000 hectares. It is so essential for making   and other ...

produces over 100,000 tons of annually on an approximate 40,000 hectares.

It is so essential for making and other products that the locals supplement shortages by importing from across the border.

The and provinces dominate production in districts such as , , , , and . It grows in the highlands at altitudes of 1900 to 2500 meters above Sea Level.

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or in Kinyarwanda, first grew in Rwanda in the 1920s and the 1930s courtesy of a agency. The world origin of the cereal was in mountains and from thousands of years gone.

Consumption of wheat-based offers the body vital at 327 calories in every 100 grams. The protein level is as high as 12.61 grams for every 100 grams. There is also iron at 3.19 milligrams in every 100 grams.

Get Outside the City for     which is a     was introduced in   in the 1950’s and rice production has become a significa...

Get Outside the City for

which is a was introduced in in the 1950’s and rice production has become a significant of the sector in Rwanda.

The demand for rice in Rwanda is estimated at 145,000 tonnes per year, while national supply accounts for about 40 per cent, creating a 60 per cent deficit that is met through imports, according to .

In 2020, rice, paddy production for Rwanda was 116,504 tonnes. Rice, paddy production of Rwanda increased from 1,477 tonnes in 1971 to 116,504 tonnes in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 15.45%.

In 2020, Rwanda imported more than 120,270 tonnes of rice on which it spent over $61.5 million (about Rwf60 billion).

The varieties of rice available in Rwanda include the following:
, , ,

  originated in the   of   about 10000 years ago. It spread southward into   and from here dispersed to the rest of    ....

originated in the of about 10000 years ago. It spread southward into and from here dispersed to the rest of .

It is now a flour-making staple, especially for . Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal in the world after , , and .

It is an environmentally-friendly crop as it is efficiency, requires little or no fertilisers or no pesticides and is biodegradable.

There are more than 200 sorghum varieties in , in terms of high yielding varieties, Rwanda Agriculture Board ( ) promotes 6 varieties.

The main districts that cultivate the dry-climate crop include , , , , , , and , among others.

In 2010, records indicated that at least 133,375 hectares were used for growing sorghum. It is estimated that 1,200 kilograms can be harvested per hactare.

The major production constraints are Striga species w**ds (parasite which has affect yield), low farmers’ knowledge on appropriate cultural sorghum practices.

In 2020,   production for   was 451 thousand tonnes. The maize which was introduced in Rwanda in 1960 has been identifie...

In 2020, production for was 451 thousand tonnes. The maize which was introduced in Rwanda in 1960 has been identified as a priority stable by the of Rwanda within the context of the Crop Intensification Programme.

The main maize producing districts in Rwanda include;
, , , , , , , ,

Maize is also the most informally traded staple commodity in Rwanda and outside, and in particular between and , ( report, 2007).

Approximately, half of the maize in Rwanda is produced in the and about 60 percent of the maize is sold through manufacturing industries in Rwanda.

Processors of maize in Rwanda and their capacities
Processors Maize Out (tones/year)
ADRI 600

However, the constraints to the development of this crop are many, including the decline in soil fertility, lack of agricultural credit, access to good quality seeds, late rains for planting and water control for producers.

Get Outside the City for   The total area equipped for   in   is estimated at 11,467 ha. With an estimated cropped area ...

Get Outside the City for

The total area equipped for in is estimated at 11,467 ha. With an estimated cropped area of 7000 ha, the overall cropping intensity is 61%. Main crop planted in most irrigation schemes is and .

The total estimated irrigation water demand for all schemes is about 58 MCM and actual abstraction estimates lie at 57.4 MCM, which indicates a volumetric demand satisfaction rate of about nearly 99.0%.

Irrigation in Rwanda dates back to 1945 when the built the main canal with 8 km of length to irrigate a small farm. From 1962 to 1994, the total cultivated and irrigated lands were estimated to be 4000 ha.

The major part of irrigated lands (8.3% of the estimated potential) are located is in the marsh lands that cover 164,947 ha with around 57% already cultivated with an estimated 11,467 ha currently managed with moderate irrigation structures (, irrigation-areas-in-rwanda).

Get Outside the City for    essential   is extracted from     of the compositae family and is also known as marigold, Me...

Get Outside the City for
essential is extracted from of the compositae family and is also known as marigold, Mexican marigold and tagetette.

Tagetes minuta from the (Asteracea) is an annual and perennial herbaceous plant that contains many seconder metabolites. The species is native to North and South American countries, however it is introduced and naturalized in a wide range of climatic conditions.

The Tagetes minuta plant has been traditionally used by people especially those of area since -colonial period to treat , , worms, skin and .
The plants have provided a source of inspiration for novel drug compounds and the preparation of herbal medicines remains an important part of for both and , especially in rural area (Nahayo et al., 2010).

The leaves and flowers are a good insect repellent and are often seen hanging from native huts to deter swarms of flies and mosquitoes.

In a 5% dilution, tagetes oil has been used to kill maggots in open , while the roots and seeds have been found to help rid the body of poisons. It is an ingredient of many foot treatment preparations and is also used in some .

 , (Pogostemon cablin),       of the mint   (Lamiaceae), the leaves of which are a source of     that is used as a fragr...

, (Pogostemon cablin), of the mint (Lamiaceae), the leaves of which are a source of that is used as a fragrance in , , , , and .

There was a time it used to be the main mixing agent for perfumes as it neutralized the scents of the others. In health, it applies in : its smell helps clear the mind and boost the mood.

Patchouli is native to tropical , where it is widely cultivated and has been used for centuries for its essential oil. Patchouli essential oil is obtained from the shade-dried leaves by .

patchouli oil is the by-product of the patchouli plant, an aromatic staple that features commonly in and perfume industries. Most of the supplies of raw materials come from Rwanda and , among other parts.

In appearance, Rwanda patchouli plant barely reaches three-quarters of a meter high. It flowers into many blooms in purplish or pinkish colors. The of the plant was Central Asia but now leads in of the most commercialized cultivars.

Patchouli has been introduced in Rwanda in 2005. The plant is perfectly able to adapt to the local conditions. Its culture is used to produce essential oil that can be found in perfumery, cosmetics and aromatherapy ( ).

In the first two years, it was cultivated in eastern province, where the climatic conditions required to produce the oil were insufficient. Thus the production was moved to region of -west of Rwanda.

The main market of patchouli is , even though only one firm, products, is currently selling its essential oils products for exports ( ).

Get Outside the City for         is the product of the rose-scented Pelargonium graveolens species that is native to    ...

Get Outside the City for

is the product of the rose-scented Pelargonium graveolens species that is native to . It comes from a family with over 400 species, with the main ones being in use for oil and cut production.

Geranium has in recent decades become a common for Rwandans. Residents of in district in grow it to improve their livelihoods.

There are also growers in and the of the . Native to South Africa, it was not until the 17th century that the grew for distillation purposes in . From here its use spread across other parts of the world.

There are many of geranium oil, but the most common include making . This is because the oil unclogs skin pores, does away with too much oil on the skin and .

It also has qualities including curing bacterial infections on wounds. Its therapeutic uses range from stress relief to . Thus it is an all-around and herbal .

Get Outside the City for       is an aromatic volatile substance (named after the French 'essence', not the English 'ess...

Get Outside the City for

is an aromatic volatile substance (named after the French 'essence', not the English 'essential') extracted by distillation or expression from a single botanical species. The resulting oil should have nothing added either during or after this process. Essential oils are used as flavors and fragrances for , , , , , et is an aromatic volatile substance (named after the French 'essence', not the English 'essential') extracted by distillation or expression from a single botanical species. The resulting oil should have nothing added either during or after this process. Essential oils are used as flavors and fragrances for , , , , , et

eucalyptus oil is the product of the leaves. It comes from the plant of the same name. The main production method is steam distillation which requires no additives but water vaporization. Rwanda grows the tree in various small plantations in the southern province.

Some of the many uses of Rwanda eucalyptus oil include decongesting sinuses or mucus that builds up in head tissue. The traditional method of healing sinuses is just breathing in the steam of the oil after adding it in hot water. In the same lines, this is also a remedy for sore throat and coughs. It kills teeth bacteria, disinfects , stimulates bodily responses to and gives relief from .

In   2015, a   firm,   Ltd, acquired   to grow the rare     on 1,000 hectares following an agreement signed between the ...

In 2015, a firm, Ltd, acquired to grow the rare on 1,000 hectares following an agreement signed between the and the of .

Stevia (stevioside) is a -calorie extracted from Stevia , a small plant from the with origins in . The leaves of the stevia plant contain compounds called stevia glycosides which give the plant its sweet taste.

Stevia is a natural sweetener for and , with no calories, but which is up to 300 times sweeter than in the same concentration. Stevia plantations in Rwanda are currently in , , , and districts, according to .

The from stevia leaves is a used by the food and beverage industry as a replacement for sugar, high and sweeteners and as a complement to other natural sweeteners to contribute to lower calorie content.

Rwanda ‘s and diverse terrain offers ideal conditions for stevia crop; with ideal elevation (1400-2000m), and conditions, Rwanda is able to achieve naturally high yields with sustainable and well distributed throughout the .

“Halt soil salinization, enhance soil production” is the theme for      .Soil degradation processes are usually caused d...

“Halt soil salinization, enhance soil production” is the theme for .

Soil degradation processes are usually caused due to soil salinization and sodification. It’s a threat to the ecosystem and is recognized as one of the most important problems at a global level for agricultural production, food security and sustainability. The day aims to spread awareness about the need of a healthy ecosystems.

The observance was recommended by the International Union of Soil Sciences ( ) in 2002 to aware of the degrading condition of the soil, its impact and its prevention. The and had supported the day to be celebrated as a global awareness-raising platform under the leadership of the Kingdom of Thailand and within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership.

The Conference, in June 2013, urged to adopt the World Soil Day at the 68th . The Assembly finally designated December 5, 2014, as the first World Soil Day

Since  #2005,   known as ‘   ’ has been introduced in  . It involves rearing of silkworms for the production of    , whi...

Since #2005, known as ‘ ’ has been introduced in . It involves rearing of silkworms for the production of , which is the obtained out of spun by certain of .

In many countries silk is used for , including light suits, , , , , , , , , and . Silk is also used in , , , , , etc.

The following steps are involved in silk production throughout their life cycle of over 45 days:
1. cultivation (Moriculture).
2. of silk worms to produce Cocoons.
3. Silk to produce silk yarn.

Rwanda’s natural provides constant of 20-28°C/ year, field temperature of 20-35°C and between 1,200-1,700 mm/year. These are conditions for rearing silkworm

  is the number two   producing   with a   market share of 15 percent. This  -producing  -family crop is third after   a...

is the number two producing with a market share of 15 percent. This -producing -family crop is third after and as the primary agricultural .

Pyrethrum has been in production in Rwanda since 1936 when some 7,000 growers were given 14,000 ha of suitable growing land around the .
In 1972, a extraction plant was built in and the industry operated successfully under the government controlled company .

The 1994 genocide was a real disaster for the local growers and the industry. After 1994, the government supported the re-birth of the pyrethrum industry and after some difficulties the industry is now successfully managed by the private company .

The highlands have cool temperatures, high rainfall, fertile and well drained soils which make the highlands ideal for pyrethrum flower production. Pyrethrum continuously flowers for about 10 months in a year and the maturing of flowers occurs 3-4 month after planting.

The flowering crop grows mainly in the . The leading districts that produce it from across the nation include , , and .

The pyrethrum has the following uses:
1.Pyrethrum contains pyrethrums that are used as properties of the plant.
2.Pyrethrums are used to manufacture , and .
3.Used as to control in the and **d is the solution.
4• products like are used to treat ticks, lice, fleas and nits in humans and animals.
5•Pyrethrum flowers are used to make coils that release mosquito repelling smoke upon burning.

Ikigo cy’Igihugu gishinzwe Ubuhinzi n’Ubworozi (RAB), cyatangije ubushakashatsi bugamije gusuzuma imiterere y’ubutaka bw...

Ikigo cy’Igihugu gishinzwe Ubuhinzi n’Ubworozi (RAB), cyatangije ubushakashatsi bugamije gusuzuma imiterere y’ubutaka bwa buri gace mu Rwanda no kumenya ifumbire iberanye n’ibihingwa bihera.

Ubu bushakashatsi buri gukorwa binyuze mu mushinga Rwanda Soil Information Services (RwaSIS) ugamije kumenya ingano n’ubwoko bw’ifumbire ikenewe mu butaka bitewe n’agace.

Guhera muri Gashyantarre uyu mwaka, buri gukorerwa mu turere 27 ku bihingwa byatoranyijwe birimo umuceri, ibigori, ibishyimbo, ingano, imyumbati n’ibirayi.

      ranging from 1400 m to over 2400 m ASL,    , plenty of rainfall throughout the   of between 900 mm to 1,500 mm and...

ranging from 1400 m to over 2400 m ASL, , plenty of rainfall throughout the of between 900 mm to 1,500 mm and day 20 to 30ºC and night temperature 5 to 20ºC, at wage of US$ 1.10 to 2.20, plenty of from numerous and makes it an enviable destination for development as compared to her neighbors.

produces mostly for the export market is there is little demand for . The sector brings in revenue in excess of 9.5million euro. The are mainly exported to and .

has a lot of potential in Rwanda because of the favorable and offers the best prospects for transforming . There are plans to double to include through the aggressive and ambitious out-growers program.

The varieties of Flower grown in include the following:
, , , , ,
&white, , , , (ornithogalum), , , , , , and .

The opportunities offered by the sector include the following;
1. has conducive for quality .
2.The has the potential produce other plants including , , and .
3.The can avail land for farming.
4.There is plenty of for exports from .

Nearly every   uses   (allium cape) as a regular spice in dishes prepared – the     is a common   in every   across the ...

Nearly every uses (allium cape) as a regular spice in dishes prepared – the is a common in every across the as have aggressively tapped into it.

usually take about 3 to 4 months in the garden before they can be harvested for consumption. And in every , one can harvest about 25 tons depending on the breed of .

A can plant onions from , or . It should be noted that onions perform best in well drained, with a pH range between 6.5 to 7.0 .

The onion is a biennial that is grown as . are produced in almost all the mainly in and provinces is currently producing more than 20,000 MT per year, mainly , and onions.

Market prices of onions have gone down. Prior to 2019, one kilo of onions was going for US$0.14 in 2017 and US$0.19 in 2018. In 2019 the export price changed to $0.19 per kilo, by 1.932%.

Some of the best performing markets in 2019 for Rwanda onions for each kg were from exports to , , and .

Rwanda red chili pepper (one of the ripe varieties of Capsicum frutescent and Capsicum chinses) is a red-colored pepper ...

Rwanda red chili pepper (one of the ripe varieties of Capsicum frutescent and Capsicum chinses) is a red-colored pepper that grows green before ripening into scarlet hue. It is a high capsaicin type that can reach a level of 350,000 Scoville heat units (SHU).

One of the most popular exports of from is a by-product of the , namely . It helps to make for spicy , , and even # cassava for and alike. The is also exported to , , , and and to the neighboring countries.

The following varieties of chilli are grown in Rwanda:
The .

Available data from indicate that in the /19, exported more than of which generated #$1,036,613. These statistics imply that both the and of chilli that the country exported slightly more than doubled from for #$484,341 in #2017/18.

As per the annual report for 2019/20, was produced on 881.2 Ha at different sites of , , , and different scattered individual farms located at , and , , , and .

Growing mainly in , the first came to the coast of in the 16th century courtesy of explorers. The itself was first domesticated 7500 B.C. in the and old .


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