Muassasah Olou Watamayyuz is a formal legal company which obtain official permission from the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, registered at Saudi Arabia Chamber of Commerce with permission number: 1200225. Located in the city of Makkah Al Mukarramah which was founded in 2010. This company established to fulfill high demand of hotels is Hajj and Umroh season every year, both for individu
als of groups organized by travel agents, which we offer the best and excellent services. Muassasah Olou Watamayyuz has given the request of hotel room booking from various countries of travel agent such as the Middle East, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, the United States and others. And we are also providing a catering request of Indonesian foods in Makkah. Likewise, we manage the land arrangement for Hajj and Umroh individual of group that held by travel agent.