SIMEC 2016 - Saudi International Medical Education Conference

SIMEC 2016 - Saudi International Medical Education Conference Official page of the Saudi International Medical Education Conference 2016, hosted by Alfaisal University, Riyadh, KSA | 8-12 April 2016

The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC) hosts the largest biennial gathering of medical educators in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, boosting its status as the most prominent and foremost medical education conference in the region. SIMEC 2016 marks the fifth conference in this series, continuing the legacy and positive outreach caused by SIMEC since its beginning. Many health pro

fessionals and researchers in the fields of medical and health sciences education, public health, basic, clinical and social sciences participate in this international gathering. The conference mainly covers and reports recent developments and research in the medical education field. It also covers a wide variety of continuously arising topics and issues that are of current importance and interest. These include innovations in medical education, international dimensions, and new curriculum trends. What makes this conference unique is its focus on clinical training (both undergraduate and postgraduate), compared to other medical education conferences which usually focus mainly on undergraduate basic science education. This conference will provide both national as well as a wide spectrum of international perspectives on governance and accreditation issues of medical education and clinical training programs. The conference is led by international authorities who will bring their national and international experience as medical educators, editors, reviewers and contributors to leading journals in the field. In addition, many well-known international medical education institutes will also be participating in this conference. There will also be student sessions dedicated to hearing their perspective and opinions as important stakeholders in the medical education process. It is also important to mention that, fortunately, SIMEC 2016 will be held just before the Ministry of Higher Education’s “International Exhibition Conference on Higher Education” (IECHE) and thus is expected to attract educators attending both conferences. Within SIMEC will be attendees who are leaders of clinical training at partners of Alfaisal University, namely of King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center (KFSHRC), Security Forces Hospital (SFH), and King Saud Medical City (KSMC), and in addition, most Deans of Colleges of Medicine throughout the Kingdom and within the GCC countries will be meeting and attending SIMEC 2016 and holding their GCC Deans Meeting during the conference.

"Volunteering in SIMEC2016 was not only about how to organize and help our guests. It was about living in a place for on...

"Volunteering in SIMEC2016 was not only about how to organize and help our guests. It was about living in a place for only 5 days and not being able to forget it afterwards."
- Mohammad Saleh Abduljabbar (left) & Mohamed Jawhari (right), ACP team.

"سعدت كثيراً بالمشاركة في فعاليات اليوم الأول من المؤتمر والمشاركة في تقديم إحدى ورش ACP. أسعدني حماس وتفاعل الحضور وحرص...

"سعدت كثيراً بالمشاركة في فعاليات اليوم الأول من المؤتمر والمشاركة في تقديم إحدى ورش ACP. أسعدني حماس وتفاعل الحضور وحرصهم على التعلم. نأمل أن نكون قد وفقنا في تقديم خدمة بسيطة لنشر المعرفة والتوعية. وأود أن أوجه شكري وتقديري للمنظمين والمتطوعين في هذا المؤتمر وعلى رأسهم صاحبة السمو الأميرة الدكتورة مها آل سعود على حسن التنظيم والإستقبال. كما أود أن أشكر وأشيد بطلاب الطب في جامعة الفيصل على تحملهم هذه المسؤولية ومهنيتهم العالية التي أظهورها خلال التنظيم، هنيئا لجامعة الفيصل هذا الانجاز."
-د.محمد الشيخ.
يظهر في الصورة د. محمد الشيخ و د. أروى الفواز، أطباء مقيمين في مستشفى الملك عبد العزيز بجدة خلال تقديم ورشة ACP: Rheumatological and Hand Examination.

Every two years one university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is honored to host the largest medical education conferenc...

Every two years one university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is honored to host the largest medical education conference in the country. This year the Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC) will be hosted by Alfaisal University in Riyadh.
This conference is the fifth in its series and will carry on the legacy of this prestigious conference which was established in 2008.
For more information visit:


Riyadh is in tears with the conclusion of . Thank you very much for your great presence. See you soon in future conferences!

الرياض تنهمر دمعاً مع انتهاء المؤتمر. شكرًا جزيلاً لحضوركم
الكريم. نلقاكم في مؤتمراتٍ قادمة.

Dr. Peter Cahusac, an Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Biostatistics at Alfaisal University, recently led the ACP...

Dr. Peter Cahusac, an Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Biostatistics at Alfaisal University, recently led the ACP workshop regarding the use of "R" software in statistics.

Here is his opinion on the recently concluded SIMEC:

"Great conference, but its success largely depended on the remarkable hard work and enthusiasm of Alfaisal's students.
The students are truly Alfaisal's best ambassadors."

"In medicine, whether you are a medical student or an experienced consultant. There is never enough of learning. As long...

"In medicine, whether you are a medical student or an experienced consultant. There is never enough of learning. As long as medicine is in your life, everyday you will have a new lesson"

- Mohannad Maghrabi, 2nd year Alfaisal medical student attending ACP workshops at SIMEC on Friday 8th

Grab yourself a copy from the registration desk, and learn more about our achievements  in Alfaisal!

Grab yourself a copy from the registration desk, and learn more about our achievements in Alfaisal!

We're pleased to announce to that the Culture Festival hosted by the Alfaisal Model United Nations will continue through...

We're pleased to announce to that the Culture Festival hosted by the Alfaisal Model United Nations will continue throughout the remaining days of


Over the course of two days, there were a total of 19 workshops. One of the programs was about Residency in the United States.
As expected, the room was overflowing with students eager to gain tips and insights on how to plan for their medical future. The esteemed Dr. Samar AlSaggaf and Dr. Hussam Ghabra provided invaluable advice for those wishing for a future career in the United States. At the end of the event, there was a surprise waiting for the attendees. In collaboration with Dr. Samar and Kaplan Medical Saudi Arabia, all those who attended received a free 1-month online subscription for USMLE Step 1 questions! A great surprise after an exhausting day!

College of Medicine: Health Building Design Workshop glimpses: Teaching Models: 1-Problem Based Learning (PBL): patient ...

College of Medicine: Health Building Design Workshop glimpses:

Teaching Models:

1-Problem Based Learning (PBL): patient problems introduced as stimulus for small group instruction.

2-Case Method Rooms

3-Flipped Classrooms: problem is given to students beforehand, then they come and discuss what they researched and learned.

4-Simulation Labs: safe learning environment that promotes student engagement at their own pace.

5-Anatomy Labs

6-Informal Interactive Space

7-Clinical Rotations: Worked based learning that provides hands on training that prepare students for real situations.

8- Personalized eLearning: flexible interactive format accessible anywhere with an Internet connection.

9- Adaptive Learning (Personalized Education): promote individualized learning instead of one size-fits-all. Specially beneficial for capstone students and projects.

11- Knowledge Management: spaces like libraries and learning centers provide a variety of spaces for individual or group study.

12- Continuing Education:

A word to medical students from Dr. Nizar Bahabri:"I want to tell the students that there are a couple of learning procc...

A word to medical students from Dr. Nizar Bahabri:
"I want to tell the students that there are a couple of learning proccesses that people are not doing well. First, when you attend a lecture, try to write three notes only. Dont write a lot. This will keep more of 40% of what you learnt in your brain after you read it. Second, whenever you are trying to study, dont read and memorize. But rather, read and read and read. It is the repetition that will get you to memorize. It is not just reading and then trying to close your eyes to see if you read right or not. Third, don't ever believe those who tell you this thing is diffucult or that thing is easy. They are judging. You should judge knowledge by yourself."

"I have a special admiration for Alfaisal University and Alfaisal students. I work on the progress test and the most dis...

"I have a special admiration for Alfaisal University and Alfaisal students. I work on the progress test and the most distinguished students are Alfaisal university students. You really feel like they know what they are doing. This is not a praise, it is a mere fact. Several people who've communicated with Alfaisal students, feel that they're the students who truly stand out."
- Dr. Mohammed Saqr; Assistant Professor of Neurology, Supervisor of the E-learning Unit at Qassim University

We hope today's ACP Workshops were as exciting for you all as it was for your nerves!

We hope today's ACP Workshops were as exciting for you all as it was for your nerves!

انطلقت اليوم فعاليات مؤتمر SIMEC ٢٠١٦ والتي ستبقى ذِكراها خالدة في تاريخ جامعة الفيصل. انضموا إلينا ولا تفوتوا الأيام ال...

انطلقت اليوم فعاليات مؤتمر SIMEC ٢٠١٦ والتي ستبقى ذِكراها خالدة في تاريخ جامعة الفيصل. انضموا إلينا ولا تفوتوا الأيام المقبلة.

Today marks the first day of SIMEC 2016. The start of an event that will be remembered through the history of Alfaisal University.


We are pleased to announce that there will be on-site registration for the pre-conference workshops and the conference
تنويه، سوف يكون هناك تسجيل متأخر للمؤتمر وورش العمل خلال أيام المؤتمر التسجيل متاح من 8 إلى 11 أبريل

For more information visit our website -

Only hours separate us from the big day! Be sure to follow us on snapchat to keep up-to-date with all things   related U...

Only hours separate us from the big day! Be sure to follow us on snapchat to keep up-to-date with all things related

Username: SIMEC2016

As the days get closer we are proud to announce the Cultural Festival at   hosted by the Alfaisal Model United Nations. ...

As the days get closer we are proud to announce the Cultural Festival at hosted by the Alfaisal Model United Nations.

As one of the most exciting events at , it's one festival you can't miss. We hope to see you all there!

Introducing our annual Alfaisal University Model United Nations Cultural Festival! In collaboration with SIMEC 2016, you'll get a chance to visit 9 culturally diverse countries, experiencing unique traditionally delicious food, cultural dance festivals, and an extraordinary travel-like experience!

The Cultural Festival starts in the 8th and 9th of April, from 5pm till 9pm and the 10th till the 12th of April from 12pm till 1pm each day.

For more information and updates, visit to know the conferences schedules. And follow our Social Media channels (Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter) all the following updates!


سوف يكون من أكبر المؤتمرات الصحية لجميع العاملين في المجال الصحي. سوف يكونهناك يومان قبل المؤتمر مليئة بورش عمل تمهيدية. المؤتمر الرئيسي سوف يعقد لمدة ثلاثة أيام متواصلة وسوف يتم تغطية 19 مواضيع شيق من خلال محاضرات جماعية يقدمها أبرع المتحدثين في مجالهم من حول العالم.

للمزيد من المعلومات، انقر على الرابط /

يقام "المؤتمر السعودي العالمي للتعليم الطبي -SIMEC" في إحدى جامعات المملكة كل عامين منذ 2008. وتتشرف جامعة الفيصل في الر...

يقام "المؤتمر السعودي العالمي للتعليم الطبي -SIMEC" في إحدى جامعات المملكة كل عامين منذ 2008.
وتتشرف جامعة الفيصل في الرياض بإستضافة دورته الخامسة هذا العام ليستكمل مسيرته الإثرائية العلمية في المملكة كأكبر مؤتمر سعودي للتعليم الطبي مستقطبا المختصين والمهتمين من الأطباء والباحثين من كل أنحاء العالم.

لمزيد من المعلومات والتفاصيل يرجى زيارة الموقع:

About SIMEC The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC) hosts the largest biennial gathering of medical educators in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, boosting its status as the most prominent and foremost medical education conference in the region. SIMEC 2016 marks the fifth conference…


The key to success for any doctor is their ability to communicate with their patients. The key to successful communcation skills for physicians will be presented by Dr. Nezar Bahabri, April 9th at

This is a role-play and narrative-based workshop based off significant life-experience which will be presented during the workshop.

For more information visit -

A university's alumni are their pride and joy. They are the survivors who are able to say we fought and achieved. This y...

A university's alumni are their pride and joy. They are the survivors who are able to say we fought and achieved. This year at we are proud to announce not one but three alumni meetings.

The University of Toronto, McGill University and The George Washington University will all be hosting their alumni meetings at the Saudi International Medical Education Conference 2016 (SIMEC).

For more information about the meetings visit -


You can expect many things at . Among them is the 33rd Deans Meeting. This meeting will create a platform that will allow the sharing of collaborative efforts among Saudi colleges and the exchange of experiences with one another.
The Saudi Deans Meeting at will represent a noteworthy event by inviting the Gulf Cooperation Council medical colleges’ deans and faculty/administrators from international universities.

For more information visit:


Less than 12 hours till the SIMEC 2016 registration ends.
What are you waiting for? Get your tickets now -

Located in the heart of Riyadh, Alfaisal University will be hosting the 2016 SIMEC. Since it's foundation in 2002, the university has rapidly grown to become one of the most respected institutions in the region, all while holding true to the pillars of its foundation: Faith, Knowledge, and Performance.

Alfaisal is one of the first private research and teaching universities in the Kingdom committed to achieving international standards of excellence.

The SIMEC 2016 event is the perfect opportunity to emerge yourself in the world of Medical Education, as well as taking the chance to learn more about Riyadh, KSA and Alfaisal University.


A conference like no other promises to make your time worth the while. The medical education conference and workshop days offer activities for everyone starting with medical students building up to medical faculty. The conference aims to cover everything from Curriculum and Residency training abroad extending to the Design and Implementation of OSCEs.

is your chance to submerge yourself in the world of Medical Education. Furthermore, it is the golden opportunity to meet both national and international speakers.

The registration for this prestigious event ends March 31st, at 11:59 pm. Don't let this opportunity slip from your hands. Register now -

  is indeed going to be an enriching experience for all medical professionals alike. Among all the events, the Main Conf...

is indeed going to be an enriching experience for all medical professionals alike. Among all the events, the Main Conference is something not to be missed!

The Main Conference will be held for three days and has about 19 exciting topics to be delivered in the form of keynotes and symposia, by great speakers from all round the world.

The three themes for each day of the conference are:
1. Curriculum (Clerkship) and Competencies
2. Academic governance and Accreditation
3. Residency training

Interested in ? What are you waiting for? Register here:

At   2016 there is an activity for all university professors and faculty members. There are 19 workshops over a period o...

At 2016 there is an activity for all university professors and faculty members. There are 19 workshops over a period of 2 days, April 8th and 9th.

The workshops will address important issues related to curriculum, assessment, research in medical education, and many more. In addition, national and international speakers who are pioneers in their fields will give brilliant key note speeches.

Among the workshops you can expect are:
1) Managing Education Endeavors by Dr. H. Thomas Aretz
2) OSCE: How to Design and Implement by Dr. Gominda
3) How to Recruit and Retail Happy Teachers by Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul, Helen P. Batty and Dr. Baraa AlGhalayini

So, what are you waiting for? Register, now! -

Terms & Conditions Terms and Conditions relating to registration for Saudi International Medical Education Conference to be held on 8-12 April 2016 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Completion of the registration information signifies acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below. The registration fees…




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