Island Tour Seychelles

Island Tour Seychelles Walking tours, tour guide & island tours in Seychelles. Licensed by the government and certified by the Seychelles Tourism Board.

Tour Guide Seychelles
Inselrundfahrten Seychellen
Island Tour Seychelles
Tour de l’île Seychelles
アイランドツアー セーシェル
Vuelta a la isla de Seychelles
Seyşeller Ada Turu
Excursão às Ilhas Seychelles We speak German, English and French. We are happy to offer very individual tours and walks for you. We can organise birthdays, engagements, weddings on the beach with Creole flair, food & drinks for y

ou. Best regards, Yours, Sheena

Wanderungen, Tourguide & Inselrundfahrten auf den Seychellen. Lizenziert von der Regierung und zertifiziert durch das Seychelles Tourism Board. Wir sprechen Deutsch, English und Französisch. Gerne können wir für Sie sehr individuelle Touren und Wanderungen anbieten. Geburtstage, Verlobungen, Hochzeiten am Strand mit kreolischen Flair, Essen & Trinken für Sie organisieren. Liebe Grüsse, Ihre Sheena

Visites à pied, guide touristique et visites d'îles aux Seychelles. Autorisé par le gouvernement et certifié par l'Office du tourisme des Seychelles. Nous parlons allemand, anglais et français. Nous sommes heureux de vous proposer des visites et des promenades très individuelles. Nous pouvons organiser des anniversaires, des fiançailles, des mariages sur la plage avec une touche créole, de la nourriture et des boissons pour vous. Cordialement, votre Sheena

Tour a piedi, guida turistica e tour delle isole alle Seychelles. Autorizzato dal governo e certificato dal Seychelles Tourism Board. Parliamo tedesco, inglese e francese. Siamo lieti di offrire tour e passeggiate molto individuali per voi. Possiamo organizzare compleanni, fidanzamenti, matrimoni sulla spiaggia con atmosfera creola, cibo e bevande per voi. Cordiali saluti, la tua Sheena

Visitas a pie, guía turístico y excursiones por las islas en Seychelles. Autorizado por el gobierno y certificado por la Oficina de Turismo de Seychelles. Hablamos alemán, inglés y francés. Estaremos encantados de ofrecerle excursiones y paseos muy personalizados. Podemos organizar cumpleaños, compromisos, bodas en la playa con estilo criollo, comida y bebidas para usted. Saludos cordiales, su Sheena

Wandeltochten, reisleiding & eilandtours op de Seychellen. Gelicentieerd door de overheid en gecertificeerd door de Seychelles Tourism Board. We spreken Duits, Engels en Frans. Wij bieden u graag zeer individuele rondleidingen en wandelingen aan. Wij kunnen verjaardagen, verlovingen, bruiloften op het strand met Creoolse flair, eten en drinken voor u organiseren. Met vriendelijke groet, je Sheena

Passeios a pé, guias turísticos e excursões às ilhas nas Seychelles. Licenciado pelo governo e certificado pelo Conselho de Turismo das Seychelles. Nós falamos alemão, inglês e francês. Estamos felizes em oferecer passeios e caminhadas muito individuais para você. Podemos organizar aniversários, noivados, casamentos na praia com estilo crioulo, comida e bebida para você. Cordiais cumprimentos, sua Sheena

Gyalogtúrák, idegenvezetés és szigeti túrák a Seychelle-szigeteken. A kormány által engedélyezett és a Seychelle-szigeteki Turisztikai Hivatal által tanúsított. Beszélünk németül, angolul és franciául. Örömmel ajánlunk Önnek nagyon egyéni túrákat és sétákat. Születésnapokat, eljegyzéseket, esküvőket szervezünk a tengerparton kreol hangulatban, ételekkel és italokkal az Ön számára. Üdvözlettel, az Ön Sheena



Пешеходные экскурсии, гид и туры по островам Сейшельских островов. Лицензирована правительством и сертифицирована Сейшельским советом по туризму. Мы говорим на немецком, английском и французском языках. Мы рады предложить для вас индивидуальные туры и прогулки. Мы можем организовать для вас дни рождения, помолвки, свадьбы на пляже с креольским колоритом, еду и напитки. С наилучшими пожеланиями, ваша Шина

Takamaka beach at its best

Takamaka beach at its best


a clients 5-star review from today:

We had (despite rain!) a wonderful day with Sheena and her brother Kevin. Right at the beginning we were picked up on time and warmly welcomed.
Sheena told us with her friendly and pleasant nature many interesting things (highlight for us was the spice garden) and Kevin drove us wonderfully over the island. A super combination. At the end, Sheena even surprised us with fresh coconuts and mangos (we couldn't enjoy them in the hotel yet) - that was very touching.
All in all a successful trip

Wir hatten (trotz Regen!) einen wundervollen Tag mit Sheena und ihrem Bruder Kevin. Gleich zu Beginn wurden wir pünktlich abgeholt und herzlich begrüßt.
Sheena hat uns mit ihrer freundlichen und angenehmen Art viele interessante Dinge erzählt (Highlight für uns war der Gewürzgarten) und Kevin hat uns wunderbar über die Insel gefahren. Eine super Kombi. Am Ende hat uns Sheena sogar noch mit frischen Kokosnüssen und Mangos (die konnten wir im Hotel noch nicht genießen) überrascht- das war sehr rührend.
Alles in allem ein gelungener Ausflug

The questions of public holiday in the Seychelles comes often, here we have all the details:

The questions of public holiday in the Seychelles comes often, here we have all the details:

There are public holidays in Seychelles that are identical to European and international holidays. There are also national holidays.

Carana Beach in the North-East of Mahé

Carana Beach in the North-East of Mahé

Thank you, thank you, thank you

Thank you, thank you, thank you

What a great view from Copolia Trail

What a great view from Copolia Trail

The last 12 months were so nice and good for us. We were able to make around 500 tours and more than 1500 people happy.O...

The last 12 months were so nice and good for us. We were able to make around 500 tours and more than 1500 people happy.
One more reason to expand our fleet with the great Honda Shuttle Hybrid. Less consumption with only 2.9 liters per 100km and lots of space. Perfect for the nature of the Seychelles, because we as tour guides who drive the tours around the island every day, must also be environmentally conscious and responsible.
In addition, the safety of our guests is a very important concern, which we continue to ensure with this vehicle.
Thank you at this point to all who stand behind and beside us, support us.
We are happy to make you happy!

Just amazing 🤩

Just amazing 🤩


Amazing 🌅

Nice sunset at the Rockpool 🤩

Nice sunset at the Rockpool 🤩

Not everyone who travels to the Seychelles has & had the opportunity to visit the Rockpool. It's not so easy to find, but we will guide you there

The Soul flower tour were your imagination spreads wild and creativity takes control.

The Soul flower tour were your imagination spreads wild and creativity takes control.

Do you need to slow down, do you love art, are you creative yourself or do you want to be inspired? The Soul Flower Tour is just the right thing for you.


Bad weather and you do not know what to do? Sitting in your hotel room or bored? Come with us on tour, even on rainy days we know how to have a lot of fun in the Seychelles.

PORT & AIRPORT PICKUP ON MAHÉThere are 7 ports where we can pick you up for a tour on Mahé

There are 7 ports where we can pick you up for a tour on Mahé

If you are coming from Praslin or La Digue, we can pick you up directly from the CatCocos ferry dock on Mahé. Our pick up times are based on the arrival times of the ferry and we will be waiting for you.

We do and offer private, guided hikes & walks in the Seychelles. Specially on Mahé.If you want a guided hike in the Seyc...

We do and offer private, guided hikes & walks in the Seychelles. Specially on Mahé.
If you want a guided hike in the Seychelles that is not too strenuous, but still worth seeing, challenging for the eye and the mind, we are very happy to assist you.

We do hikes & walks in the Seychelles. Specially on Mahé. If you want a hike in the Seychelles that is not too strenuous, but still worth seeing, challenging for the eye and the mind, we are very happy to assist you.

PORT & AIRPORT PICKUP ON MAHÉThere are 7 ports where we can pick you up for a tour on Mahé:Cat Cocos BerthIf you are com...

There are 7 ports where we can pick you up for a tour on Mahé:

Cat Cocos Berth
If you are coming from Praslin or La Digue, we can pick you up directly from the CatCocos ferry dock. Our pick up times are based on the arrival times of the ferry and we will be waiting for you.

Marine Charter
If you have booked your accommodation on Cerf Island, there is a Taxi-boat that will take you to the Marine Charter Port in Victoria, where we will be happy to pick you up.

New Port
Cruise ships like AIDA always anchor in Victoria, at the so called New Port. We would be happy to pick you up from there and do a tour on Mahé with you. We offer tours with up to 25 people as a mixed group tour or private tours just for you or your group.

Eden Island
No matter on which island you stay and make your vacation, there are always boats that can take you from the islands, such as Félicité (Six Senses Zil Pasyon) or Fregate Island to Eden Island to start a tour in and around Mahé.

Hilton Labriz Jetty
For all visitors of the Hilton Labriz Resort on Silhouette, we are happy to offer a pick-up service at the Hilton Jetty in Bel Ombre.

JA Enchanted Island Resort Jetty on Mahé
The Resort on Round Island also has a jetty on Mahé from where we can start a tour and pick you up directly there.

Club Med Seychelles on Mahé
On Mahé there is also a port of call for Club Med guests (from Saint-Anne) and a small branch from which we will be happy to make a tour with you.

Airport Seychelles
If you are coming by plane from e.g. Praslin, Bird Island, Denis Island or Aldabra and Desroches, we can also arrange for a taxi to pick you up at the airport and then we take you on a tour of Mahé.
The other way around we can also arrange to bring you to the Seychelles Airport after the tour.

It is also possible to offer a helicopter tour within the tour, or to bring / pick you up there if you spend your vacation e.g. on North Island, Silhouette or La Digue.

Of course, we will be happy to bring you back to the starting point afterwards, or to any other place on Mahé if you wish. There are no additional costs for the pickup or the return transport and also for all other destinations on Mahé. All costs are included in the tour prices. I look forward to meeting you and making your booking.

Please let the front desk of your hotel or resort know that you would like to take a tour with us, so they can then arrange a boat for you.
Then tell us the time of your arrival and we will be waiting for you on time.

Yours Sheena

WhatsApp: +248 2566558

eMail: [email protected]

If you are coming from Praslin or La Digue, we can pick you up directly from the CatCocos ferry dock. Our pick up times are based on the arrival times of the ferry and we will be waiting for you.

Do you know all of our links where you can see information about us, pictures and videos?Main Website:https://islandtour...

Do you know all of our links where you can see information about us, pictures and videos?

Main Website:

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WANDERN AUF DEN SEYCHELLENWir bieten private, geführte Wanderungen und Spaziergänge auf den Seychellen an. Speziell auf ...

Wir bieten private, geführte Wanderungen und Spaziergänge auf den Seychellen an. Speziell auf Mahé.
Wenn Sie eine geführte Wanderung auf den Seychellen wünschen, die nicht zu anstrengend, aber dennoch sehenswert ist und eine Herausforderung für Auge und Geist darstellt, sind wir Ihnen gerne behilflich.
Wir bieten private Touren zu diesen bekannten Wanderungen auf den Seychellen an:

Anse Major Walk (2 Stunden)
Rock Pool Tour (1,5 Stunden)
Copolia Trail (2 Stunden)
Morne-Blanc-Wanderung (2-3 Stunden)
Ros Lepa Walk (2-3 Stunden)
Anse Capucins Tour (3-5 Stunden)
Mont Signal Walk (1 Stunde)
Mare aux Cochons Pfad (4-6 Stunden)
Les Trois Frères-Wanderung (3-4 Stunden)
Unsere Wanderungen dauern in der Regel 1-6 Stunden, mehr ist angesichts des für Touristen und Urlauber ungewohnten Klimas nicht zu empfehlen.

Wenn wir mit unseren Kunden wandern, nehmen wir uns gerne viel Zeit für Gespräche und Informationen über die Seychellen. Auch zeigen wir viele Dinge, die die Natur auf den Seychellen zu bieten hat. Es gibt so viele endemische Pflanzen und Tiere, Sie werden positiv überrascht sein.

Unsere Wanderungen sind auch alle sicher, denn es gibt keine gefährlichen Tiere und kleine Kletterpartien können problemlos und ohne Seile bewältigt werden.

Selbst Kinder ab 5 Jahren werden das Wandern auf den Seychellen lieben, denn es gibt eine Menge zu entdecken.

Viele Wanderungen finden im Schatten statt, so dass es angenehm ist, durch die Zimtwälder zu wandern und die Stille, die Gerüche, die Sehenswürdigkeiten und vieles mehr zu genießen.

Sie sollten nur darauf achten, dass Sie festes Schuhwerk und etwas zu trinken dabei haben. Das ist alles, was Sie brauchen. Für alle anderen Dinge sind wir da.

Wir raten davon ab, die Touren auf eigene Faust zu machen, auch wenn Sie es können und vielleicht sogar eine Menge Erfahrung mitbringen. Sie werden sicher die eine oder andere Sehenswürdigkeit verpassen, oder viele Kleinigkeiten übersehen.

Auch aus Sicherheitsgründen ist es ratsam, eine geführte Tour zu unternehmen. Der Dschungel der Seychellen, das Klima und die manchmal komplizierten Wege können die Touren ohne einen Tourguide schwierig machen. Der Führer weiß auch, was im Notfall zu tun ist, hat alle notwendigen Telefonnummern und ist geschult.

Wir haben Erste-Hilfe-Kurse, Versicherungen und einen Erste-Hilfe-Kasten für kleinere Verletzungen. Mit uns sind Sie auf der Tour sicher.

Ihre Sheena

WhatsApp: +248 2566558
eMail: [email protected]

© Copyright 2018 - | | Island Tour Seychelles |


WOW, the 50th 5***** review on Tripadvisor, and so exactly on point:

You don’t want to be stuck in a tiny bus with a lot of tourists?! Then this private tour is for you! Sheena will show you around the beautiful Mahé Island and explain you a hell lot of things! She is also flexible and can adapt the tour to your wishes! What do you want more? Right, free coconut juice, well you’re gonna have it!

at 4am in the morning...

at 4am in the morning...

We are certified Tourguides at Islandtour Seychelles. We love Island-tours, Hiking & surprising our Guests. You can book online different Activities.

We describe exactly what we do, how we do and what you would love on an excursion with us!https://islandtourseychelles.c...

We describe exactly what we do, how we do and what you would love on an excursion with us!

Are you looking for a trip on the Seychelles? A day trip or full day excursion? Also has ideas in bad weather for an excursion? We offer excursions all year round for Mahé.

You would like to hike in Seychelles and in paradise jungle?Français :

You would like to hike in Seychelles and in paradise jungle?

Français :



We do hikes & walks in the Seychelles. Specially on Mahé. If you want a hike in the Seychelles that is not too strenuous, but still worth seeing, challenging for the eye and the mind, we are very happy to assist you.

And another very beautiful review on Google:We booked two trips with Sheena (Island Tour Mahé, Copolia Trail)
 and deepl...

And another very beautiful review on Google:

We booked two trips with Sheena (Island Tour Mahé, Copolia Trail)
 and deeply enjoyed both of them. She is a fantastic guide, very professional, passionate, knowledgeable and kind. Of course we also considered to simply rent a car and explore the island on our own, but honestly said: We would have missed a lot … not only all of the less well known places, but also quite some fun :-) Our trip to Mahé wouldn’t have been the same without Sheenas recommendations and valuable insights, so do yourself a favor and try it out yourself !

What for a nice 5-star review on TripAdvisor on the 10th November 2021:"We had an amazing time on this tour with Sheena....

What for a nice 5-star review on TripAdvisor on the 10th November 2021:

"We had an amazing time on this tour with Sheena. She is very friendly and made us feel welcome and safe in the Seychelles! Sheena customised our itinerary based on our preferences we discussed at the start of tour, and we got to see all the attractions we wanted to, including the takamaka rum tasting experience, feeding a giant tortoise, seeing the Victoria city and also the most beautiful beaches and viewpoints on the island. Sheena gave an excellent commentary and told us interesting facts about the island while we drove around and gave us ideas of other places and islands we might like to visit during our stay. We were dropped off at an excellent place for light lunch and to try the local seybrew beer on tap! I would thoroughly recommend this tour to anyone looking to get a good feel for the whole island in just one day and looking to learn about the island from someone who lives here. If we lived on the island I’m sure we would be very close friends with Sheena! We will definitely be back to the Seychelles in the future for another one of Sheena’s tours!

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H6942 Sorento Glacis, P1523


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