Saunders Homestay

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Saunders Homestay Online booking accommodation platform for homestay services all over Sudan.

Watch the amazing traveler Drew Binsky's trip in sudan 🇸🇩 , isn't it amazingly beautiful !Tell us about your trips aroun...

Watch the amazing traveler Drew Binsky's trip in sudan 🇸🇩 , isn't it amazingly beautiful !
Tell us about your trips around all sudan states and let's share how beautiful this country is ❤

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Portsudan ❤

" Although Sudan is one of the world’s poorest countries, complete strangers would often pay for our coffees without our...

" Although Sudan is one of the world’s poorest countries, complete strangers would often pay for our coffees without our knowledge and leave without ever introducing themselves to us "

_Sudan through the eyes of its visitors❤


Image courtesy of Mark Weston Sudan is going through tough times. The price of bread, the staple food, has risen beyond many households’ means as subsidies have been cut and annual inflation has pa…

Friday is a time to reflect and be thankful for the week ,As you count your blessings , may you have reasons to be joyfu...

Friday is a time to reflect and be thankful for the week ,As you count your blessings , may you have reasons to be joyful . Blessed Friday everyone , Have a beautiful weekend .

يوم الجمعة هو الوقت المناسب للتفكير و الشكر لهذا الأسبوع .عندما تحسب بركاتك ، قد يكون لديك أسباب لتكون سعيداً ، جمعة مباركة عليكم جميعاً نتمنى لكم عطلة نهاية أسبوع سعيدة .


يمكنكم متابعتنا على Facebook , LinkedIn , Instagram and Twitter :
Saunders Homestay .

Glorious Independence DayFrom Saunders Homestay Team , my dearest congratulations on the 65th anniversary of independenc...

Glorious Independence Day
From Saunders Homestay Team , my dearest congratulations on the 65th anniversary of independence for this glorious nation, as long as the glory of our country is full of glory and supremacy among nations
Happy new year ❤🇸🇩 .

عيد استقلال مجيد
من Saunders Homestay أعز التهاني بذكري الاستقلال الـ65 لهذا الوطن المجيد،دام عز بلادنا وهي تذخر بالمجد والسمو بين الامم
وكل عام وأنتم بخير ❤️🇸🇩 .

مساء الخير عليكم ⁦❤️⁩زي ما قلنا ليكم انو خدمتنا الجديدة حتكون ل الشباب  #السوداني المترحل في البلد 🚄 ، عندك اي سفرة لأي ...

مساء الخير عليكم ⁦❤️⁩

زي ما قلنا ليكم انو خدمتنا الجديدة حتكون ل الشباب #السوداني المترحل في البلد 🚄 ، عندك اي سفرة لأي ولاية كلمنا طوالي و حنوفر بيك اسرة مستضيفة من أسر ساندرز الفريدة و التجربة دي طبعاً ح تفيدك جداً ، حتفيد في شنو ؟

مبدئياً من اسعارنا البعيدة عن اسعار الفنادق بكتير ف حيكون في Saving costs كبير ، بالاضافة للجانب الاجتماعي و الاقتصادي و انك تقعد مع ناس جديدة تعرف حاجات و قصص جديدة و المريح انك تقعد مع اسرة زي اسرتك و تحس كأنك في بيتك 🏡❤ .

نحن بعد وفرنا الخدمة دي عايزين اي اسرة عندها القدرة انها تستضيف شبابنا المترحل "العدد البتناسب معاك" 😂 تسجل معانا في الفورم أدناه ، و لو سألتونا دا حيضيف ليكم في شنو؟ حنقول ليكم الدخل الاضافي للأسرة و برضو حيضيف الجانب الاجتماعي و الاقتصادي و انو الضيف حيبقى صديق للاسرة و حتتفتح على كل الاسرة فرص كتيرة جديدة ..

ما تضيع الفرصة و خليك جزو من Saunders Homestay 🏡❤

We offer home ,culture, country and a journey🏡.


مستعدين عشان تعيشو معانا أحلى تجربه وتكونوا جزء من مجتمع ساندرز ، مستعدين تكتشفوا ، تتعرفوا و ثقافات جديدة وتساهموا معان...

مستعدين عشان تعيشو معانا أحلى تجربه وتكونوا جزء من مجتمع ساندرز ، مستعدين تكتشفوا ، تتعرفوا و ثقافات جديدة وتساهموا معانا في تطوير #السياحة المستدامة في السودان و تحسين صورة #السودان عالمياً كمان ، تكونوا مصدر لدعم كل الأسر السودانية مادياً وثقافياً 😉 .

نحن الليله زي ما وعدناكم حبينا نتيح الفرصه لي كل الاسر السودانيه في اي ولايه من ولايات السودان انو تسجل معانا في ساندرز كأسر مستضيفه وبكل بساطة و السهولة الممكنه 😙 .

كلنا اكيد حابين نتعرف على بلدنا ونتعرف على ناس جديدة و كمان في سفرنا نكّون أسر حقيقيه بالنسبة لينا ك ضيوف 👫🏾👭🏾👬🏾 .
ولو حابين تستضيفو زول و يكون فردتكم و منها برضو تكسبو ليكم دخل إضافي طوالي اتفضل سجل معانا ك اسرة مستضيفة 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦.

إنت كل العليك بس خش الرابط التحت دا ⁦👇 وأملا بيناتك وخلي الباقي علينا ، أيوا بس كدا و أكيد ما تنسى توري أهلك وأصحابك عشان كلهم يستفيدو ويلحقو يسجلو كمان⁦😍.

We offer home ,culture, country and a journey🏡.

ساندرز ، كتير مننا ممكن يكون سمع بالاسم دا و نفسو يعرف هو شنو ! طيب    ساندرز للإقامة المنزليةهي شركة ناشئة (Start-up ) ...

ساندرز ، كتير مننا ممكن يكون سمع بالاسم دا و نفسو يعرف هو شنو ! طيب
ساندرز للإقامة المنزلية

هي شركة ناشئة (Start-up ) تهدف لي تغير الصورة النمطية عن السودان و المساهمة فى نهضة و تعزيز السياحة الداخلية ورفع مستوى دخل الأسر المشاركة معانا ، طيب كيف؟؟
نحن ببساطة بنستقبل الرحالة ، السياح ، الطلاب و كل من شد الرحال الي السودان الحبيب و بنتيح ليهو فرصة للإقامة مع اسرة سودانية اصيلة و فريدة من نوعها و التعرف على ثقافة أهل المنطقة و عاداتهم وتقاليدهم😍.

و دي فرصة كبيرة جداً للطرفين "الضيف/ المستضيف" من جانب الضيف احسب عندك ال Saving costs لانو أسعارنا اقل من أسعار الفنادق 😏، أما من جانب المستضيف و يلي هم اسرنا السودانية اللطيفة فهو الدخل الاضافي للأسرة و دا الى جانب فوائد كتيرة حنتطرق ليها في بوست براهو 😉 .

المفاجأة الجديدة و الجميلة إنو نحن فتحنا خدمتنا دي لأولاد بلدنا برضو ، فترة السياحة في السودان جاية علينا و كتير من السودانيين بيحبو يسافرو مناطق كتيرة في #السودان ف دخلنا ليكم خيار إنو يكون عندكم أسرة تقعدو معاها في المنطقة الإنتو مسافرين ليها ، حتشوف الاسرة المناسبة ليك و تقعد تتم معاها فترتك و تكون كسبتها اسرة حقيقة ليك ما بس ناس قعدت معاهم ، بالنسبة للمستضيفين الاسر زولكم حيبقى جزو منكم و الناس تستفيد من بعض و اسرة في بعضينا دا بجانب الدخل الاضافي ، زابطة مش 😏 ؟ .

نحن حنفتح باب التسجيل للاسر العايزة تسجل و تنضم لي عائلة ساندرز للاقامة المنزلية من كل أنحاء السودان ،خليكم قريبين و تابعونا دايماً و ما تفوتو عليكم الفرصة الذهبية دي Stay tuned ❤

With all the love , Saunders Family .

Saunders Homestay Family is proud to be celebrating our first anniversary🎉🎉 ! Thank you for showing your love and suppor...

Saunders Homestay Family is proud to be celebrating our first anniversary🎉🎉 ! Thank you for showing your love and support ! And a big thanks to our great unique hosts families , and our lovely guests , We will soon open registration for the host families on our website , stay tuned 😉
And wait for many services and surprises with Saunders Homestay .
We Offer Home , Culture , Country and a Journey 🏡❤.

إذا عندك جزء فاضي في بيتك ما محتاج ليهو أو عندك غرفه او شقة ما مستخدمها لفترة محدودة ، ده الزمن المناسب أنك تسجل في ساند...

إذا عندك جزء فاضي في بيتك ما محتاج ليهو أو عندك غرفه او شقة ما مستخدمها لفترة محدودة ، ده الزمن المناسب أنك تسجل في ساندرز و تساهم في مساعدة متضرري الفيضانات و السيول في السودان وتقدم ليهم خدمة كبيرة جداً .. 🙏🏻💕
وعشان ساندرز كان دائما الجوهر الاساسي فيها هو مشاركة المنازل ،، اطلقنا الفترة الفاتت حملة

ً 🏠

و حبينا نسهل عليكم الموضوع ونربطكم بالأسر الأكثر تضرراً وكل العليك ببساطه إنك تخش وتملا الفورم ادناه 👇 وتلقائياً حتكون إسجلت عندنا تبع الأسر المتطوعه ، ما تترددوا وسجلو و وروا أصحابكم الممكن يساعدوا .

ولو عارفين أسر فقدت منازلها او إتضررت بأي شكل ممكن برضو تخشوا وتملوا الفورم المخصص بالمتضررين كل العليك تخش وتملا بياناتك و أكيد ما تنسوا تشيروا الفورم مع اكبر عدد من الناس عشان كل زول يقدر يساعد
الفورم الخاص بالمتطوعين :

الفورم الخاص بالمتضررين :


إذا في زول حابي يسأل أو يستفسر :

أهلنا في  #السودان يعانون فيضاناً كبيراً مشاهده مؤلمة💔، قضى فيه حتى الآن حوالي 100 شخص؛ تشرّد نصف مليون ؛ وتتسبب بهدم 10...

أهلنا في #السودان يعانون فيضاناً كبيراً مشاهده مؤلمة💔، قضى فيه حتى الآن حوالي 100 شخص؛ تشرّد نصف مليون ؛ وتتسبب بهدم 100 ألف منزل حتى الآن
كان الله في عوننا جميعاً ، نحن في ساندرز بندعو كل شخص عندو ما يمكن من مقدرة بإستضافة ما يقدر عليه من الناس الفقدت بيوتها و كل ما تملك ، دائماً كان الجوهر الأساسي في ساندرز هو مشاركة المنازل 🏠 و المساعدة و المساهمة في تخفيف الضرر الناجم اثناء الكوارث ، اذا عندك غرفة اضافية في المنزل شاركنا و ساهم في مساعدة شخص محتاج 🙏.

طلاب الشهادة السودانية الفي المناطق المتضررة ، جزو كبير منهم بدون مأوى، نرجو مساعدتكم في إيجاد المكان المناسب للدراسة و العندو القدرة يستضيف في منزله ، أوضاع الطلاب النفسية سيئة مع الحاصل وزيادة عليه توتر الامتحان ،، بنتمنى من الجميع المشاركه و التبرع بأي شي ممكن يساعد .


Sudanese people are facing a severe flooding in khartoum. Nile river has reached its highest level in past 100 years causing deaths and injuring many. All prayers for you, may god be with you in this hard times
The devastating floods in Sudan have caused the destruction of over 100,000 homes across the country.

Please help by sharing and donating
Over 21,000 people are facing an emergency due 2 severe flooding in Khartoum, . Pray for the people of sudanFlag of Sudan Broken heart


الجبَنة في كسلا ⁦❤️⁩ جربت تستضيف زول قبل كدا ! شاركنا تجربتك ! #السودان  #كسلا  #بورتسودان

الجبَنة في كسلا ⁦❤️⁩
جربت تستضيف زول قبل كدا ! شاركنا تجربتك !
#السودان #كسلا #بورتسودان

جبل توتيل عظيم و جميل شموخ و علا❤  - لسة ما كلمناكم عن مصطفى و زيارتو لي كسلا😉   - مصطفى ... من اليمن قعد في كسلا في است...

جبل توتيل عظيم و جميل شموخ و علا❤

- لسة ما كلمناكم عن مصطفى و زيارتو لي كسلا😉

- مصطفى ... من اليمن قعد في كسلا في استضافة عبدالمنعم و أسرتو الجميلة💫 ... ،، لمن اتكلمنا مع مصطفى و سألناه عن احلا و اغرب حاجات في كسلا قال التنوع الثقافي الغريب و الكتير نسبة انو جا اول ايام العيد، و بالإضافة ل تعامل الناس الكان مقتصر على السلام بدون تقارب في محاولة للحفاظ على السلامة نسبة للاوضاع العالمية الحالية.

في فترة إقامتو على زار اماكن كتيرة جدا و اكتر حاجة عجبت مصطفى في كسلا هي " الجبنة " و خصوصاً من سوق كسلا ❤

- و لمن سألناهو عن اهل كسلا _ و يا اهل كسلا ترفعو الراس 😍😍😍😍_ قال:( *نظرتي ل اهل كسلا فهم شعب عفوي يميل للكرم والضيافه الرهيبه .. ما شفت منهم ولا يوم انهم اتحسسوا مني بالعكس فرحانين كثير بوجودي انا قعدت عندهم اسبوعين يعني فتره ما بسيطه ممكن اي زول ولو كريم شديد يزهج منك بس ديل ما شفت منهم اي شي كعب او تحسس* ⁦❤️⁩)

- لو حصل خضتو تجربة انكم تستضيفو زول اجنبي و حابين تحكو و تشاركو تجاربكم دي ياريت تراسلونا في اي وقت ..

#السودان #ضيافة #كسلا

حصل استضفت ليك زول   #اجنبي و خضت تجربة الHosting كلها ؟ في بوستاتنا السابقة اتكلمنا كتير عن الضيوف البجيبهم ساندرز و ال...

حصل استضفت ليك زول #اجنبي و خضت تجربة الHosting كلها ؟

في بوستاتنا السابقة اتكلمنا كتير عن الضيوف البجيبهم ساندرز و الاسر البقعدو معاها ،، و لقينا انو في ناس كتيرة قبل كدا جربت فكرة الاستضافة و كانت لطيفة جدا 🌷

- الليلة جاينكم و عايزين نسلط الضوء على تجاربكم الشخصية مع فكرة ال Homestay Accomodation خاصة الفترة الحالية دي ، لو حصل خضتو تجربة انكم تستضيفو زول اجنبي و حابين تحكو و تشاركو تجاربكم دي ياريت تراسلونا في اي وقت 😍⁦❤️⁩

We offer a home, Culture , Country and Journey ❤

#السودان #كسلا

Travel demands began to increase all over the world as many countries eased restrictions to slow the spread of the Coron...

Travel demands began to increase all over the world as many countries eased restrictions to slow the spread of the Corona virus. Saunders Homestay Family recommends that you take the following steps to protect yourself and others while traveling:

• Please Keep 6 feet (2 meters) between you and others as possible.
• Avoid crowded places.
• Wear a fabric face cover
• Please Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth expect after washing your hands thoroughly .
• Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing.
• Clean your hands frequently using soap or sterilizer not less than 20 minutes. This is especially important after going to the bathroom, before eating, after coughing, sneezing, or cleaning the nose.
After all, All we care about is your health ، So please Try to stay safe at your travels, so you can travel as before to the countries you want easily ❤


Hello everyone it's been along time!
Ramadan Kareem🌙! From Saunders.Homestay Family Wishing y'all a happy Ramadan May God bless your path with knowledge and light that will help to enlighten your heart! May Allah ease your hardships and shower you with loads of peace and prosperity during this holy month of Ramadan , Please Stay at home and always keep washing your hands ! At the end your health is the most important .
Stay safe everyone ❤

You'll be enchanted by historic sights, dazzling desert and warm hearted locals.The famous British news paper (The Sunda...

You'll be enchanted by historic sights, dazzling desert and warm hearted locals.

The famous British news paper (The Sunday Times) invites to visit Sudan via last week's issue under the title :


We at Saunders Homestay invite you as well to come and live this genuine experience vicariously through locals, and became part of our unique host families 🏡.

" We offer a home, Culture , Country and Journey "
- What are you waiting for ?😉

Are you excited to know more about our new Saunders guest...😉Then stay turned 🔥

Are you excited to know more about our new Saunders guest...😉
Then stay turned 🔥

Hey, meet Ahmed!👋Ahmed is a Turkish guy, passionate about Sudanese culture& tradition and due to his busy schedule, he c...

Hey, meet Ahmed!👋
Ahmed is a Turkish guy, passionate about Sudanese culture& tradition and due to his busy schedule, he couldn't stay with a host rather a generous invention has been provided to him by a lovely Sudanese family to attend their sun wedding.
Ahmed said " it was the most incredible wedding festival I've ever seen, I totally get amazed by everything from the colorful women's outfits to the enthusiastic sudanese folklore songs"💃
at the end of the party Ahmed gave the bride& bride groom a fully funded 10 days honey moon trip at five stars hotel in Turkey😍

We at Saunders Homestay aspire to take care of all the details of your stay in Sudan with unique Sudanese families 🏠

" We offer a home , culture , country and a journey ❤

The traditional Sudanese “Toub” 🧕🏾and “Jalabiya” 👳🏽 is one of the components of the Sudanese personality and its heritag...

The traditional Sudanese “Toub” 🧕🏾and “Jalabiya” 👳🏽 is one of the components of the Sudanese personality and its heritage. Were the Sudanese fashion has evolved but stuck with its inveterate cultural identity.

Women’s traditional clothes is called toub and there’s different colors of it and made of different materials. On the other hand , Men traditional clothes is called jalabiya (long loose robe), it is normally white and consists of white scarf (immah), loose pants (a sarwal), elder men wear this clothes on daily and in public events such as Eid and and weddings. 👳🏽🧕🏾
Rather-less, the young generations don’t wear the traditional garment often and usually go with jeans and t-shirts which is more practical for them.

It is known that Sudan is a multi-cultural and ethnic as well as religious country. Each tribe and community throughout the country has its own distinctive social customs and traditions, but the Toub and the jalabiya remains the signature for all Sudanese people.

We at Saunders Homestay aspire to take care of all the details of your stay in Sudan with unique Sudanese families, and we work to make your trip in Sudan pleasant, comfortable and unforgettable❤ !

Wanna try toub 😉? Or Jalabiya ? 👳🏽🧕🏾

حصل جربت تستضيف ليك زول مختلف نهائيا عنك و عن ثقافة بيتكم ! و لو حصل كيف كانت التجربة ! و لو ما حصل هل مفكر تستضيف رحالة...

حصل جربت تستضيف ليك زول مختلف نهائيا عنك و عن ثقافة بيتكم ! و لو حصل كيف كانت التجربة ! و لو ما حصل هل مفكر تستضيف رحالة ، طالب او حتى زول في جاي ل عمل ؟
لو لسة ما جربت ال Homestay ، جرب ، انت ما خسران حاجة انت كسبان كمان 😉 ، غير التنوع الثقافي الحتمر بيهو و الطبائع و اللغة الجديدة الحتعرفها و تتعلمها ، كمان حيكون عندك دخل إضافي ليك و لإسرتك ..
اي زول حصل مرا بتجربة ال Homestay دي يحكي لينا تجربتو ، سواء مشى و جربا برا السودان او إستضاف أجنبي هنا في بيتو لكم يوم ..
و لو ما جربتو ، ردنا ليكم ، أرح نجرب ، خسرانين شنو ، بالعكس كسبانين 😉
احكو لينا و امتعونا ❤

The pyramids of Sudan are considered as one of the great legacies around Africa and the whole world, and as we speak abo...

The pyramids of Sudan are considered as one of the great legacies around Africa and the whole world, and as we speak about Sudanese pyramids it's an important point to mention Meroe's pyramids .There are more pyramids in this tiny section of northern Sudan desert than all of Egypt combined. Sudan is home to it's own set of impressive pyramids dating back 2700 years used as tombs and temples and so other purposes.
If you want to know more about Sudan and it's pyramids don't hesitate to sign up with us .

We at Saunders Homestay aspire to take care of all the details of your stay in Sudan with unique Sudanese families, and we work to make your trip in Sudan pleasant, comfortable and unforgettable !

تعتبر الأهرامات السودانية واحدة من اعظم التركات في افريقيا والعالم ككل، وعند الحديث عن اهرامات السودان لابد من ذكر الأهرامات المروية. عدد الأهرامات في هذه البقعه الصحراوية الصغيرة يفوق عدد كل الأهرامات في مصر مجتمعه. كما أن السودان يعتبر موطناً لأكثر الأهرامات روعة في العالم حتى من قبل 2700 عام أُستخدمت هذه الأهرامات كمعابد ومقابر والكثير من الأغراض الأخرى. اذا كنت تود معرفة المزيد عن السودان أهراماته لا تتردد في التسجيل معنا .

نحن في ساندرز للإقامة المنزليه نحرص على العناية بكل تفاصيل اقامتك مع عائلات ساندرز المميزة والعمل على جعل رحلتك ممتعه ،مريحة و لا تُنسى ❤️

مساء الخير جميعاً ..إذا كنت حابب تتعرف ع ثقافات و أجناس مختلفة جديدة و كمان فنفس الوقت يكون عندك مصدر دخل إضافي ، ممكن ت...

مساء الخير جميعاً ..
إذا كنت حابب تتعرف ع ثقافات و أجناس مختلفة جديدة و كمان فنفس الوقت يكون عندك مصدر دخل إضافي ، ممكن تنضم معانا في اسرة ساندرز و تكون واحد من الأسر الفريدة المستضيفة للأجانب ، بتقدر الآن تسجل معانا في ساندرز للإقامة المنزلية ك أسرة مستضيفة
انت في ساندرز ، انت في بيتك ❤
Good evening everyone ..
If you would like to know more about different cultures and different races , and also want to have an additional income source , you can now join as at Saunders family and become one of the unique host families! You can now register with us at Saunders Homestay as a hosting family .
You're with Saunders, you are at home ❤
" We offer a home , culture , country and a journey ❤"

مرحبا بك! نحن مجموعة من الشباب الطموحين نقف خلف Saunders Home stay كنتيجة أفكارنا التي سعينا خلفها وبذلنا الكثير لجعلها تقف علي قدميها. وفكرتنا تتمحور حول الترويج للسودان بص...

نأمل انكم إستمتعتم بزيارة Saunders Homestay في معرض الحلول Solutions Fair , لقد كانت حقًا فرصة رائعة للقاءكم وسماع جميع ...

نأمل انكم إستمتعتم بزيارة Saunders Homestay في معرض الحلول Solutions Fair , لقد كانت حقًا فرصة رائعة للقاءكم وسماع جميع آرائكم ..
شارك فريق Saunders Homestay في معرض الحلول 2020 ، الذي عقد في مجمع بتروناس - شارع النيل .حيث حضر جميع رواد الأعمال طوال أيام المعرض الثلاثة ،و التقوا بالزوار لتقديم المزيد عن مشاريعهم .
ترقبونا في مزيد من الأحداث القادمة😉 !

Hello everyone !I hope y'all enjoyed visiting Saunders Homestay at the Accelerator lab  - UNDP solutions fair 2020 ❤It w...

Hello everyone !
I hope y'all enjoyed visiting Saunders Homestay at the Accelerator lab - UNDP solutions fair 2020 ❤
It was really a nice opportunity to meet y'all and hear your opinions ..
We have participated in the Solutions Fair 2020, that was held at Petronas Complex - Nile Street. We presented throughout the three days of the fair, and we met with visitors to introduce them more about Saunders ❤
We offer a home , culture , country and a journey ❤
Stay tuned for more events .

Hello Everyone !Here, We took our guest Arwa from Egypt🇪🇬 and her friend from Zanzibar 🇹🇿 with one our Hosts Mohammed AL...

Hello Everyone !
Here, We took our guest Arwa from Egypt🇪🇬 and her friend from Zanzibar 🇹🇿 with one our Hosts Mohammed AL-Habib to a Sudanese Wedding Ceremony .
Arwa said that the most incredible part of the wedding is "the girtik" and it is one of the most beautiful marriage ceremonies in Africa that shows special traditions 😍.
girtik is a very beautiful Sudanese habit, and most of the Sudanese families think it is the most important part of the wedding .
The Sudanese marriage ceremony is very beautiful and worth watching, do not think too much and come to host you with one of our unique families to go with them to one of the Sudanese weddings.

_We at Saunders Homestay aspire to take care of all the details of your stay in Sudan with unique Sudanese families, and we work to make your trip in Sudan pleasant, comfortable and unforgettable !

The marriage tradition in Sudan is influenced by mix of religious and cultural beliefs, making it beautiful and unique.T...

The marriage tradition in Sudan is influenced by mix of religious and cultural beliefs, making it beautiful and unique.
The focus of a Sudanese wedding is mostly on the 👰 Surrounded by peers and female members of her family, the bride will go through beauty rituals to prepare her for her wedding day.
Her hair will be taken care of and she will be doused in perfumes and incense. A ‘henna party’ involving sweets and singing while the bride gets intricate henna tattoos on her hands and feet

all Sudanese agree upon one social custom: The Jirtig (الجرتق) with its amazing representations and production. Many Sudanese, women in particular, consider the jirtig a good omen .. a harbinger for a prosperous and enduring married life ❤.

The Jirtig (الجرتق) is a typical Sudanese practice, cherished very high by the society that deems it a basic complement of weddings. Families of the new wed take care that the jirtig process is produced in the best way.
The bride dances (رقص العروس) is like a private special party attended only by women who are close to the bride , Young brides have been performing this dance on or near their wedding day 😍.

The Sudanese marriage ceremony is very beautiful and worth watching, do not think too much and come to host you with one of our unique families to go with them to one of these beautiful weddings 😍❤

We at Saunders Homestay aspire to take care of all the details of your stay in Sudan with unique Sudanese families, and we work to make your trip in Sudan pleasant, comfortable and unforgettable !

Good evening everyone ! So .. this is our first unique guests . "Hugo" From Portugal 🇵🇹 and  " Chloe" from Belgium  ..🇧🇪...

Good evening everyone !
So .. this is our first unique guests . "Hugo" From Portugal 🇵🇹 and " Chloe" from Belgium ..🇧🇪
They had really so much fun and pleasure staying with Alrashid's family in Omdurman .
the experience was authentic and unique full of cultural exchange and started with :
• a fancy dinner that gathered all family members and shared some exciting stories ❤
• the morning tea at the front garden, they enjoyed having Zalabya " Sudanese Donuts ☕🍩
• We introduced them to Sudanese culture and Sudanese families
• they get in touch with locals, and many neighbours invited them to a cup of coffee in their House 😍 .
•< they went to one of the oldest local market in the area known as " Sooqe Omdurman" to the leather manufacturing street and folklore artistic pics.
• Alrashid's family took hogo to a Sudanese Wedding and he had so much fun

Mohammed said " Hugo is awesome. He has a big heart, spreads out so much positive energy .He is funny and smart easy going person. You won't feel bored with him ."

We at Saunders Homestay aspire to take care of all the details of your stay in Sudan with unique Sudanese families, and we work to make your trip in Sudan pleasant, comfortable and unforgettable !

Milk-tea sitting is a common morning habit of each Sudanese Family , they usually drink it with some homemade biscuits o...

Milk-tea sitting is a common morning habit of each Sudanese Family , they usually drink it with some homemade biscuits or at sometimes they make " Zalabya " which is a crunchy small sweet balls .
Why don't you come and join one of our Unique Host Families in there morning routine !❤
Also you can go to Nile street and drink the morning tea there 😍.
Where you could have the chance to share exciting stories , culture with others

Can't wait to see y'all here , Hugs ❤

Homestay.....? Saunders🏡we're a big fans of homes sharing and dedicated to offer quality rooms at wallet friendly price💸...

Homestay.....? Saunders🏡

we're a big fans of homes sharing and dedicated to offer quality rooms at wallet friendly price💸💸💸.
As tourist staying with a local host gives you such uniqueinsight into local life 👌

U can learn some local language ✔
Take a glimpse into the past ✔
Staying in a historical home ✔
Cook up local delicious food ✔
Shopping ............and a way much more 😉

To feel at home .. Stay at HOME .. Stay With Saunders 🏡

To feel at home .. Stay at HOME .. Stay With Saunders 🏡

Tired of sterile hotels? Saunders Homestays offer an unparalleled opportunity to experience the incredibly diversity and...

Tired of sterile hotels?
Saunders Homestays offer an unparalleled opportunity to experience the incredibly diversity and delights of Sudan.
The options are almost endless and include planning of all your trip,cook up local delicious food ,shopping and much more.
There's no better way to interact with Sudanese from all walks of life than staying with a host family.


When you visit Sudan , What Are The Benefits of Living With a Sudanese Host Family?

✓ Saving costs
One of the attractive elements of living in homestay is saving cost. Subject to agreement mutual which you can select the number you want to use with their meal, and the experience is more common meals, the greater the savings 👌

✓ Learn deep local culture about Sudan and have a great experience
Local Sudanese host families can introduce you to and advise you about many different aspects of life in your new country.

✓ Gain a new Family

Every international student or any tourist reperiences some pain of homesickness as they adjust to their new life. Some students find boarding schools very impersonal, and it is hard to get the personalized attention you truly need. A host family deeply cares for you. Very often meaningful, life-long relationships are formed 😍

✓Enjoy Local Cuisine

What can beat an amazing Sudanese home-cooked meal? Not only will you experience the tastes of genuine local food, typical Sudanese families have very diverse menus! They will cook a variety of meals with many cultural and ethnic influences. You can also get the chance to show them your favorite foods and enjoy all that your culture has to offer! 🍲😍

We at Saunders Homestay aspire to take care of all the details of your stay in Sudan with unique Sudanese families, and we work to make your trip in Sudan pleasant, comfortable and unforgettable !

What are the benefits of being a host family 🏡 ! We're glad you asked !Opening the door of your home to a tourist or an ...

What are the benefits of being a host family 🏡 ! We're glad you asked !

Opening the door of your home to a tourist or an exchange student can be one of the most rewarding and life-changing experiences of your life. Your family would have an extraordinary opportunity to experience different cultures first hand and to create lifelong relationships with people and families around the world. Here are just a few reasons to become a host family.

⚫ Grow Your Family to a Global Scale

When you become a host family, you have the chance to add a new member to your family. That person has his own unique cultural heritage, beliefs, food, language, and country .

⚫ Give Your Children the Gift of Extended Family

This experience enables your children to experience the joy of having siblings in a different country. As your children grow up and maintain these deep relationships with their exchange siblings, they will have the opportunity to visit and stay connected with individuals all over the world 😍 .

⚫ Soak up a Different Culture
An incredible benefit host families enjoy is the chance to soak up a different culture. Tourists or students often bring with them a desire for adventure and a deep curiosity about the culture of their host family, but they also bring with them their own unique cultural habits, food, music and other characteristics whichare truly boundless 😍 .

⚫ Practicing a new language
This experience can be beneficial for both thr host family and the guest in terms of learning or perfecting a foreign language. Your family will be exposed to a new language in a relaxed setting of your own home which would in return make learning it much more fun and exciting 👌.

These are just some of the many benefits of being a host family. We at Saunders homestay promise you to make every exchange different and special in its own way and will bring something new to your family .

Ever heard of a Zeer Pot cooler ? Most likely, the answer is no.In a country with a tropical climate, many low-income Su...

Ever heard of a Zeer Pot cooler ? Most likely, the answer is no.
In a country with a tropical climate, many low-income Sudanese families have no choice but to “zeer” the pot, which is made of pottery and is still thriving for thousands of years.

the water bott , which is ( Zeer ) in Arabic. and ( Fokai or Gotti ) in Nubian. used to cool the water and also to use the drop-down as the best clean water ( nature filter ). it is old Nubian culture .

In the countryside and the outskirts of cities that have not had access to the electricity grid, or even those that have electricity but whose inhabitants have had to acquire modern refrigerants, this jar remains their only means of cooling their water .

When you visit Sudan you will learn about many things of a Sudanese character.
We at Saunders Homestay aspire to take care of all the details of your stay in Sudan with unique Sudanese families, and we work to make your trip in Sudan pleasant, comfortable and unforgettable !

WELCOME TO SUDAN 🇸🇩There are many stories about Sudanese kindness and generosity Visit Sudan and enjoy staying with nice...

There are many stories about Sudanese kindness and generosity

Visit Sudan and enjoy staying with nice family to know more about Sudan and its customs and traditions and also to know amazing stories about the lives of Sudanese people

We at Saunders homestay aspire to make your stay in Sudan enjoyable, useful and more comfortable !

Why you should Choose Saunders?• we provide you things about locales you would never be able to find in guides and broch...

Why you should Choose Saunders?

• we provide you things about locales you would never be able to find in guides and brochures.

• we treated you as guests, not as clients. There is a sense of togetherness with the “staff” that you would find at Saunders homestays.

• it’s cheaper, often by half, and doesn’t come with hidden costs and a million types of taxes. Food is mostly included and your hosts can point to cheap eating options in the area. So your money stay longer.

• Saunders homestay serves to create and maintain safe environment for all foreigners who register in our system .and protect them from any physical,sexual and emotional abuse.

• from your airport arrival we offer you a detailed scheduled full of different activities and visits to famous and holly local places, shopping and restaurants ,as well as your entire transportation.

⭕ it is equally important to note that the money spent on Saunders homestay is many a times utilised with the aim of making the women in the families more independent.






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